Feruling with the ruler was for ordinary, miscellaneous offenses; but Czar Brench had more picturesquepunishments for the six or seven "deadly sins.
Master Brench's attention was chiefly directed to keeping order and devising punishments for violations of school discipline.
Nicetas, in his history, makes a long enumeration of the punishments invented by the emperor of Germany, and says that Greece was on the eve of seeing all the evils that afflicted Sicily fall upon her territory, when Henry VI.
The devastation of their country, the conflagrations of Kiow and Moscow, and the disgraceful yoke that so long oppressed these northern regions, were the punishments due to the feeble resistance of the Muscovites.
As for obedience, it was of the highest importance that the royal commands should be obeyed and the laws provided punishments for all disobedient vassals.
The punishments he inflicted were not only rigid and cruel, but frequently unjust.
The punishments that they inflict in this kingdom are these: for a thief, whatever theft he commits, howsoever little it be, they forthwith cut off a foot and a hand, and if his theft be a great one he is hanged with a hook under his chin.
In great wrath the King commanded his men to inflict dreadful punishments on all found guilty of this treason, and indeed many who were not so.
Ducking from the bowsprit end, towing in a rope astern, and marooning, were also practised as punishments for the pilferer.
Some of these punishments may appear unduly harsh; but on the whole they were no more cruel than the punishments usually inflicted ashore.
Other punishments were "shooting to death," and hanging at the yardarm.
The horrible punishments that resulted from the Divine wrath against those who scoffingly rejected the Catholic faith in Maryland remind one of the equal calamities that befell those who were unfaithful to Puritanism in New England.
Never had Ezzelino loved women; and this, perhaps, is the reason why in his punishments he was as pitiless against them as men.
He was the odd individual who could boast of being free from debt, and the common jail and the stocks in the market place at Second and High Streets were tireless in meting out their punishments to the delinquent debtors.
Accept my punishments for the soul who is about to be released.
In this shameful condition he was discovered by his sons whose conduct led him in a spirit of prophecy to assign to his three sons the rewards and punishments which their deeds merited.
It should be observed that the rewards and punishments of this law were mainly confined to this life.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel or unusual punishments inflicted, and all punishments ought to be proportioned to the offence.
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel punishments inflicted; and all punishmentsought to be proportioned to the offence.
He shall have power to remit forfeitures and penalties, and to grant reprieves, commutation of punishments and pardons after conviction, except in cases of impeachment.
I ask you to believe me when I tell you that my co-operation was not based on the fear of the punishments provided by your laws or any other selfish motives.
We must then be prepared for prosecutions, punishments even up to deportations.
God inflicted His ownpunishments by visiting calamities on mankind, just as He bestowed His own rewards by sending bounteous harvests in due season.
So prompt and merciless have been the punishments inflicted by the Manchoo government, upon the slightest suspicion of rebellion, that, until the Ti-ping insurrection, they have successfully extinguished every outburst of national hatred.
Excessive bail should not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel or unusual punishments inflicted.
The following punishments only shall be known to the laws of this State, viz.
The punishments of hell are disciplinarian, and do not forbid the hope of remission and relief.
The doctrine of future rewards and punishmentsis absurd, and contrary to the divine attributes.
Athens, that whatever offences may everywhere besides be committed by ignorance, all the severest punishments are in store for these alone to overwhelm it.
With this interesting glimpse of ancient superstition the famous Code opens, and then strikes a modern note by detailing the punishments for perjury and the unjust administration of law in the courts.
Punishments for breaches of the marriage law were severe.
There were scores of men no better than I whose punishments had at least been reserved for another world; and I felt that it was bitterly, cruelly unfair that I alone should have been singled out for so hideous a fate.
The various concepts and doctrines of rewards and punishments hereafter, have put ulterior motives in the place of actual values, weakened the will and hindered man from doing his best.
The punishments of the age were not more tender than the amusements were refined.
The State resembles an army; punishments must inspire terror; the idea of war is ever present.
Note, in the second place, the character of the punishments by which these physical transgressions are prevented.
Punishments, we call them, in the absence of a better word; for they are notpunishments in the literal sense.
Artificial punishments have failed to produce reformation; and have in many cases increased the criminality.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "punishments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.