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Example sentences for "meanes"

Lexicographically close words:
meanderings; meanders; meane; meaned; meaner; meanest; meaneth; meanin; meaning; meaninge
  1. Me[679] meanes no evill to yow nor to your preachearis.

  2. By such meanes he affirmed thei should nott be delivered, but that God wold so wirk in the deliverance of thame, that the praise thairof should redound to his glorie onlye.

  3. I would your Grace would take me with you: whom meanes your Grace?

  4. Harold, with diuers other that were got into that citie, found meanes to flie, and so escaped ouer into Flanders.

  5. The Normans on the other side with their king perceiuing the hatred which the English bare them, were sore offended, and therefore sought by all meanes to kéepe them vnder.

  6. This is myching Mallico, that meanes my chiefe.

  7. King Lordes, can you by no meanes finde The cause of our sonne Hamlets lunacie?

  8. What meanes these sad and melancholy moodes?

  9. My lord, we can by no meanes Know of him where the body is.

  10. But the all-seeing eye of heaven Such sinnes will not conceale, And by some meanes at last will he The truth of all reveale.

  11. Now so it was, that Maximianus, immediatlie after that his sonne Maxentius had taken the rule vpon him, sought meanes to haue deposed him, and to haue resumed and taken eftsoones into his owne hands the gouernment of the empire.

  12. France and Germanie, namelie on this side the Rhine, but also found meanes to intrap the emperour Gratian by this kind of policie.

  13. In the which warre Licinius was put to the woorse, and at length comming into the hands of Constantine, was put to death, so that Constantine by this meanes got the whole empire vnder his rule and subiection.

  14. What meanes our Cosin, that hee stares And lookes so wildely?

  15. Edmund, the chancellour found meanes to keepe that sée also vacant, that he might receiue the profits thereof, during the vacation, and find meanes to be prepared to it in the end.

  16. So hauing both desire and opportunitie, they wanted not meanes to assemble in armes, to expell the English that were amongst them, and to cast downe the Castles erected in their Countrey, as the principall yoakes of their subiection.

  17. By these meanes hee made the place first populous, and consequently both plentifull and safe.

  18. In the end Henry grew to extreeme want of water, and other prouisions: by which meanes he was ready to fall into the hands of those, who desired to auoyd necessitie to hurt him.

  19. On the other side, the King of England iustified his action, for that hee was both a meanes and a partie to the agreement: and therefore stood bound in honour, not onely to vrge, but to enforce performance.

  20. He had also his partie within the Realme, by whose meanes he preuailed against the opposite faction, (as Caesar did against Pompey) and not against the entire strength of the State.

  21. But after a little breathing, their remembrance began to runne vpon the losse of their cariages; whereby they had lost all meanes to refresh themselues.

  22. As Sara to her husband, so should we Obey them, loue them, keepe and nourish them If they by any meanes doo want our helpes, Laying our handes vnder theire feete to tread, If that by that we might procure there ease.

  23. And by this meanes they hooked in to themselues the cognisance of all causes, or like Bellarmines distinction of the Popes power ouer all Kings, in ordine ad Spiritualia, whereby he giues him all temporall iurisdiction ouer them.

  24. When this informer used meanes to avoyd theire company, they threatned her, if she would not turne to theire god, the last shift should be the worst.

  25. The mother which by no meanes doubted the honestie of the Gentleman, no more then shee did of her own children, was very sorie to vnderstand that some shold be offended at that their familiarity.

  26. Which newes was to the poore Lady, the only meanes to releue and ease her sorow.

  27. Philon greately wondred at the goodnesse of this Ladie: howbeit the ingratitude of that Varlet by no meanes he would suffer to bee vnpunished.

  28. In which imprisonment shee was not depriued from the companie of her gouernesse, by whose meanes she let the Bastarde vnderstande all her fortune, and she likewise vnderstode what he thought best for her to doe.

  29. And doubt ye not, but the meanes of writing, was vtterly debarred from Amadour, wherof Florinda acquited herself so diligently, as by her letters and epistles, he receiued great consolation and comfort.

  30. But the daughter by no meanes would consent vnto hir father's wyll, alleaging vnto him diuers and sundry consideracions wherby hir nature by no meanes would agree, nor heart consente to ioyne wyth Philon.

