But to our purpose, all languages, both learned and mother tonges, be gotten, and gotten onelie by Imitation.
Paraphrasis, the second point, is not onelie to expresse at Lib.
Astley, and the rest, said verie litle: onelie Syr Rich.
And this to be most trew, may easelie be gathered, not onelie of L.
Surelie long experience doth proffet moch, but moste, and almost onelie to him (if we meene honest affaires) that is dili- gentlie before instructed with preceptes of well doinge.
If yow do otherwise, yow be the onelie authors, of all misorders in Religion, not onelie to the Courte, but to all England beside.
This was done, and knowledge brought againe, that the ambassadors were notonelie not punished, but also chosen to be tribunes for the next yeare.
Germanie and Italie are in our time, where some cities are gouerned by one onelie prince, some by the nobilitie, and some by the people.
After this, he marched to the riuer of Thames, which as then was passable by foord onelie in one place and not else, as the report goeth.
But other affirme, that Peredurus onelie reigned, and held his brother Elidurus in prison by his owne consent, forsomuch as he was not willing to gouerne.
In the meane time that Beline was thus occupied about the necessarie affaires of his realme and kingdome, his brother Brenne that was fled into Gallia onelie with 12.
In the end they did not onelie send for him home, but also created him dictator, committing into his handes (so long as his office lasted) an absolute power ouer all men, both of life and death.
He had accused not onelie the said Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie also to be priuie and giltie of the same conspiracie.
The vicars and canons forsooke their deskes, so that the bishop remained there oneliewith one deacon that serued him at masse.
The Welshmen hauing intelligence that the king was returned home, brake foorth againe as before into the English marshes, and notonelie tooke preies and booties, but went about to destroie with fire and sword all that stood in their way.
If any thinke that all these former sentences, be spoken onelie of the subiection of the maryed woman to her husband, as before I haue proued the contrarie, by the plain wordes and reasoning of S.
Wherfore I iudge them not onelie subiectes to women, but sclaues of Satan, and seruantes of iniquitie.
For he did not onelie commande them to fight, but also apointed Iuda to be their leader and capitain, and yet fell they twise in plain batel against those most wicked adulterers.
Plain it is, they did not, but onelie required, that they might haue a portion of ground amonge the men of their tribe, lest, that the name of their father shuld be abolished.
For I purpose at this present, to write onelie of this worde Embleme: Bicause it chieflie doth pertaine vnto the matter I haue in hande, whereof I hope this muche, shall giue them some taste that weare ignoraunt of the same.
Then, lone theonelie crosse, that clogges the worlde with care.
Of price, good hostess, we will not debate, Though you assize me at the highest rate; 68 Onelie conduct me to this bonnie bell.
But for so much as they could get no grant of their petition, and perceiued the empresse to be displeased with them about that importunat request, wherein onelie she ouershot hir selfe, [Sidenote: The Londoners conspire to take the empresse.
This onelie resteth (I saie) that you make waie for you to enter the citie with force of your weapons.
Postis war send from the Quene with all diligence to Cowper, distant onelie sex myles from Sanctandrois, to prepair ludgeingis and victuallis for the Quene and hir Frenchemen.
We ansuered, "That nather had we querrall against any man nather yit sought we any manis bloode; onelie we war conveaned for defence of our awin lyves injustlie sought by uther.
I onelie haue made a mouth of his eie, By adding a tongue, which I know will not lie Lad.
Awaie, awaie mad asse, his name is Lucentio, and he is mine onelie sonne and heire to the Lands of me signior Vincentio Ven.
For these witnesses & saiengs of famous doctors being true, I am onelie the vndubitate heire to lord Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, adiudged to be the verie heire to the crowne of this relme by authoritie of parlement.
There was a small quantitie of wine amongst them, which they would haue reserued onelie for the king, & therfore refused to tast therof.
The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, saued onelie the capteins and gentlemen, and slue the other, aswell Englishmen as Gascoins.
Herevpon was a great part of the armie discharged, and such onelie remained in Berwike as might suffice for defense thereof.
To conclude, there was not found any amongst all the iustices and officers cleere and void of vniust dealing except Iohn de Metingham, and Elias de Bekingham, who onelie among the rest had behaued themselues vprightlie.
