Lye still, lazar, wheras thou lyest, Looke thou goe not hence away; Ile make thee a whole man and a sound In two howers of the day.
Lord Haward, "looke that thy words be true thou sayd; Ile hang thee att my maine-mast tree if thou misse thy marke past 12^d.
Sir Aldingar, I will giue vnto thee, 164 & if the second giue thou may, looke then thou spare not mee.
Looke yonder, good sir knight, I pray, Methinks I now discover A riding upon his dapple gray, My former constant lover.
Come hither Horseley, sayes my lord, 105 And looke your shaft that itt goe right, Shoot a good shoote in time of need, And for it thou shalt be made a knight.
Goodyeare said if you be the ptie looke to it, for they intend to haue such as is suspected before the magistrate.
Hooke bid her goe away, and thrust her from ye boye, but she turned againe and said she would looke on him.
I saw the women dance round these black creatures and whiles I looked upon them one of the women G: Greensmith said looke who is yonder and then they ran away up the hill.
Wherfore they aduised the Britains to looke to their dueties, and like men to indeuour themselues to defend their countrie by their owne force from the enimies innasions.
That is, does it always create emotion in an onlooker?
They are at a distance, in most cases, from the stage.
From the practice of centuries the feeling that action is really central in drama has become instinctive with most persons who write plays without preconceived theories.
Interest in one's fellow man, a more just sense of life had developed in the early years of the eighteenth century.
A subject is not to be rejected because true or false.
The most elaborate of the Miracle Plays, the Towneley Second Shepherds' Play and the Brome Abraham and Isaac[4] prove this.
Curel was thinking of this: A woman was arrested for murder; thanks to protection in high places, the action of the courts was held up.
Hubert, if ever Arthur That Hubert for the wealth of all be in state, the world Looke for amends of this Will not offend thee.
M501 They looke for succour out of France by the end of April at the vttermost.
Then they open their chestes, and looke if the master and maryners bringe any bookes with them in their chests.
And some of the youngest the Gouernour gaue to them which had good chaines, and were carefull to looke to them that they gat not away.
The three Islands of birds are sandy red, but with the multitude of birds vpon them they looke white.
Thereupon he answered me that I needed not to doubt at all, and that he would returne the morrow after, that in the meane space Monsieur de Lys should stay behind to looke to all things.
How delightfull soeuer it was, my delight might well bee in my soule, but it neuer wente to lookeout of the window to doe him any comforte.
Take runagate Robin, to pitie his neede, and looke to be filched, as sure as thy creede.
Let no man looke to purchase linne[E470] with pinching by the waie, But laie before he takes his Inne to make his purse to paie.
If noise ye heare, Looke all be cleare: Least drabs doe noie thee, And theeues destroie thee.
Tis needfull that both of themlooke well about: too careles within, and too lasie without.
Of Surry so famous that craue, Lookenothing but rudenes in these.
What husband prouideth with monie his drudge, the huswife must looke to, which waie it doth trudge.
What hilback and filbellie maketh away, that helpe to make good, or else lookefor a fraie.
When thou[6] hast bestowed thy cost, looke halfe of the same to be lost.
When husband is absent, let huswife be chiefe, and looke to their labour that eateth hir biefe.
Yong children and chickens would euer be eating, good seruants looke dulie for gentle intreating.
Good seruants hope iustly some friendship to feele, andlooke to haue fauour what time they do weele.
Thus ended that fray; soe beware alwaye How ye doe challenge foes; Looke well aboute they are not to stoute, Or you may have worst of the blowes.
Yet the peddlers three of their blowes were so free, That Robin began for to rue; And Scarlett, and John, had such loade laide on, It made the sunne looke blue.
I wish you & all friends to stay there & rather looke to the West Indyes if they remoue, for many are here to seeke when they come ouer.
England is, will make a footing into those parts very precious, & if it shall please God to vouchsafe successe to this fleete, I looke to hear of an invitation at least to these parts for removall from his Highnes who lookes on N.
They are somewhat fayre to looke at, but touch them and they smoulder all to black ashes, like soote both for looks and smell.
The kyng could not be satisfied with the sight of his child, by reason of the great delight he had to looke vpon him, and of the generall opinion whych all men auouched touchinge his lykenesse.
A greate assemblye of straungers repayred to that solemne feast, as wel to doe deedes of Armes, as to lookevpon that pompous tryumph.
And with that he caused his seruant to looke vnder the beddes, and in euery corner.
