The lands ought to be good for as much more if the Oriental is lending at all.
The Oriental Bank let us have a hundred thousand on those Humboldt lumber lands a while ago.
With equal distribution see you part My lands and goods betwixt these lovely twain: Only bestow a hundred thousand sesterces Upon my friends and fellow-soldiers.
Why, do you think that I am so mad, to go seek my living in the lands amongst the stones, briars and bushes, and tear my holiday apparel?
Misconstrue not; 'tis from the realm, not thee: Though lands part bodies, hearts keep company.
Gloster was wrong'd, his lands were given away, They are not justly said just laws to break, That keep their own right with what power they may.
But the rain was over, the sun was out glorious and warm above the level lands and in the air was a miraculous feeling as of spring.
And I’ll give ye my gold and my lands so wide, An’ ye let my love go free.
By seas andlands I daily wrought her wrack, And spareless spent her life on every foe.
If you do so I will have the gang in your lands in 2 weeks.
Sometimes he comes to New York, sometimes to Boston and then again he lands at New Orleans or Baltimore.
The Central Powers, moreover, were given control of the vast petroleum fields and the rich wheat lands of the defeated nation.
Italians feel, however, that Italian unity is not complete so long as adjoining lands inhabited by Italian-speaking people are ruled by foreign governments.
She became dependent upon the United States, Australia, South America, and other lands for wheat, meat, and other necessaries of life.
It was the boast of many Prussian kings that each one of them had added to the lands over which he ruled.
She saw that if the Austrians should annex the Balkan landslying to the south they would control the whole eastern shore of the Adriatic.
Here the President urges the same treatment for the occupied lands of northern France as for those of Belgium.
When the northern Italian lands were freed from Austrian rule in 1866, Austria kept the highlands and mountain passes, from which she could easily descend upon the Italian lowlands.
Hence Serbia wanted a share of the landsto the south, claimed by Bulgaria.
During the summer months the Russians under the command of one of their greatest leaders, General Bru´silov, renewed their offensive against the border lands of Austria-Hungary.
Finally, where the Germans were forced to retire from the lands they had occupied in northern France and in Belgium, they sought to reduce much of the evacuated territory to a desert condition.
The devastated lands must be reclaimed, the inhabitants cared for, and adequate means provided by which they can earn a livelihood.
There was the survival of ancient learning, which lived on through the flood of barbarian immigration into the lands which had been its old home, yet was very largely eclipsed by the predominance of theological interests in literature.
Gall whose settlement in those lands has given the name to a canton of what is now Switzerland.
Charles was before all things in belief (though not always in life) a Christian, and it was intolerable to him that within the German lands should remain a large and powerful body of heathens.
But he felt the call to labour in lands as yet untouched, and so he determined to go to the Germans.
There was place in his scheme for those whose work was chiefly manual, those who reclaimed uncultivated lands and turned the wilderness into a garden of the Lord, and for those who spent long hours in contemplation and prayer.
But Gregory was careful to assert a very special connection between Rome and the "lands of the Gauls" in all ecclesiastical matters.
The title of Patrician of the Romans was given by the pope, as commissioned by the emperor, "to act against the king of the Lombards for the recovery of the lostlands of the Empire.
So much did the reverend archbishop resent this that the lands belonging to the religious orders, which thus far were privileged, on account of being ecclesiastical property, thereafter were not exempt.
During Vargas's term of office the rich trade with India and other foreign lands is well maintained, and the prosperity and wealth of Manila are greatly increased.
Lastly, it follows that the instruction in grammar, philosophy, and theology in the colleges of Santo Tomas and San Jose renders their lands spiritual property, and exempts them from the secular judge.
Auditor Don Juan de Sierra, in virtue of his commission for the adjustment of lands royal and unassigned, [2] cited the regulars to appear before him.
The lands were allotted them according to a particular plan, whether good or bad; and the female heirs were prohibited from inheriting.
They had granted lands to none but male emigrants, and had issued a regulation to the effect that female descendants should not inherit the estates of their ancestors.
Singing was his one polite accomplishment, as many Press-tents in far-off lands had known.
