If your Honor iudge it meete, I will place you where you shall heare vs conferre of this, and by an Auricular assurance haue your satisfaction, and that without any further delay, then this very Euening Glou.
And as he walked one day in a Gallerie towardes the euening their méeteth with him the shape of a woman, more great & beautifull, than any liuing creature.
The next day trauelling to Dunkerk hee heard the thundering Ordinance of either Fleet: and the same euening being come to Dixmud, hee was giuen to vnderstand the hard successe of the Spanish Fleete.
Whether they had knowledge of our comming or no, I can say nothing to it: Themselues giue it out that they vnderstood not of it, but onely by a Carauel the Friday at euening before we came.
About Euening they followed after vs, and all night bore lanternes with candles burning in them at their sternes, although the Moone shined.
Euery euening they come to a place certain in the pond, for receiuing their allowed pittance, and in Summer, approche very neere, and in the top of the water plainly discouer themselues.
Which so staying in the hiues, set at the Euening in his proper place.
After dinner we rested vntill it drew towards euening by reason of the heat.
Thus the knight which in the morning disposed him selfe to pursue the Hart, was in heart so attached, as at euening he was become a Seruaunt, yea and sutch a Slaue, as that voluntary seruitude wholly dispossessed him from his former Freedome.
Herevpon they being on both parts readie to giue battell, the euening comming on caused them to deferre it till the morow.
The euening deawd not water on flowers, but honnie.
And somewhat late towards the euening came into the port, not shewing past 3.
The Campe pitched hard by a lake of salt water; and thateuening they made some salt there.
That euening the winde came to the South, which on that coast is a crosse winde, and draue the brigandines against the shore, because it blew very hard, and the anchors weake, that they yeelded and began to bend.
Thus we hoised our sailes, and sailed vntil euening three or foure leagues, for the wind scanted, and wee remained becalmed.
They followed vs that euening and the night following till the next day at tenne of the clocke, and then returned vp the Riuer.
They sailed with a reasonable good wind that day and the night following, and the next day till euening song, alwaies in fresh water: whereat they wondred much: for they were very farre from land.
This day about euening when our ships had discouered the point of this Isle of Cedars, wee began to perceiue those contrary windes, and the sea to go so loftily, that it was terrible to behold.
First, hee who should receiue the order of Knighthood, confessed himselfe in the euening to a Priest.
He borrowed twelve friers frockes or cowles, and in the eueningwent downe to the hauen, and hired twelue mariners, and placed them in a backe house, geuing them so much meate and drinke as they woulde eate.
In sutch wyse as very late in an euening he arriued at the Castle of a Gentleman, to demaunde lodging, which very hardly he obtained.
The next daie they resort vnto the chappell also in the like order, & from thence vnto diner, wearing afterward their said apparell vnto euening praier, and likewise all the supper time, vntill the auoid be finished.
In the euening the same daie came to him sir Gilbert Talbot, with the whole power of the yoong earle of Shrewesburie then being in ward, which were accounted to the number of two thousand men.
This present euening it pleased God further to increase our sorrowes with a mighty tempestuous storme, the winde being Northnortheast, which lasted vnto the tenth of this moneth very extreme.
Item, eueryeuening euery ship to haile the admirall, and so to fall asterne him sailing thorow the Ocean: and being on the coast, euery ship to haile him both morning and euening.
Towards the euening also we caught in the Golden Hinde a very mighty Porpose, with a harping yron, hauing first striken diuers of them, and brought away part of their flesh, sticking vpon the yron, but could recouer onely that one.
The aire (for the most part) throughout the Iland is such, as by reason in maner of continuall clouds, is reputed to be grosse, and nothing so pleasant as that is of the maine.
Finallie of our sort, Lucane in his first booke writeth thus, among other like saiengs well toward the latter end; [Sidenote: Lucani.
But this I hope shall not need in time, for the owners of a great sort of them begin now to smell out, that such parcels might be emploied to their more game, and therefore some of them doo grow to be disparked.
About euening tide came the earle foorth of the towne with his people in order of battell, and assailing his enimies vpon a sudden, slue diuerse yer they could get their armour on their backs.
About the same time was an hainous murther committed in London, of a merchant Genowes, whome certeine English merchants vpon spite and enuie, which they bare towards him, caused to be slaine one euening in the stréet before his own gates.
Yet this my comfort, when your words are done, My woes end likewise with the euening Sonne Duk.
All thinges being thus considered on, the vvhole forces vvere commaunded in the euening to embarke themselues into Pinnaces, boates, & other small barkes appointed for this seruice.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.