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Example sentences for "saie"

Lexicographically close words:
saidest; saidis; saids; saidst; saidt; saied; saieng; saies; saieth; saiga
  1. But they durst not meet at anie indifferent place on the frontiers, for the doubt that either partie had of other, for anie thing the legats could saie or doo.

  2. The said Saie is of the similitude and stampe of Aleppo, being (as appeares) 60 estiues.

  3. The said danine is of siluer, hauing the Turkesco stampe on both sides, and 2 and a halfe of these make a Saie, which is in value as the Saie of Aleppo.

  4. Talke not signior Gremio: I saie he shall goe to prison Gre.

  5. Then thou wert best saie that I am not Lucentio Gre.

  6. Sidenote: He tooke sea at Douer the fourth of Iune, as Titus Liuius saith, and so saie the chronicles of Flanders.

  7. I thou mightest as well saie I loue to walke by the Counter gate, 30 Which is as hatefull to me As the reake of a lime kill.

  8. By the Lord thou art a traitor to saie so: What made me loue thee?

  9. Naie, I will saie plainlie that there be some such lawes made by the Pope as be right godlie, saie others what they list.

  10. Some saie he did it, to the intent to seeme innocent and faultlesse of his brothers dooings.

  11. But some saie that the said marquesse, hauing agreed priuilie with king Edward, did weare his liuerie, whome one of his brother the earle of Warwiks men espieng, fell vpon him and killed him outright.

  12. Then saie I that the portion of the circle of the contrarie side to the angle drawen, is the parte that you seke for.

  13. But now touchyng the other angles of the cantles, I saie accordyng to the Theoreme, that the .

  14. Nowe because that these two lines do crosse in H, I saie that H.

  15. C, Wherfore I saie now accordyng to the Theoreme, that the greatte square E, is more then the other two squares F.

  16. Illustration] And where all those lines do mete (that is to saie M.

  17. I say is a touche line [touthe] (that is to saie M.

  18. H, and they do crosse in D, wherefore saie I, that D.

  19. Now if you take any two angles that be contrary, as the angle by A, and the angle by C, I saie that those .

  20. Nowe for the diuersitee in quantitie of these lynes, I saie accordyng to the Theoreme, that the line whiche goeth by the centre is the longest line, that is to saie, A.

  21. And bicause the Kentishmen cried out against the lord Saie the kings chamberline, he was by the king committed to the Tower of London.

  22. Some saie that the Englishmen were not of puissance either to man the townes, as they should haue beene; or to inhabit the countrie, which was the cause they could not keepe it.

  23. And if there be anie man that will or dare saie the contrarie, or charge me otherwise; I beseech your rightwisenesse to call him before your high presence, and I will declare me for my discharge as a true knight ought to doo.

  24. But y saie not but whanne thei be allone, but she may tolle hym with goodly wordes, and counsaile hym to amende yef he do amys" (La Tour, chap.

  25. Upon this the good knight moralizes: "And this she had for her euelle and gret langage, that she was wont to saie to her husbonde.

  26. Saie that king Edward tooke thee for his Queene.

  27. Clarence and Summerset fled to Warwike, What saie you brother Richard, will you stand to vs?

  28. I, if thou saie I to my request, No, if thou saie no to my demand.

  29. Saie you so, then Ile open them presentlie.

  30. I know not what to saie my titles weake, Tell me maie not a king adopt an heire?

  31. And long hereafter saie vnto his child, ·eae035· What my great grandfather and grandsire got, My carelesse father fondlie gaue awaie?

  32. Downe, downe to hell, and saie I sent thee thither.

  33. To saie the truth so Iudas kist his maister, And so he cride all haile, and meant all harme.

  34. She had the wrong, indeed she could saie [eal071] Little lesse.

  35. If for the last, saie I, and to it Lords.

  36. When the queene had heard this friendlie motion (which was as farre from hir thought, as the man that the rude people saie is in the moone) lord how hir spirits reuiued, and how hir heart leapt in hir bodie for ioie and gladnesse!

