That such a craftie Diuell as is his Mother Should yeild the world this Asse: A woman, that Beares all downe with her Braine, and this her Sonne, Cannot take two from twenty for his heart, And leaue eighteene.
I haue promist the diuellthy soule within this houre, breake my word I will not, in thy breast I intend to burie a bullet.
His body being dead lookd as blacke as a toad: the diuell presently branded it for his owne.
The diuelland I am desperate, he of being restored to heauen, I of being recalled home.
For my soules health I beg my bodies torment: bee not thou a diuell to torment my soule, and send me to eternall damnation.
Hee that is a knight arrant, exercised in the affaires of Ladies and Gentlewomen, hath more places to send mony to, than the diuell hath to send his spirites to.
Reginald Scot in 1584 summarizes the evidence in a few words: 'The Diuell giveth to euerie nouice a marke, either with his teeth or with his clawes.
In which conference the diuell exhorteth them to obserue their fidelitie vnto him, promising them long life and prosperitie.
In 1597 the Derbyshire witch, Alse Gooderidge, stated that 'the Diuell appeared to me in lykenesse of a little partie-colored dog red and white, and I called him Minny.
That which is called solemne or publike, is where witches come togither at certeine assemblies, at the times prefixed, and doo not onelie see the diuell in visible forme; but confer and talke familiarlie with him.
The Diuellcan assume to himself[a] a body, and frame a voyce to speake with, and further instruct and giue satisfaction to those who haue submitted themselues vnto him, and are bound to his seruice.
And againe, if hee had not the Witch to bee his instrument, the Diuellwere debarred of his purpose.
Dunstane quicklie declared that this dreame signified [Sidenote: Dunstan séeth the diuell often, but now he was become a waiter at the table when Dunstane sat with the king.
The newe baptised religious Chino seeing that, wept bitterly, with discontentment to see how the diuell had changed the minde of the captaine, for that in that kingdome the holie gospell should not be preached.
I preached diuers times among those heathen people; but being obstinate they say, that as their father beleeued so they will beleeue: for if their forefathers went to the diuell so they will.
I come now to other superstitions and ceremonies, that you may see, deare brethren, that which I said in the beginning, how subtilly the diuell hath deceiued the Iaponish nation, and how diligent and readie they be to obey and worship him.
For which the Diuell mockes our curious braine, When, 'Know thy selfe' his oracle commands.
Iniquity comments upon it: The Diuell was wont to carry away the euill; But, now, the Euill out-carries the Diuell.
I think the Diuell is sucking Tabaccho, heeres such a Mist.
Lawyers get the Diuell and all: What an Asse, replied the Citizen is the diuell?
One leaf (pages 89-90) is thus unaccounted for; but it is evident from the signatures and pagination that The Diuell is an Asse was printed with a view to having it follow Bartholomew Fayre.
Marrie he must haue a long spoone that must eate with the diuell Ant.
What diuell was't, That thus hath cousend you at hoodman-blinde?
Marke you this Bassanio, The diuell can cite Scripture for his purpose, An euill soule producing holy witnesse, Is like a villaine with a smiling cheeke, A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
How agrees the Diuell and thee about thy Soule, that thou soldest him on Good-Friday last, for a Cup of Madera, and a cold Capons legge?
I haue seen the Cannon When it hath blowne his Rankes into the Ayre, And like the Diuell from his very Arme Puff't his owne Brother: And is he angry?
Oh the more Angell she, and you the blacker Diuell Oth.
Heauen guide him to thy husbands cudgell: and the diuell guide his cudgell afterwards Mist.
It hath pleas'd the diuell drunkennesse, to giue place to the diuell wrath, one vnperfectnesse, shewes me another to make me frankly despise my selfe Iago.
I, and a bold one, that dare looke on that Which might appall the Diuell La.
Euery inordinate cup is vnbless'd, and the Ingredient is a diuell Iago.
The Diuell take one partie, and his Dam the other: and so they shall be both bestowed; I haue suffer'd more for their sakes; more then the villanous inconstancy of mans disposition is able to beare Qui.
I reherse this history for this end, that Iudges should be very circumspect in these cases, for yͤ diuell by these means doth oftentimes circumuent yͤ innocent.
Hereunto a man may easily answere: The Diuell knewe howe things stoode with the Iewes, and the Philistines, he vnderstood euen the very secret consultations, priuie practises, and warlike preparation on both sides.
And what maruaile then may it be, if the Diuell an olde trained souldiour, can sometimes foreshew some certain thing?
Hierome= saith, the diuell sheweth not himselfe with all his deceits, that he may be knowne what he is.
The Diuell would like it well, if we would alwaies stand in feare of him.
That it is no hard thing for the diuell to appeare in diuers shapes, and to bring to passe straunge things.
For if many dead persons had retourned backe again into this life, the wicked spirit the diuell would easily haue deuised many sleights and wiles, and brought in much deceit into the life of man.
God somtimes for certain causes doth giue the Diuell and his seruants, Magitians & Necromancers, power to do many things, as to hurt and lame man and beast, and to worke other straunge things.
That it is no hard thing for theDiuell to appeare in diuers shapes, and to bring to passe straunge things.
Thus may we gather Honey from the Weed, And make a Morall of the Diuell himselfe.
The diuell take Order now, Ile to the throng; Let life be short, else shame will be too long.
No Diuell will fright thee then so much as shee Duma.
O some authority how to proceed, Some tricks, some quillets, how to cheat thediuell Dum.
When the old henne hatcht such eggs, the diuell was in the cocks comb.
Alls as it is taken; marie the diuell take al, if truth find not as many soft cushions to leane on as trecherie.
And as the diuell prouideth venemous sauce to corrupt stomachs, so for hir purpose she espied a certeine yoong man of visage beautifull, of countenance demure, and of wit craftie and subtill.
A pox o'your bottle, this can Sacke and drinking doo: A murren on your Monster, and the diuell take your fingers Cal.
This is some Monster of the Isle, with foure legs; who hath got (as I take it) an Ague: where the diuell should he learne our language?
A] What diuell was't, That thus hath cousend you at hoodman-blinde?
Such, so great & straunge was this temple of Mexico, for the seruice of the Diuell who had deceiued those simple Indians.
Hovv theDiuell appeared to the Indians in a strange forme.
The Diuell did many times talke wyth the priestes, and with other rulers and perticular persons, but not with al sorts of men.
Yea and when any such goeth in, they are bounde to offer some man to be sacrificed, that those bloudy hangmen and ministers of the Diuell may washe their handes in bloud of those so sacrificed, and to sprinkle their house therewith.
No maruell (said the patriarch) for of the diuell they came, and to the diuell they shall.
Will you be bound for nothing, be mad good Master, cry the diuell Luc.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.