In the next place, under Arcadius, the question how far Constantinople and the Balkan lands were to remain under the control of the Germans settled to the south of the Danube reached its most critical stage.
The members of the foreign communities in the City of the Sultan do not forget the lands of their birth, or of their race and allegiance.
He possessed lands in Kincardine, of which county he was sheriff.
The lands possessed by the Frasers in the south of Scotland were extensive, and the family power was great, as will be indicated in the course of the brief reference to it which will be here made.
HUGH, his brother, who succeeded, acquired lands from the Fentons and Bissets, by marriage with the heiress of Fenton of Beaufort.
Several thousand families have been removed at government expense from unproductive farms to more fertile lands purchased for them with government money to be repaid in sixty-eight years.
The agricultural lands of Ireland will soon be occupied by a population of independent farm owners instead of rent-paying tenants.
Sir Valentine Browne, his grandson, was created Baronet of Kenmare in 1622 and received a grant, from which I have quoted, of all the lakes and all the lands and mountains round about them to the very bottom thereof.
It stands upon lands given by Sigtryg of the Silken Beard, the Danish king of Dublin, for the endowment of a Christian church.
For those reasons, and because he has only one man to deal with, a landlord is always glad to rent his lands for grazing, and gradually Ireland is becoming one great pasture.
If any man wore Irish clothing, or used the Celtic language, or rode a horse without a saddle, as the Irish were accustomed to do, his lands and houses were forfeited and he was sent to prison.
And it would not be unreasonable to believe that the same, or a similar convulsion, finally raised the lands of Touraine to their present elevation above the level of the sea.
By the aid of these silent but eloquent intelligencers, we discover that the strata which now constitute the table lands of Touraine, were among the last, in the whole geological series, that emerged from the waves of the Ocean.
Although such is the agreeable aspect of much of what may be termed the table lands of Touraine, the picturesque character of the landscape is much enhanced as we gradually descend into the capacious valley of the Loire.
No, they like it, and I think the birds sing to them and lull them to sleep, or that they tell them tales of far-off lands as I am speaking now to you.
To help forward that good fortune they sold most of the crown lands and the queen's jewels, and had the gold plate melted down.
He was known in all civilized lands as one of the foremost men of his time.
To the north the new city of Bezetha, bordered by the third wall and the rocky lands beyond.
In other respects, however, the room was not unpleasant, since being so high there were few smells and little noise; also the air that blew in at the windows was fresh and odorous of the open lands beyond the city.
Governor of Upper Canada, was exerting himself to induce retired army officers, and other well-to-do settlers, to take up lands in the country north and west of Lake Simcoe.
Mr. Mackenzie compared the setting apart of one-seventh of the public lands for religious purposes to a like dedication in the time of the [early] Christians.
Cannot something be done now, while yet the lands of the vast North-West are at our disposal?
With the concurrence of Ferdinand, she made Columbus, for himself and his heirs, admiral in all the regions that he should discover, and viceroy in any lands acquired by him for Spain.
Brackenbury received several important grants, some of which were of lands of the late Lord Rivers.
Juan Ponce de Leon lands in Florida, in his search for the "Fountain of Eternal Youth.
When the bold mariner sailed from Saltes, an island near Palos, a small town in the province of Huelva, Spain, he had complete confidence in his theory of finding new landsto the west.
Oh, northern lands are widowed Since deprived of such a sight.
According to the papal bulls and the treaty of Tordesillas, the new lands were Portuguese east of a meridian three hundred seventy leagues west of the Cape de Verd Islands and Spanish to the west of it.
To the departure of Valdivia succeeded immediately the expedition to the gulf and the examination of the lands situated at its inner extremity.
As soon as the King rose from table he retired, and distributed to some persons certainlands belonging to the Duke of Burgundy, as though he had been dead.
I have bought some shares, but my capital is locked up in unproductive lands and mines.
In the mean time the survey was proceeded with, in the face of great opposition on the part of the proprietors of the lands through which the railway was intended to pass.
Lord Derby's farmers also turned out their men to watch the surveying party, and prevent them entering on any lands where they had the power of driving them off.