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Example sentences for "selues"

Lexicographically close words:
sellin; selling; sells; selon; selten; selva; selvage; selvagee; selvages; selvas
  1. To serue me well, you all should do me duty, Teach me to be your Queene, and you my Subiects: O serue me well, and teach your selues that duty Dors.

  2. Where in that Nest of Spicery they will breed Selues of themselues, to your recomforture Qu.

  3. And to this we bind our selues & our heires, and are sworne vpon the euangelists to performe the same.

  4. We our selues sawe not this towne, but were almost within halfe a dayes iourney thereof, when we remained at Syra Orda, which is the great court of their Emperour.

  5. Howbeit, he was desirous (as we thought) that we our selues should craue that fauour at his hands.

  6. To the same purpose also, we our selues admonished them, and to our abilitie, induced as well the duke as the bishops and others thereunto.

  7. And oftentimes in the morning, we found our selues all couered with snow driuen ouer vs by the winde.

  8. Notwithstanding wee caused our selues to bee carried in a waggon through the snowe and extreme colde) And being come vnto Kiow, wee consulted with the Millenary, and other noble men there concerning our iourney.

  9. Wherefore, my deare friends, seeing I have so substantially euicted the rightof my cause conforme your wils to reason, conforme your reason by practise, and conuert your practise to the good of your selues and your Country.

  10. So that I think no nation can haue more excellent & greater diuersitie of stuffe for building, than we maie haue in England, if our selues could so like of it.

  11. So that I account it no rare thing to haue of the Roman coine, albeit that it still represent an image of our captiuitie, and maie be a good admonition for vs, to take heed how we yeeld our selues to the regiment of strangers.

  12. Make such vnconstant children of our selues As now againe to snatch our palme from palme: Vn-sweare faith sworne, and on the marriage bed Of smiling peace to march a bloody hoast, And make a ryot on the gentle brow Of true sincerity?

  13. He will the rather do it, when he sees Our selues well sinew'd to our defence Sal.

  14. Our remedies oft in our selues do lye, Which we ascribe to heauen: the fated skye Giues vs free scope, onely doth backward pull Our slow designes, when we our selues are dull.

  15. We will our selues prouide: Most holie and Religious feare it is To keepe those many many bodies safe That liue and feede vpon your Maiestie Rosin.

  16. We make our selues Fooles, to disport our selues, And spend our Flatteries, to drinke those men, Vpon whose Age we voyde it vp agen With poysonous Spight and Enuy.

  17. Hence is it, that we make trifles of terrours, ensconcing our selues into seeming knowledge, when we should submit our selues to an vnknowne feare Par.

  18. Good Cosins both of Yorke and Somerset, Quiet your selues (I pray) and be at peace Yorke.

  19. What is't to me, when you your selues are cause, If your pure Maydens fall into the hand Of hot and forcing Violation?

  20. I well allow the occasion of our Armes, But gladly would be better satisfied, How (in our Meanes) we should aduance our selues To looke with forhead bold and big enough Vpon the Power and puisance of the King Hast.

  21. So as in Iustice We confesse Our selues to be bound to maintaine them in their rights; and in Grace We are rather minded to encrease, then infringe any of them, if they shall so deserue at Our hands.

  22. Come lets returne againe, And suffice our selues with the report of it.

  23. Virginity beeing blowne downe, Man will quicklier be blowne vp: marry in blowing him downe againe, with the breach your selues made, you lose your Citty.

  24. Maddam the care I haue had to euen your content, I wish might be found in the Kalender of my past endeuours, for then we wound our Modestie, and make foule the clearnesse of our deseruings, when of our selues we publish them Coun.

  25. Wherefore if the Goddes do fauour eyther of vs, let vs not shewe our selues to bee wearie of our libertie and franchise that is certaine, and hazard the dice to incurre perpetuall seruitude and bondage.

  26. It is the only vertue of Ladies which doeth constraine them to vomite foorthe their poyson, when they see them selues deceiued, of their fonde and vncomely demaundes.

  27. Radegonde interrupting their talke, smilingly said: “And how can this separation be combined, where the parties them selues do liue in such disiunctions?

  28. Consider that your selues haue doughters, sisters, and wyues, thinke not therefore, that the fleshlye desire of Appius is satisfied with the death of my doughter.

  29. What thincke ye your selues to be, which were warned to depart, at the sound of the trumpet?

  30. And whatsoeuer els they may be, by carefulnesse of our selues neede nothing at all to be feared.

  31. If we therin sometimes some faultes commit, We may them not to their high maiesties, But to our selues impute; whose passions Plunge vs each day in all afflictions.

  32. Yet must we not for that feede on dispaire, And make vs wretched ere we wretched bee: But alwaies hope the best, euen to the last, That from our selues the mischief may not growe.

  33. Wherwith when we our soules do thorned feele, Flatt’ring our selues we say they dest’nies are: That Gods would haue it so, and that our care Could not empeach but that it must be so.

  34. But be you of good comfort, and shew your selues valiant, God and our iust quarrell shall defend vs, and deliuer these our proud aduersaries with all the multitude of them which you see (or at the least the most of them) into our hands.

  35. This last name is given, to this black & vnlawfull science by the figure Synedoche, because it is a principal part of that art, to serue them selues with dead carcages in their diuinations.

  36. Such as cã not hãdsomly vse them selues in that mery conceyted slendernes of wordes, fall into a drye and feble kynde of oracion.

  37. Subiectio, when we axe of oure selfe what can be saide agaynst vs, and answere to our selues thus: ¶ Shall we tary in synne?

  38. We watered at the Canaries, we traded with the Salvages at Dominica; three weekes we spent in refreshing our selues amongst these west-India Isles; in Gwardalupa we found a bath so hot, as in it we boyled Porck as well as over the fire.

  39. For in all battels you haue beene the gainers, but in leagues and treaties our wits haue made you loosers: so that you maie content your selues with the losse in treaties, for the spoile that you gat in warres and battels.

  40. No: yet time serues, wherein you may redeeme Your banish'd Honors, and restore your selues Into the good Thoughts of the world againe.

  41. On Wednesday next, Harry thou shalt set forward: On thursday, wee our selues will march.

  42. I, but tis like that they will know vs by our horses, by our habits, and by euery other appointment to be our selues Poy.

  43. His chaunged powres at first them selues not felt, Till crudled cold his corage can assaile, 8 And chearefull bloud in faintnesse chill did melt, Which like a feuer fit through all his body swelt.

  44. Each gan vndight Their garments wet, and weary armour free, 8 To dry them selues by Vulcanes flaming light, And eke their lately bruzed parts to bring in plight.

  45. Demetrius and Egeus go along: I must imploy you in some businesse Against our nuptiall, and conferre with you Of something, neerely that concernes your selues Ege.

  46. And nathelesse, if we loued neither hir nor hir kin, yet were there no cause to thinke that wee should hate the kings noble brother, to whose grace we our selues be of kin.

  47. But if you among your selues in a childs reigne fall at debate, manie a good man shall perish, and happilie he too, and ye too, yer this land find peace againe.

  48. The death of William Barents put us in no small discomfort, as being the chiefe guide and only pilot on whom we reposed our selues next under God; but we could not striue against God, and therefore we must of force be content.

  49. Malo we deuoutly each one confessed our selues, and receiued the Sacrament: and all entring into the Quier of the sayd Church, wee presented our selues before the Reuerend Father in Christ, the Lord Bishop of S.

  50. All which opinions being heard and considered, we altogether determined to addresse our selues homeward.

  51. And you that loue the Commons, follow me: Now shew your selues men, 'tis for Liberty.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "selues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.