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Example sentences for "kyng"

Lexicographically close words:
kyndely; kyndes; kyndly; kyndnes; kyne; kyngdom; kyngdome; kynge; kynges; kyngis
  1. Gif the vencust man suld pay the costis, thouch the Kyng remytt his actioun.

  2. The well of pety and of pacyens Now swet kyng Henre praye for me.

  3. The kyng red the letturs anon, And seid, "so met I the, Ther was neuer zoman in mery Inglond I longut so sore to see.

  4. The kyng gaf Moche and Litul Jon xx pound in sertan, And made theim zemen of the crowne, And bade theim go agayn.

  5. God yow saue, my lege kyng," To speke Johne was fulle bolde; He gaf hym tbe letturs in his hond, The kyng did hit unfold.

  6. And then kyng Arthur smote syr mordred under the shelde wyth a foyne of his spere thorughoute the body more than a fadom.

  7. And when syr mordred felte that he had hys dethes wounde, he thryst hymself wyth the myght that he had up to the bur of kyng Arthurs spere.

  8. Thys ancyent kyng dyd set hym dovn amyd The cepturyt men, as first and pryncipall, Bot no thyng semyng glaid of cheir at all.

  9. The sam wys dyd gret Helymus, perde; 10 Rycht so hym self kyng Acestes the ald, Richt so the child Ascanyus so bald; Quham followys al the laif in lyke maner.

  10. Lat athir of thame thar awin fortoun stand by, And bruke thar wark thai haue begun; but faill, Kyng Jupiter salbe to all equale.

  11. Bot first of all, maist gudly, hym self thar kyng Enee gan entir in falloschip, but dout, And onto thame adionyt hys large rowt.

  12. Jupiter the first, callit Lysanyan, and kyng Athenes, in the ij.

  13. Attrides beyn in Latyn clepit thus Thir nevois reput of kyng Attryus, That in our langage are the broder tway, Kyng Agamemnon, and Duke Menalay.

  14. The wardane than, Richard of Clare, Wist the Kyng wes arivit swa, 75 And wist that he schupe for till ta His way toward the south cuntre.

  15. The Kyng said, "Gud dame, quhat is he "That garris yhow have sik specialte "Till men that travalis?

  16. The Kyng in hy gert ses the pray 108 Of all the land; quhar men mycht se So gret aboundans cum off fe, That it war woundir till behald.

  17. And quhen the Kyng wist at thai weir 15 In haill battale cummand so neir, His battale gert he weill aray.

  18. The Kyngis menyhe that war neir, 472 Quhen at thai saw on sic maneir The Kyng assalit sa suddandly, Thai sped thame toward hym in hy, And askit how that cas befell?

  19. He rakit till the Kyng all richt, And halsit hym apon his kne.

  20. The Kyng of Spanyhe, on othir party, Gaderit his host delyverly, And delt thame in-to battellis thre.

  21. Syne till the Kyng that went in hy *And tald hym at thai thoucht trewly, That the douchty lord Dowglas *211 Best schapen for that travell was.

  22. This wes a full gret curtasy, That sic a Kyng and swa mychty, 290 Gert his men duell on this maner Bot for a full pouir laynder.

  23. God have merci on his soll," sayd kyng Harry, "Good lord, yf thy will it be!

  24. Le roy de fraunce The kyng of fraunce 28 Est le plus riche roy Is the most riche kyng De tresour qui vist Of tresour that lyueth De la la mer; Beyonde the see; Le roy dangletere apres The kyng of englond after 32 Est le plus puissance & riche.

  25. Drede at the dore stood, And the doom herde, And how the kyng comaunded Constables and sergeauntz Falsnesse and his felawshipe To fettren and to bynden.

  26. The kyng called a clerk, 1360 Kan I noght his name, To take Mede the maide And maken hire at ese.

  27. The kyng hath mede of his men, To make pees in londe.

  28. And as Daniel divined, In dede it fel after; 4810 The kyng lees his lordshipe, And lower men it hadde.

  29. The kyng and hise knyghtes 2473 To the kirke wente, To here matyns of the day And the masse after.

  30. The kyng fro the conseil cam, And called after Mede, 1560 And of sente hire as swithe With sergeauntz manye, And broughte hire to boure With blisse and with joye.

  31. The kyng and the commune, And kynde wit the thridde, Shopen lawe and leaute, Ech man to knowe his owene.

  32. Swich a meschief Mede made Saul the kyng to have, {60} That God hated hym for evere, And alle hise heires after.

  33. I dorste have leyd my lif, And no lasse wedde, He sholde have be lord of that lond In lengthe and in brede, And also kyng of that kith His kyn for to helpe, The leeste brol of his blood A barones piere.

  34. The which werk was fynysshed in the reducing of hit into englysshe the xviii day of Juyn, the second yere of Kyng Richard the thyrd, the yere of our Lord Mcccclxxxv.