Looke where my ranting-Host of the Garter comes: there is eyther liquor in his pate, or mony in his purse, when hee lookes so merrily: How now mine Host?
And trust me, I was comming to you: youlooke very ill Mis.
Saist thou so (old Iacke) go thy waies: Ile make more of thy olde body then I haue done: will they yet looke after thee?
Looke who comes yonder: shee shall bee our Messenger to this paltrie Knight Mis.
As I am a Christians-soule, now looke you: this is the place appointed, Ile bee iudgement by mine Host of the Garter Host.
Go, go, sweet Sir Iohn: Mistris Page and I will looke some linnen for your head Mist.
Tis one of the best discretions of a o'man as euer I did looke vpon Page.
And when you are mounted there, take heede how you looke downe into the yard; for the railes are as rotten as your great-Grandfather.
I know thou dost not, thou shat see that I could march with two or three hundred linkes before me, looke here, what?
Dam me ift be not the best that euer came from me, if I haue any iudgement, looke sir, tis an Epithalamium for Sir Walter Terrels wedding, my braines haue giuen assault to it but this morning.
There is a kinde of figuratiue speach when we aske many questions and looke for none answere, speaking indeed by interrogation, which we might as well say by affirmation.
Will thei not give to us a lettir of Curssing for a plack, to laste for a year, to curse all that looke ower our dick [dyke]?
Andrewes, and set in the middest of the scaffold, who was commaunded to looke to the accuser: who asked him what was hys name.
For our enimeis looke nocht to the power of God, bot to the force and strenth of man.
Touching the originall of them, and the rytes belonging therto, looke =Ouid= in his Lib.
The trumpets blew, and looke euen as the battaile ioynd apace, So did the night with silent shades increase her darkish face.
Now what these holy men were that rose againe, and whether they remained any time in this present life, or died againe, or went with Christ into heauen, looke the iudgement of =S.
They looke diligently vnto themselues so long as they liue, least the enimie of mankinde, who is readie at all assaies, and lieth alwaies in waight, should bring them into mischiefe, and take further vauntage to vexe and hurt them.
His body being so slender small, This cunning doctor tooke A fine prospective glasse, with which He did in secret looke Into his sickened body downe, And therein saw that Death Stood ready in his wasted guts To sease his vitall breath.
I am very cold, and all the Stars are out too, The little Stars, and all, that looke like aglets: The Sun has seene my Folly.
It is a holliday to looke on them: Lord, the diffrence of men!
But those we will depute, which shall invest You in your dignities, and even each thing Our hast does leave imperfect: So, adiew, And heavens good eyes looke on you.
Looke where shee comes, you shall perceive her behaviour.
Euen as men wrackt vpon a Sand, that looke to be washt off the next Tyde Bates.
Captaine Mackmorrice, I thinke, looke you, vnder your correction, there is not many of your Nation Irish.
My Lord of Warwick, heere is, praysed be God for it, a most contagious Treason come to light, looke you, as you shall desire in a Summers day.
My Liege, heere is a Villaine, and a Traytor, that looke your Grace, ha's strooke the Gloue which your Maiestie is take out of the Helmet of Alanson Will.
Let but a man looke who are the mightiest in Cities and who thrive best in their businesse: he shall commonly find they are the siliest and poorest in wit.
In mine owne house I exactly looke unto necessitie, little unto state, and lesse unto ornament.
He was comelie of stature, but of looke and countenance displeasant and angrie, somewhat cruell of nature, as by the writers of his time he is noted, and not so hardie as doubtfull in time of perill and danger.
Looke how in May or the heat of Summer we lay butter in water for feare it shuld melte awaie, so then were men faine to wet their clothes in water as Diers doo, and hide themselues in welles from the heate of the Sunne.
Looke how my feete are blistered with following thee from place to place.
This is but by the waie, we must looke backe to our disputants.
None of her seuants durst stay in her sight, but she beate them out in heapes, and bad them goe seeke search they knew not where, and hang themselues, and neuer looke her in the face more, if they did not hunt vs out.
Within three quarters of a yere in that one citie there dyed of it a hundred thousand: Looke in Lanquets Chronicle and you shall finde it.
Iuliana neuer dreamed but she was an authenticall maide: she made her the chiefe of her bed chamber, she appointed none but her to looke into me, and serue me of such necessaries as I lacked.
Awaking, hee rubd his head too and fro, and wyping his eyes with his hand began to looke about him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "looke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.