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Example sentences for "diuerse"

Lexicographically close words:
diuell; diuellish; diuels; diuers; diuersa; diuerses; diuersi; diuersis; diuersitie; diuersities
  1. In the first, That fforsamekle as the said Elizabeth being demandit, be quhat art and knaulege sche could tell diuerse personnes of thingis thai tynt, or was stollin away, or help seik personnes?

  2. Wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable Art, with diuerse other speciall points annexed, not impertinent to the same, such as ought diligently of euery Christian to be considered.

  3. A treatise very profitable, by reason of the diuerse and sundry opinions of men in this question, and right necessary for Judges to understande, which sit upon lyfe and death.

  4. The virtues of diuerse herbes which ben hoote and which ben coolde.

  5. Wherefore (before a iust iudge) one fault of diuerse qualities, ought not of reason to receiue one like punishement.

  6. And so traueiling by small iourneyes, and deuising of diuerse matters, they arriued within two litle dayes iourney to the place where the Lorde of Mendozza kept his ordinarie housholde.

  7. And thus forgetting both God and his own conscience, he frequented other companies in diuerse places, to winne the good will of some other gentlewoman.

  8. Cyrus after the battaile and victorie, had against Cræsus, called diuerse of his men vnto him, and demaunded if they sawe Abradatas.

  9. They had diuerse incounters with the enimies at the first, with doubtfull successe: [Sidenote: Venutius keepeth the kingdome in despite of the Romans.

  10. The diuerse opinions and variable reports of writers touching the partile conquest of this Iland by the Romans, the death of Guiderius.

  11. Nor it is no newes the selfe same thynges to be applyed to diuerse vses.

  12. Expolicion is, when we tarye in one thynge, speakynge the same in diuerse wordes and fashions, as though it were not one matter but diuerse.

  13. Exornacion is a fyne polyshinge of wordes and sentences by disseueryng thẽ w^t diuerse goodly colours and tropes or chaũgings of speach.

  14. Iniunctio, is when the verbe in diuerse lyke sentences is referred to one: and that thre maner of waies.

  15. The woman hearing tell that her husbandes carcasse should be hanged vp in the market-place, saide diuerse times to her sonne, that it was a very great shame for him to suffer his father's body in that shamefull sort to be vsed.

  16. Zenobia Queene of Palmyres, was a right famous Gentlewoman, as diuerse Hystoriographers largely do report and write.

  17. And in her dream she beheld a mighty host, more than man could number.

  18. If I drank whisky I would commence to reform by swearing off on one glass out of three, and perhaps the manhood within me, having so much more chance to grow, would elbow its way into heaven.

  19. It was presumably a pleasure cruise, but if ever a poor wretch in purgatory had a harder time of it I am sorry for him.

  20. This Herehaught determineth in all Iapan the diuerse titles of honour, whereof in that Iland is great plentie, each one particularly knowen by his badge, commonly seene in sealing vp their letters, and dayly altered according to their degrees.

  21. Diuers of the people did weare about their neckes great beades of glasse of diuerse colours.

  22. The last of Iune after long traversing of the seas we had sight of another mightie Carack which diuerse of our company at the first tooke to be the great S.

  23. Thy Bandog[E450] that serueth for diuerse mishaps, forget not to giue him thy bones and thy scraps.

  24. Then on the tuesdaie following this sermon, there came to the Guildhall in London the duke of Buckingham, accompanied with diuerse lords and knights mo than happilie knew the message that they brought.

  25. In whome if the lord Hastings had not put so speciall trust, the lord Stanleie & he had departed with diuerse other lords, and broken all the danse, for manie ill signs that he saw, which he now construes all to the best.

  26. To which place repaired also (according to their appointment) the duke of Buckingham, and diuerse noble men with him, beside manie knights and other gentlemen.

  27. Then were they all quickelie bestowed in diuerse chambers, except the lord chamberleine, whome the protector bad speed and shriue him apace, for by saint Paule (quoth he) I will not to dinner till I see thy head off.