  37. Richard gaue him not one farthing, saieng that he which would be vntrue to so good a maister, would be false to all other: howbeit some saie that he had a small office or a farme to stop his mouth withall.

  38. For how can people saie well or thinke well of tyrants, whose propertie it is to teare them in peeces with their clawes, like a woolfe let loose among a fold of sheepe?

  39. I could saie more, but this is euen inough, & more peraduenture than I shall be well thanked for: yet true it is though some thinke it no trespasse.

  40. And to saie truth, our aduersaries were [Sidenote: Bene con, bene can, bene le.

  41. But héerof I can saie little, for lacke of iust instruction.

  42. Of Protophanes who had but one great and broad bone in steed of all his ribs on ech side I saie nothing, sith it concerneth not his stature.

  43. I saie their places not so much as heard of in our daies) I meane (God willing) to set downe so manie of them with their commodities, as I doo either know by Leland, or am otherwise instructed of by such as are of credit.

  44. Some of them can saie without anie teacher, that they will buie the case of a fox of an Englishman for a groat, and make him afterward giue twelue pence for the taile.

  45. And if we saie we haue no synne / we do deceyue our selues.

  46. Let the papistes saie that we shold not haue departed frõ thẽ / but I saie / they shoulde not then haue departed frõ the truithe.

  47. Euell catholiques are they / which do lyue otherwise thẽ they saie that they do beleaue.

  48. I saie / that the thinges which the gentills do offer / they offer to deuels and not to god.

  49. But they saie that these bokes are corrupted of the Iues.

  50. Now let thẽ saie that we dissent but in ceremonies.

  51. Or ells we must saie that Idolatrie is no such synne ãd vice as theft is / or that with other vices it is not to be punished.

  52. If they wolde saie that thei profyt others by praier / that were tollerable.

  53. Israel / as if he wolde saie / not vpon all / not for euer.

  54. Thou wilte saie happelie / if it shoulde be so / their condition sholde be more miserable then the condicion of the Iewes / and Turckes / whom we do not compell to receyue our Religiõ.

  55. Saie to mee nete; I kenne thie woe in myne; O!

  56. Wherefore we will addresse our selues to saie somewhat touching the succession of the British kings, as their histories make mention.

  57. Foists or plates saie the Scotish writers, and 5000 men in the same.

  58. Expect not of me a whining penitent slaue, that shal do nothing but crie and saie his praiers, and so be crusht in peeces.

  59. I may saie to you he planted in vs the first Italionate wit that we had.

  60. Wherfore I could not possibly preuent it, but as a man woulde saie auoide it.

  61. To saie truthe, no man ought to meddle further than his owne charge.

  62. Sure we must saie as that most intelligent and grave Prelate said, when he came new out of the South into the North, and was saluted with a womans sute in Northern.

  63. English; and I thinke I may well saie more in this, then in the rest; yea and in the rest mostly from this) I hope no man that shall expend the woorth of this worke in impartiall examination, will thinke I challenge more then is due to it.

  64. One saies of Petrarche for all: A thousand strappadas coulde nor compell him to confesse, what some interpreters will make him saie he ment.

  65. You have excused it in this parte mooste strongly: and surely you saie the truthe: but I did not speake so moche of this harde maner of livyng, as of other maners more humaine, and whiche have with the life now a daies greater conformitie.

  66. And therefore, I saie how some have willed, that the souldiour bee greate, emongest whom was Pirrus.

  67. But retournyng to the hedde of the armie, I saie how that I would place nere to the extraordinarie pikes, the Veliti extraordinarie, whiche you knowe to be five hundred, and I would give them a space of xxx.

  68. You shall doe a thyng moste thankfull, yet I will saie concernyng thesame, that thei accuse it, to the entente you maie the better justifie it.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "saie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.