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Example sentences for "countrie"

Lexicographically close words:
countreis; countrey; countreyes; countreymen; countreys; countriemen; countries; countrified; countrimen; country
  1. And as wee doe see otherwhile, uppon the flowers in the countrie where they thresh corne, one Pullet pull the corne out of the others beake: so doe they catche the tale out of his mouth y^t beganne it, and tell it them selves.

  2. And withall, it be suche, as the countrie doth use, where wee live.

  3. No vngratitude of his owne countrie men, could withdrawe his nature from the zeale and loue he bare to his countrie.

  4. They were then in Liguria in the desarts, betweene Ast and Sauonne, a countrie in that time well peopled, and furnished with huge and darke forestes, garnished with many trees, great and highe.

  5. The tyraunt maruaylinge at the constant frendshippe of those twaine, acquited them both, but vppon condition that both shoulde depart oute of the citie and countrie of Sicilia.

  6. Tullus vnderstanding the death of their Prince, with great expedition marched into the countrie about Alba, pssiang by the Albanes campe in the night which by the watche and scoutes was skried.

  7. About the same time, Henrie duke of Suaben came into England from the emperour Otho, and receiving no small portion of monie of the king, departed backe into his owne countrie againe.

  8. With this swiftnesse of speed, he brought also such a feare into the hearts of most men, that he wan all the countrie of Normandie euen to Mount S.

  9. Few there were in that countrie of great lineage or wealth, whom the king for their assembling themselues with the barons either spoiled not, or put not to execution.

  10. For no doubt, by conuersation with those people whom they subdued, they brought home into their owne countrie and toong manie borowed words, so that their language hath no small store of them fetched out of sundrie strange toongs.

  11. The countrie people haue a by word, that, Hengsten downe, well ywrought, Is worth London towne, deare ybought.

  12. Their horses shod onlie before, and for all furniture a pad and halter, on which the meaner countrie wenches of the westerne parts doe yet ride astride, as all other English folke vsed before R.

  13. Then Sir Francis Godolphin aduised that weake assembly, to retire into Pensance, and to prepare it for defence, vntill the comming of the Countrie forces that hee had sent for.

  14. Next, wee take view of Trematon Castle, as it doth of the Hauen, and Countrie adioyning.

  15. Lastly, the encroaching Sea hath rauined from it, the whole Countrie of Lionnesse, together with diuers other parcels of no little circuite: and that such a Lionnesse there was, these proofes are yet remaining.

  16. The name, in English signifieth, the head of Ashen trees, belike, for some such eminent marke, while the Countrie was better stored of Timber.

  17. Osberne named Pentecost, and his companion Hugh, were constreined to surrender their castels, and by licence of earle Leofrike withdrew thorough his countrie into Scotland, where, of king Mackbeth they were honorablie receiued.

  18. Through this countrie we were traueiling from the feast of Ascension, vntil eight daies before the feast of S.

  19. In the same countrie Syban the brother of Bathy remaineth.

  20. Nor send more vertue in a countrie mayd, I tell the Bohan it doth make me merrie, To thinke the deeds the king meanes to performe.

  21. The countrie Countesse of Northumberland, Doth greete you well, and hath requested mee, To bring these letters to your Ladiship.

  22. They had wine of diuers sorts, and of that which they doo make in that countrie of the palme tree, but of so great excellencie, that they founde no lacke of that which was made of grapes.

  23. Neere vnto this iland there was another somewhat bigger, which is called Aucon, wholly dispeopled and without anie dwellers, yet a better countrie and more profitable for to sowe and reape then that of Corchu.

  24. This countrie is verie hoat, by reason whereof their victuals are of small substance.

  25. It is a good countrie and peaceable, and doth inioy a very faire and pleasant riuer.

  26. This hee did for that all the sayde countrie vnto the lande of Iapon was committed vnto him by the holy father.

  27. This William was banished out of his countrie by Theodorike Elsas earle of Flanders, bicause he attempted to bereaue him of his earledome.

  28. First the said earle himselfe tooke Bristowe; and after this diuerse other townes and castels there in that countrie were taken by him and others, with full purpose to kéepe the same to the behoofe of the empresse and hir sonne.

  29. There were diuerse castels thereabouts in the countrie furnished with garisons of the kings souldiers, but they kept themselues close, and durst not come abroad to stop his passage.