  28. The king would saie that he had three concubines, which in three diuerse properties diuerslie excelled.

  29. On euery side there lay fallen downe smoothe round pieces of serpent spotted Marble, purple and red diuerse couloured.

  30. Diuerse logs and timbers came driuing along by our ships, and burning, but with our boats we easily defended them.

  31. And be began to goe vp the hill, and to shew them diuerse of his merchandise.

  32. From the day before, which was the Conception of our Lady, we saw many great smokes, whereat we much maruelled, being of diuerse opinions among our selues, whether those smokes were made by the inhabitants of the countrey or no.

  33. All of them both great and small weare a girdle about their waste made of diuerse colours, and in the middle is fastened a round bunch of feathers, which hangeth downe behind like a tayle.

  34. Then he complained to diuerse noble men of the realme, of the infortunate sterilitie and barennesse of his wife, bicause she brought foorth no fruit and generation of hir bodie.

  35. Wherevpon he deuised how to conclude a league and amitie with his neighbour the king of Scots: who not long before had made diuerse incursions and roads into the realme of England.

  36. And after diuerse songs solemnelie soong, they both ascended to the high altar, and were shifted from their robes, and had diuerse places open from the middle vpward, in which places they were annointed.

  37. And suerlie, the occasion of their variance is of diuerse men diuerselie reported.

  38. On Christmasse euen, about the breake of day, a maruellous sore and terrible wind came foorth of the west, which ouerthrew houses and buildings, ouerturned trees by the roots, and did much hurt in diuerse places.

  39. Diuerse other were saued by their bookes, according vnto the order of clerkes conuict, as Alexander Brid person of Hogeset, Iohn Rugham person of little Welnetham, Iohn Burton cordwainer, and diuerse other.

  40. On the next daie they burned the mote hall, and Bradford hall, with the new hall, and diuerse chambers and sollers to the same halles annexed, with the chapell of saint Laurence at the end of the hospitall hall.

  41. In this meane season, there came many small botes with mysson sayles to go for Chio, with diuerse goods to sell, and the Pilot requested me that I would let them goe in my company, to which I yeelded.

  42. The renuing and increasing of an ancient and commodious trade vnto diuerse places in the Leuant seas, and to the chiefest partes of all the great Turks dominions, by the meanes of the Right worsh.

  43. As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants.

  44. Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, Entituled, A disport of diuerse noble personages, written in Italian by M.

  45. A hundred paire of beades of diuerse colours.

  46. Many couerlets of cotten of diuerse colours, whyche shewed like vnto vnshorne veluet.

  47. Diuerse other targets of gold and feathers.

  48. Noble gentlemen, diuerse times I haue written vnto you, but as yet I neuer receiued answere, nor yet now doe I.

  49. The temple that stoode by the sea side was such a one, in the which was a maruellous straunge Idol, and differed muche from all the rest, although they haue manye and of diuerse fashions.

  50. But yet through disdaine of some that enuied their good successe, the same Prendergest and Long were accused of robberies which they should practise, in spoling such ships as they met with, of diuerse things against the owners wils.

  51. Northumberland and lord Bardolfe, in a dismall houre, with a great power of Scots returned into England, recouering diuerse of the earls castels and seigniories, for the people in great numbers resorted vnto them.

  52. Diuerse other things were enacted in this parlement, to the preiudice of those high estates, to satisfie mens minds that were sore displeased with their dooings in the late kings daies, as now it manifestlie appéered.

  53. But Thomas Walsingham and diuerse other séeme somewhat to dissent from him in relation of this matter; for they write that the conspiratours ment vpon the sudden to haue set vpon the king in the castell of Windsore, [Sidenote: A maske.

  54. The earle of Huntington being in an other Inne with the lord Spenser, set fire on diuerse houses in the towne, thinking that the assailants would leaue the assault and rescue their goods, which thing they nothing regarded.