Confession and in whom onelie we must subscribed by students put our trust.
Whereby not onelie by reason of flesh and bloud, but also by hauing ecclesiasticall dignitie and office, it could not be but that he loued him and his realme with sincere affection.
The earle of Northampton lost not any noble man in this fight, the lord Edward Spenser onelie excepted.
So the treatie brake, the commissioners departed, and nothing doone, but onelie that the truce was prolonged for two yeares further.
Likewise the cleargie granted, that of euerie beneficed man, the king should haue twelue pence, and of euerie priest not beneficed foure pence (the foure orders of friersonelie excepted.
But this ordinance continued not long: for the queene, and the lord Roger Mortimer tooke the whole rule so into their hands, that both the king and his said councellors were gouerned onelie by them in all matters both high and low.
Onelie for my awn parte I will avoid al novelties, and content my self with the letteres quhilk we have in use.
Onelie let it be heer observed that if an s preceed tio, the t keepes the awn nature, as in question, suggestion, etc.
Of being ther is onelie one, I am, and is thus varyed.
That is the better sound, not onelie of this, but alsoe of al other letteres, quhilk is alwayes ane.
Here I am indifferent, and onelie wishes that the ane be used; let the advysed judge make choise of quhilk, for my awne paert I lyke the last best; 1.
The grave accent is never noated, but onelie understood in al syllabes quherin the acute and circumflex is not.
But where a man is by lawfull means in perill, there needeth he the tuition of some speciall priuilege, which is the onelie ground and cause of all sanctuaries.
But onelie one thing I beseech you, for the trust which his father put in you euer, & for the trust that I put in you now, that as farre as ye thinke that I feare too much, be you well ware that you feare not as farre too little.
Whome when the king beheld, and heard hir speake as she was both faire and of a goodlie fauor, moderate of stature, well made and verie wise: he not onelie pitied hir, but also waxed inamoured of hir.
And therefore he, fearing least their motion might with the lord Hastings minish his credence, wherevnto onelie all the matter leaned, procured the protector hastilie to rid him.
Then shewed he that his verie right heire of his bodie lawfullie begotten was onelie the lord protector.
For his dissimulation onelie kept all that mischeefe vp.
I doubt not some shall thinke this woman too slight a thing to be written of, and set among the remembrances of great matters: which they shall speciallie thinke, that happilie shall esteeme hir onelie by that they now see hir.
Manie things being taken out as they lie in authors, may be thought to giue offense in time present, which referred to the time past when the author writ, are not onelie tollerable, but also allowable.
Wherefore hée tooke oftentimes the more paines in persuading him not onelie to liberalitie (which is none of the least vertues in a prince) but also to vse a discreet and orderlie behauiour in all his dooings.
Returned he backe into Loraine againe for anie cause but onelie to leaue you desolate, & to abandon you?
The duke sharpelie answered, to know whether he had either entered into anie communication, or onelie had absolutelie concluded a peace betweene the French king and him.
These faire words were onelie delaies to driue time, vntill he might haue space to spoile the yoong damsell of hir townes and countries.
Thus the French king vsed to dallie with king Edward in the case of this mariage, onelie to keepe him still in amitie.
And thus the king of England purchased for his monie the keeping of his enimie, the space onelie of three daies and no more.
Malo, where the English ambassadors then laie, onelie staieng for a conuenient wind: who complained, that they were euill vsed, to be spoiled both of their monie and merchandize.
When queene Margaret that soiourned with duke Reiner hir father, heard tell that the earle of Warwike was come to the French court, with all diligence shee came to Ambois to see him, with hir onelie sonne prince Edward.
But here I will not let passe a pretie conceipt that happened in this gathering, in the which you shall not onelie note the humilitie of a king, but more the fantasie of a woman.
And often it is seene that the new ghest shall be robbed with the old, onelie to colour out the matter and keepe him from suspicion.
Durham hath the countie of Durham and Northumberland with the Dales onelie vnder hir iurisdiction, and hereof the bishops haue sometimes beene earles palantines & ruled the rost vnder the name of the bishoprike and succession of S.
This siege continued the space of three weeks; at the end whereof the Frenchmen within yeelded the towne, and departed with their horsse and harnesse onelie to them saued.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "onelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.