  30. King Dauid hearing those newes, and being alreadie in armour in the field, entered into Northumberland, and licensed his men of warre to spoile and rob the countrie thereabout at their pleasure.

  31. Thurstan the archbishop of Yorke, he committed the kéeping of the countrie vnto his charge, commanding him to be in a redinesse to defend the borders vpon any sudden inuasion.

  32. This countrie belonged sometime to Normandie, but Geffrey earle of Aniou the dukes father had resigned it to the French king, to the end he should not aid king Stephan.

  33. Laurence daie caused all the corne in the countrie about and namelie that which belonged to the said abbeie, to be spoiled and brought into a castell which he had in keeping not far from thence.

  34. And to the end also that he might compell the townsmen to yeeld, or else kéepe them from entring which would come to their succors, he ranged abroad into the countrie with part of his armie, wasting all afore him by fire & sword.

  35. The church yeelded that immersion, or dipping, was lawfull, but in this could countrie not so conveniente.

  36. The commons of the countrie that tooke him, brought him first to Chelmesford, and after to Plashie, [Sidenote: He is beheaded.

  37. They landed in the Baie de la Hogue saint Wast, in the countrie of Constantine.

  38. The whole countrie of Wales was maruellouslie in trouble about their quarels.

  39. Moreouer, Leolin prince of Wales about this season enterprising to inuade the English confines, burned and wasted the countrie in most cruell wise.

  40. The king to settle the state of the countrie of Gascoigne in better order, tarried there all the winter, and repared certeine decaied townes and castels.

  41. The souldiers which laie in London and in Southwarke, did much hurt about in the countrie of Southerie, & else-where.

  42. In the meane time the countrie people withdrew to the churches, and gat their goods into the churchyards.

  43. Thus much of Halifax law, which I set downe onelie to shew the custome of that countrie in this behalfe.

  44. Dauids land, which Ptolomie calleth Octapitanum promontorium, I read to be separated from the rest of the countrie much after this maner, although I grant that there may be and are diuerse other little creekes betwixt Newgale and S.

  45. Certes if it be not one curse of the Lord, to haue our countrie conuerted in such sort from the furniture of mankind, into the walks and shrowds of wild beasts, I know not what is anie.

  46. Also the alder, whose barke is not vnprofitable to die blacke withall, and therfore much vsed by our countrie wiues in colouring their knit hosen.

  47. Indeed all the countrie betweene the Deirwent & the Humber was sometime called Deira, and the lower part Caua Deira in respect of the higher soile, but now it is named the east Riding.

  48. Whiche miste in the countrie wher it began, was sene flie from toune to toune, with suche a stincke in morninges & eueninges, that men could scarcely abide it.

  49. But if the lawe of nations would ioine with such custome, to the maintenance of ignorance, and to the suppressing of knowledge; the ciuilest countrie in the world would soone become barbarous, &c.

  50. And thus being made strong with such assistance, by consultation had with them that were of most authoritie about him, wrote vnto the king of that countrie called Pandrasus, in forme as followeth.

  51. To the second he appointed the countrie of Wales, which of him was first named Cambria, diuided from Loegria by the riuer of Seuerne.

  52. Cunedag, he burned and destroied the countrie before him in miserable maner.

  53. Locrinus or Locrine the first begotten sonne of Brute began to reigne ouer the countrie called Logiers, in the yeare of the world 1874, and held to his part the countrie that reached from the south sea vnto the riuer of Humber.

  54. The honorable fathers and all the multitude of other people not apt for warres, remained still in the citie, as it were to perish with their countrie if hap so befell.

  55. Androgeus, London and Kent; and to Theomantius the countrie of Cornwall.

  56. Britaine) all such as were able to beare armour, were commanded and appointed to repaire to the sea side, that they might be readie to defend their countrie in time of so great danger of inuasion.

  57. But Cesar would not suffer the Romans to follow the Britains, bicause the nature of the countrie was not knowne vnto them: and againe the day was farre spent, so that he would haue the residue thereof bestowed in fortifieng his campe.

  58. Let your Countrie and frinds injoye the comforts they would have in the true and greate honor you would purchase your selfe by publishing some of your choise workes, but you know best what you have to doe.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countrie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.