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Example sentences for "euen"

Lexicographically close words:
eucharistical; euchre; eue; eued; euell; euening; euent; euents; euer; euere
  1. Him whom thou knowest that no vnkindenes els But euen the slaughter of our deerest sonne Could once haue moued vs to haue misconceaued.

  2. How wonderful the Lords workes are on earth, Euen in these silly creatures of his hands, [dae005] Vnckle Gloster, how hie your Hawke did sore?

  3. And thus as old Ankyses sonne did beare His aged father on his manly backe, And fought with him against the bloodie Greeks, ·daw055· Euen so will I.

  4. Anioy and Maine, both giuen vnto the French, Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France, Euen as I haue of fertill England.

  5. From Scotland am I stolne euen of pure loue, And thus disguisde to greet my natiue land.

  6. Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France, Euen as I haue of fertill England.

  7. Now Warwike euen vpon thy honor tell me true; Is Edward lawfull king or no?

  8. Tis euen so, and yet you are olde Warwike still.

  9. Call him my king by whom mine elder [eak056] Brother the Lord Awbray Vere was done to death, And more then so, my father euen in the Downefall of his mellowed yeares, When age did call him to the dore of death?

  10. And euen sodenly or they coud beware ¶ wyth a sodeyn pyry he lapped theym in care.

  11. For the Britains after they had receiued the faith, defended the same euen with the shedding of their bloud, as Amphibalus, who in this [Sidenote: 291.

  12. Euen soe I doe, my goodlye Ladye, and euer alas, soe woe am I!

  13. Master againe, and euen to tell him the veretye.

  14. Be as bolde on me agayne our olde acquayntaunce and amite, euen from our chyldhode, would it should be so.

  15. I haue a stepdame I warrant you, and myne husbandes mother euen such another.

  16. Euen so a benefite, from what hand soeuer it procedeth, cannot chose but bryng forth the fruicts of his Liberality that giueth the same, who by vsing largesse, feleth also the like in him to whom it is employed.

  17. And as your good deserts doe merite thankes for this your arte, now well begonne, euen so your new told tale of comming hyther, requyreth no lesse, for that you haue dysclosed the trouth.

  18. Nowe the cause of that discorde rose euen by them which kept the Cittizens in vnity and concord, and was occasioned by those 2 houses the noblest, and most puissant of their common wealth.

  19. How may this example show how they which be plunged in the bottome of defiaunce, deeming their life vtterly forlorne, be soone exalted euen to the top of all glory, and felicity?

  20. Sidenote: Lanfranke had fauoured him euen of a child.

  21. Saiest thou so, quoth the king, then art thou euen he that art worthie to gouerne this house: and streightwaie he bestowed the house vpon him, iustlie refusing the other two, to their open infamie and reproch.

  22. And euen to this present they keepe in those strong holdes their women and children, and all the goods which they haue.

  23. And on Christmas euen I took my leaue of his honour, and came to Redriffe.

  24. Sidenote: Cape Blanco on the South side of the mouth of the riuer of Plate a very low and euen land.

  25. I haue had many young buds of Graffes, euen in the flourishing, eaten with Ants.

  26. Lay no dung to the roots of your hearbs, as vsually they doe: for dung not melted is too hot, euen for trees.

  27. The ordinary Corne soiles continue not fertile, with fallowing and foyling, and the best requires supply, euen for the little body of Corne.

  28. Finallye, we shall prouide that they may haue euen at home in our house a good example of lyfe to followe.

  29. So that barrainnesse is yet more miserable which neyther hadde, nor shall haue child, euen as they be more happie which haue alreadie lyued, then they which neuer haue, nor shall hereafter be borne to liue.

  30. Pamphilus=: For as that God counteth it but a pastime to murther and kill men, euen so doe you.

  31. I woulde wishe no better Glasse, neyther (I suppose) is there anye, more cleere, than that in which I presentlye behold my selfe euen now.

  32. What is that I heard you say euen now, must virginity be violated and lost, therby to learn chastitie?

  33. But this palenesse (thanked be God) is died with some Violet colour, you are euen so pale as a Chery waxing ripe, or a Grape when he commeth to his purple skin.

  34. Yea surely euen as a bird vnto hir cage, & yet if ye should aske him the question, whether he would bee loosed or no, I suppose he would saye nay.

  35. As for my selfe, if God so woulde, it were vnto me a pleasure, euen to ende my life in your armes.

  36. Euen as I doe with a Verye pewling and faint voice.

  37. Bicause I like not the lucke therof, I had rather she had had any other name: She had euen the verie name that you haue.

  38. Well, you shall loose no parte of that, which you make your accompt vppon, I will giue you euen foure times as much onely, to lend me your attentiue care.

  39. He speakith heare of the best kind of worcks / euen of sufferinge martyrdom.

  40. Therfor as she had vniustly shedd innocẽt bludd / euen so he most iustlye commaunded that she shuld be slayne.

  41. This place therfor doth make most against our men / and euen the same wayes which they go about to excuse their facte / by the same it is most playnly proued to be synne.