  35. One of the deveylles aunswered and sayd, we bere the kyng Marfuryus into helle, for long agoon he hath well deserved it.

  36. Whyche were sente by thadmyral of Babylonne into Spayne, the whych were under Kyng Charles, and made to hym sygne of love and of subjectyon, and went by hys commaundement holyly, and under the shadow of deceptyon.

  37. Wherefore the sarasyns were soo troubled and abasshed of the myght and puissaunce of Rolland, that they alle fled tofore hym, and then abode the kyng Marfuryus wyth a fewe folke.

  38. And Roulland helde his sword over hym, saying that he shold deye, if he shewed to hym not clerely the kyng Marfuryus, and yf he so sholde do, he sholde not deye.

  39. And imprynted the fyrst day of decembre, the same yere of our Lorde, and the fyrst yere of Kyng Harry the seventh.

  40. But after that Rolland had slayn kyng Marfuryus, he was sore oppressed and in suche wyse deteyned, that wyth four grete speres he was smyten and wounded mortally, and beten wyth stones, and hurte wyth dartes and other shotte mortally.

  41. OF the deth of kyng Marforius, and how Roulland was hurt wyth four speres mortally, after that al his peple were slayn.

  42. Who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take, As kny3te3 in caueloun3 on cryst-masse gomne3!

  43. The kyng opened the letter anone, Himselfe he red it tho, And founde how these thre outlawes had slain Thre hundred men and mo: 139.

  44. Ther come thre kynges out of the est, To worchepe the Kyng that is so fre, With gold and myrre and francincens, A solis ortus cardine.

  45. This creddeit was, "That the Kyng wald spend the Croun of France, or that he war not revengeit upoun sick seditious personis.

  46. The which, if your most renowned Kyng of Scotland will follow, he shall purchase to himselfe eternal glory.

  47. The kyng hearing these wordes, turned hym about and laught, and called her vnto hym and caused her to recant, because she was hys aunt, and she escaped.

  48. We certefye yow that the Kyng his pleasure is that ye shall incontynent deliuer or cause to be deliuered all thinges conteanyd in the said Indentures to the said William Gonson or his assignes.

  49. And to the intent better creadit might be gieuen to their subtile Suggestions, they alleaged the Treaty of Marriage betwene Mustapha and the Kyng of Persia, the deadly and auncient enimy of the Ottoman Ligneage.

  50. In the meane time the Kyng depriued Rustanus of all his offices, and promotions, and tooke away from him the priuy Signet whereof he had the keeping, and deliuered it to Achmat Bascha.

  51. In the meane season, the Kyng wythout measure being incensed with the desire of the sayd Rosa, as is aforesayd, sent for hir by a messenger, willing hir to repayre to the Court.

  52. The greatest Kyng or Emperour of the Worlde, receiuing defiaunce from a meaner Prynce, neuer vseth his ambassador with scolding Wordes, ne yet by villany or rebuke abuseth his person.

  53. The kyng knowyng their voices, and the noyes they made, went forth to meete them, and if his People were gladde when they founde him, the Fisherman was no lesse amazed to see the honor the Courtyers did vnto his Guest.

  54. And men seyn, that the Emperour takethe more gode, in that cytee, for custom of marchandise than dothe the ricchest Cristene kyng of alle his reme, that livethe.

  55. And aftre that he was kyng of Ydumye, aftre Kyng Esau.

  56. The kyng of this yle is a ful gret lord and a myghty; and hathe undre him 54 grete yles, that zeven tribute to him: and in everyche of theise yles, is a kyng crowned, and alle ben obeyssant to that kyng.

  57. This is a cytee ryalle, where the Kyng of Mancy was wont to duelle: and there duellen many religious men, as it were of the order of freres: for thei ben mendyfauntes.

  58. And the Kyng of Hungarye is a gret lord and a myghty, and holdeth grete lordschippes and meche lond in his hond.

  59. But Cirus the Kyng of Perse toke from hem the ryvere, and destroyede all the cytee and the tour also.

  60. Faste by that cytee, is the Feld Magede, in the whiche the Kyng Joras was slayn of the Kyng of Samarie, and aftre was translated and buryed in the Mount Syon.

  61. And faste by, is Kyng Heroudes hows, that leet sle the innocentes.

  62. Kyng Coten cometh of a goodly race, As born of fathers clean as many as The sands thatte doe the mighty sea-shore grace, But black, as sayde, as dark is Erebus.

  63. Kyng servis in his warris and in the defence of this his lond, and sufficiently lorned in the seid crafte, gothe vagaraunt and unoccupied and may not have thar labour to ther levyng.

  64. Then on a tyme there were many grete clerkes and rad of kyng Alysaunder how on a tyme as he sholde have a batayle with ye kynge of Inde.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.