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Example sentences for "libertie"

Lexicographically close words:
libertates; libertati; libertatis; liberte; libertee; liberties; libertinage; libertine; libertines; libertinism
  1. Who for all that offer was firme and constant, and loued her prison the better by obseruing the bond of mariage, then al the libertie of the world, without the hauing of her husband.

  2. Unto whom the archbishop answered: "I am readie to die for my God, and for the defense of his iustice and the libertie of the church; gladlie doo I imbrace death, so that the church may purchase peace and libertie by the shedding of my blood.

  3. James, but they were quicklie set at libertie by the French kings commandement, for the reuerence of S.

  4. As for king Henrie the sonne he also set at libertie aboue an hundred, and that without ransome paieng, according to the articles of the peace (as before you haue heard.

  5. For whiche consideration, we truste that our libertie shall not be diminished, but rather our owne persons, wyues, and familie better preserued, and our houses and husbandry not destroyed.

  6. He requested to set at libertie the prisoners, and to restore thë to the Ambassadors of Mutezuma.

  7. And that when he had set him at libertie with restitution of his goodes, he would incontinent departe his countrey.

  8. He sette also at libertie Xihuaco the generall Captayne, and made him chiefe ouer the Indians in the Citie, vnto whome he gaue a whole stréete.

  9. For why should he that is at libertie Make himselfe bond?

  10. The Lord of the soyle is most-where allowed libertie to place one workman in euerie fifteene for himself, at like hand with the aduenturers, if hee be so disposed.

  11. The dead bodies might not be buried, without great summes of monie giuen for libertie to conueie them awaie.

  12. Lust, and Libertie Creepe in the Mindes and Marrowes of our youth, That 'gainst the streame of Vertue they may striue, And drowne themselues in Riot.

  13. He shall have libertie to enter straight.

  14. It is said also, that he was after his taking once set at libertie by king Henrie, and bound to forsweare the realme of England and Normandie, being appointed to auoid within the space of 40.

  15. For after his deceasse, diuerse of them (as it were promising to themselues a new libertie to doo that which in his life time they were constreined sore against their willes to forbeare) deceiued themselues by their hastie dealing.

  16. But let them love that list, or live or die, Me list not die for any lovers doole; Ne list me leave my loved libertie To pitty him that list to play the foole; To love myselfe I learned had in schoole.

  17. There are also in Oxford certeine hostels or hals, which may rightwell be called by the names of colleges, if it were not that there is more libertie in them, than is to be séen in the other.

  18. I doo suppose (my louers and friends) that there is no man here but dooth well vnderstand how much libertie and fréedome is to be preferred before thraldome and bondage.

  19. He appointed them thereto a certeine number of three hundred, with free libertie for their prince to hunt & pursue them ouer all quarters of the realme; as our chronicles doo report.

  20. Thus haue ye heard with what successe the Britains mainteined warre in defense of their libertie against the Romans, whilest Claudius ruled the empire (according to the report of the Romane writers.

  21. And therefore (quoth the archbishop of Yorke) God forbid that anie man should for anie thing earthlie, enterprise to breake the immunitie & libertie of the sacred sanctuarie, that hath beene the safegard of so manie a good mans life.

  22. Serueth this libertie for my person onelie, or for my goods too?

  23. But he can be no sanctuarie man, that neither hath wisdome to desire it, nor malice to deserue it; whose life or libertie can by no lawfull processe stand in ieopardie.

  24. I would not be a king with that condition, to forbeare mine owne libertie in choise of mine owne mariage.

  25. For after their father was dead, they began to fall to their old idolatrie, which in his life time they séemed to haue giuen ouer, insomuch that now they openlie worshipped idols, and gaue libertie to their subiects to do the like.

  26. Speech about "libertie to piping and honest recreation.

  27. Hoghton Tower; and at Myerscough, near Preston, in Lancashire, he made a "speeche about libertie to piping and honest recreation.

  28. The Reader, in signe and token of libertie to reade the Bible, and holie stories, had a greate booke giuen, him.

  29. But ouer, and aboue all these the Pope, by the gifte of Constantine the greate, hath libertie to weare al the ornamentes Imperialle.

  30. The duke of Aniou turning this libertie to serue his owne turne, departed from thence, and went home into France, without making his fellowes priuie to his purpose.

  31. And though I am not suffered to be Master of my other Rights as a KING; yet preserve me in that libertie of Reason, love of Religion, and thy Churches welfare which are fixed in my Conscience as a Christian.

  32. Mr. Adams is now entertayned into your Worships servis for a cupell of yeares, untill news com of the Cloves safe arivall in England, he being now at libertie to com for his contrey when he will.

  33. Johnson was made admerall both of Duch and English, and proclemation made abord each shipp, both Duch and English, and all presoners sett at libertie for any muteny hertofore, the Duch at request of Capt.

  34. But when they do depart from him, they doo giue him power in the name of the king, to make a certaine number of loytias, and to set at libertie a certaine number of prisoners, such as are condemned to die, and other good deeds particular.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "libertie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.