  42. In which wordes truly the confession made in persequution is allowed / made I saye in that place / wher Sathan did beare rule / wher euen very then Antypas thaty notable Martir of Christe was slayn for confessinge of religion.

  43. It is most manifest and playne / that Christe our Sauiour did otherwyse institute it / euen to be mynistred in bothe kindes to all communicauntes.

  44. And likewise when God burned the Cytie / he was compelled euen against his will to forsake it.

  45. And one of them shall not lyghte on the grownd withe out your father: yea euen all the heares of your heade are nombred.

  46. In so much as, euen in the lawe of nature, it is a greater offense to slea a woman than a man: not bicause a man is not the more excellent creature, but bicause a woman is the weaker vessell.

  47. And euen in the beginning of his greatest fauours extended to her, began shee to worke this mischiefe, according to the course of all Witches.

  48. After he cried out shee lay heauie vpon him, euen at the time of his death.

  49. But such was her execrable Ingratitude, as euen this grace and goodnesse was the cause of his miserable and vntimely death.

  50. You into portions parted haue the world Euen like coheir’s their heritages parte: And now with one accord so many yeares In quiet peace both haue your charges rul’d.

  51. Which now euen seemes to face The heau’ns, her glories place: Nought resting vnder Skies That dares affront her eies.

  52. The poore soule at these words euen rapt with Ioy Knowing she liu’d, prai’d vs him to conuey Vnto his Ladie.

  53. Yet must we not for that feede on dispaire, And make vs wretched ere we wretched bee: But alwaies hope the best, euen to the last, That from our selues the mischief may not growe.

  54. They clinge euen to the crowne, And threatning furious wise From tirannizing pates Do often pull it downe.

  55. Euen those you Were wont to take [Sidenote: take such delight] delight in the Tragedians of the City.

  56. Sidenote: Greefe ioy ioy griefes] This world is not for aye, nor 'tis not strange That euen our Loues should with our Fortunes change.

  57. And euen the like precurse of feare euents As harbindgers preceading still the fates And prologue to the Omen comming on Haue heauen and earth together demonstrated Vnto our Climatures and countrymen.

  58. Lampetra Lampries great and small found plentifully in Norwich riuer and euen in the Citty about May whereof some are very large and well cooked are counted a dayntie bitt collard up butt especially in pyes.

  59. For the more the skyn is washed, the fayer the cullour appeareth, and with which euen those brown and tawnie women spot themselues and cullour their cheekes.

  60. Therfore in lyke maner and with suche diuersitie as men are commonly whyte in Europe and blacke in Affrike, euen with like varietie are they tawny in these Indies, with diuers degrees diuersly inclynynge more or lesse to blacke or whyte.

  61. Not so: euen through the hollow eyes of death, I spie life peering: but I dare not say How neere the tidings of our comfort is Wil.

  62. And euen as it is no maner of way permitted or suffered to committe whoredome, so our daunses and the usage of them may not be allowed nor receiued.

  63. Euen unto this present or hetherto we haue founde very little affinitye or agreement betweene the daunses of the auncient patriarches, and of good and religious people, and these, which we use at this present, or in these dayes.

  64. Euen as thou prays for me, As euer myght I thrife.

  65. Of lennthe thi ship be Thre hundreth cubettis, warn I the, Of heght euen thirt'e, 125 Of fyfty als in brede.

  66. Spare me not, I pray the, bot euen as thou thynk, Thise grete wordis shall not flay me.

  67. Now will I hy me, and no thyng be leder, My wife and my meneye to bryng euen heder.

  68. Of all angels in brightnes 15 God gaf Lucifer most lightnes, Yit prowdly he flyt his des, And set hym euen Hym by.

  69. And then me thought I harde you saye euen nowe that you had a watche word, at which word we wyll all stepforth, being fiue of vs besydes you, for you shalbe none because it is your husbande, but gette you to bed at your accustomed houre.

  70. For euen at his first comming thither, diuers of the Troians that remained in seruitude, being desirous of libertie, by flocks resorted vnto him.

  71. And if you abate euen portions from things that are equal, those partes that remain shall be equall also.

  72. And if you haue done well, you shal perceaue that there will be but euen sixe such diuisions in the circumference.

  73. When euen portions are added to vnequalle thinges, those that amounte shalbe vnequall.

  74. E, (as the shortest in all the circle) doothe stande euen distaunte from eche of them, and it is the precise knoweledge of their equalitee, if they be equally distaunt from one halfe of the diameter.

  75. Cold newes for me: for I had hope of France, Euen as I haue of fertile Englands soile.

  76. Euen at this sight, My heart is turn'd to stone: and while 'tis mine, It shall be stony.

  77. The deadly handed Clifford slew my Steed: But match to match I haue encountred him, And made a prey for Carrion Kytes and Crowes Euen of the bonnie beast he loued so well.

  78. Away euen now, or I will drag thee hence: Vnworthy though thou art, Ile cope with thee, And doe some seruice to Duke Humfreyes Ghost.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.