  31. No knaue thinke not that I forget the wrong receiued of thee, for which by some meanes or other, I wyll purchase iust reuenge vpon thee or thyne?

  32. Tarquinius vnderstanding these inuections made againste hym by Turnus, immediatly deuyseth meanes to kil him, to the intent he myght inculcate like terror to the Latines, that he did to his owne subiects.

  33. I thinke she meanes that ther was more then one Confederate in the fact, I more there was: Or else to heauen she heaues them to reuenge Ti.

  34. How now Lauinia, Marcus what meanes this?

  35. As if his traytrous Sonnes, That dy'd by law for murther of our Brother, Haue by my meanes beene butcher'd wrongfully?

  36. And see the Ambush of our Friends be strong, If ere the Emperour meanes no good to vs Aron.

  37. You know your Mother meanes to feast with me, And calls herselfe Reuenge, and thinkes me mad.

  38. Proud Saturnine, interrupter of the good That Noble minded Titus meanes to thee Tit.

  39. What meanes my Neece Lauinia by these signes?

  40. And so by this meanes was the armie defended both behind and before.

  41. Shortlie after that the feast was finished, the duke of Holland returned into his countrie; but the emperour tarried still, and assaied all maner of meanes to persuade the king to a peace with the Frenchmen.

  42. Mayster Ansaldo (by meanes of an obligation which he made to a Nicromancer) caused the same to bee done.

  43. Acharisto conspiring against the King, was discouered, tormented, and put in prison, and by meanes of Euphimia deliuered.

  44. When he saw that he coulde not perswade her; he required her to shewe him by what meanes he might attempt that enterprise.

  45. Neuerthelesse returning againe to (M511) their former practise they sought all meanes to entrap me, hoping to cry quittance for the imprisonment of their king if they might haue gotten the victorie of me.

  46. The reason is, that by these, their new discoveries, they have so many honest wayes to set them on worke, as they rather wante men than meanes to ymploy them.

  47. Tomey have received his cloues, and is much delighted, and sends you and his mother and grandmother dutty and thanckes, and meanes to war them carfully.

  48. Alas I know not what meanes to make, If there were any womans apparell would fit him, He might put on a gowne and a mufler, 90 And so escape.

  49. Sir Iohn tis thus, your dishonest meanes To call our credits into question, Did make vs vndertake to our best, To turn your leaud lust to a merry Iest.

  50. Why then you’r vndone woman, vnles you make some meanes to shift him away.

  51. Alas poore soule it grieues me at the hart, But this will be a meanes to make him cease His iealous fits, if Falstaffes love increase.

  52. No sir, for by that meanes should I be certaine of that 120 which I now misdoubt.

  53. Now which meanes she to deceiue, father or mother?

  54. Then began the most fantastic part of the scene--the wooing of the nymph by the gorilla.

  55. Héloise must be sent away before I can take you home.

  56. Lie still, and I'll bring you some," said he.

  57. And I never yet saw a man that was overfond of horses and dogs but what was cruel to women.

  58. I was as much to blame as you were; and the shot really did me good--I came out of the hospital as healthy and fit as a cab horse.

  59. We'll see how she does the turn before we take that up.

  60. It seemed to curl up as though it had been rolled and inserted into the end of a gun-barrel.

  61. I will ask you kindly to come to the point.

  62. It was at La Paz that Merriam decided to land--La Paz the Beautiful, a little harbourless town smothered in a living green ribbon that banded the foot of a cloud-piercing mountain.

  63. Gentlemen to see you, sir," shouted Archibald, invading the room almost at a handspring.

  64. After he had collected an arroba of the precious metal, winning a profit of nearly $5,000, the heads of the lightened mules were turned down-trail again.

  65. Morgan's laugh and his drink encountering sent him into a choking splutter.

  66. I will return and resume our consultation with the least possible delay.

  67. Besides, Bridger had contracted a passion for shooting alligators in the lagoons near his consulate, and was not unhappy.

  68. The shell of 'em is always a light green before they're ripe.

  69. She's an educated woman in science and culture, and she reads things out loud at meetings.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meanes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.