  55. The letter of atturnie wherby the bishop authorised diuerse to take possession of Tinebridge.

  56. There were with the Persies as chiefteines of this armie, the earle of Dowglas a Scotish man, the baron of Kinderton, sir Hugh Browne, and sir Richard Vernon knights, with diuerse other stout and right valiant capteins.

  57. Tunnes Master vnder God Iohn Robins, as by their Charter parties may appeare: which you may require to see for diuerse causes.

  58. But diuerse of the spirituall persons would not obey this ordinance, whom he banished without remorse.

  59. He also took awaie from diuerse of the Nobilitie, and others of the better sort, all their liuings, and gaue the same to his Normans.

  60. Diuerse acts also made in the time of king Edward and king Richard were reuoked, and other adiudged more expedient for the common wealth were put in their places and concluded.

  61. At the same parlement were diuerse acts and statutes made, necessarie & expedient (as was thought) for the publike weale of the realme.

  62. So the king of Spaine there remained till the countrie was reduced into a good conformitie and order, and diuerse fortresses and castels were made for the safegard and tuition of the realme.

  63. Diuerse affirme that the Northerne men bare against this earle continuall grudge euer since the death of king Richard, whom they entirelie fauoured.

  64. And further, notwithstanding this atteindor, diuerse of the said persons afterwards were not onelie by the king pardoned, but also restored to their lands and liuings.

  65. And first of the Prolog of the first fyndyng, and interpretacioun of the said Buke out of diuerse langagis, etc.

  66. For the trueth in these actiones, it will be easelie confirmed, to anie that pleases to take paine vpon the reading of diuerse authenticque histories, and the inquiring of daily experiences.

  67. Manie poynts of their craft and practicques are common betuixt the Magicians and them: for they serue both one Master, althought in diuerse fashions.

  68. The diuerse nature of our sinnes procures at the Iustice of God, diuerse sortes of punishments answering thereunto.

  69. Vpon custome, we see that diuerse Christian Princes and Magistrates seuere punishers of Witches, will not onelie ouer-see Magicians to liue within their dominions; but euen some-times delight to see them prooue some of their practicques.

  70. There were diuerse castels thereabouts in the countrie furnished with garisons of the kings souldiers, but they kept themselues close, and durst not come abroad to stop his passage.

  71. First the said earle himselfe tooke Bristowe; and after this diuerse other townes and castels there in that countrie were taken by him and others, with full purpose to kéepe the same to the behoofe of the empresse and hir sonne.

  72. Whitsunday with great solemnitie, being not past sixtéene yeares of age, was by the same king made knight, with diuerse other yoong gentlemen that were much about the same age.

  73. For the said Roger had builded diuerse castels, as at Shierborne, at the Uies, and at Malmesburie.

  74. Stephan would haue caused the archbishop of Canturburie & diuerse other bishops, whom for that purpose he had assembled, to crowne, annoint, and confirme his sonne Eustace king ouer the realme of England.

  75. The same William had the citie of Norwhich, and diuerse other lands assigned him for the maintenance of his estate, and that by the consent and agréement of duke Henrie his adopted brother.

  76. Howbeit the archbishop of Canturburie persisting still in his oppinion, was forsaken of diuerse of the bishops, who throgh feare durst not stand against their princes pleasure.

  77. The duke also burned the castels of Bascheruille, Chitrey, Stripiney, and the castell of Fort, that belonged to Hugh de Gourney, with diuerse other.

  78. He builded diuerse abbeies both in England and Normandie, but Reading was the chéefe.

  79. For after his deceasse, diuerse of them (as it were promising to themselues a new libertie to doo that which in his life time they were constreined sore against their willes to forbeare) deceiued themselues by their hastie dealing.

  80. Diuerse constitutions were made by authoritie of this councell, but namelie this one.

  81. Diuerse in Normandie desired nothing more than to set the two brethren at square, and namelie Robert de Belesme earle of Shrewsburie, with William earle of Mortaigne: these two were banished the realme of England.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuerse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.