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Example sentences for "diuers"

Lexicographically close words:
diuel; diuelish; diuell; diuellish; diuels; diuersa; diuerse; diuerses; diuersi; diuersis
  1. Besides the fertilitie of this countrie beforesaide, all the fields be verie faire to behold, and yeelde maruelous odoriferous smelles, by reason of the great quantitie of sweete flowers of diuers sorts.

  2. They brought with them a great number of bookes, as wee haue said, that did intreate of diuers matters, as you shall perceiue in the sequell.

  3. Diuers other Louteas haue the maneagyng of iustice and receyuyng of rentes, bounde to yeeld an accompte thereof vnto the greater officers.

  4. And for that amongst them the degrees are diuers both in name and office, I will tell you onely of some principalles, beyng not able to aduertise you of all.

  5. But first in the chamber whereas the dead bodie is, or at the entrie, they set a table with candles on it, and full of bread and fruits of diuers sorts.

  6. That all other rules of saints, vnder the obseruing whereof diuers religious doo liue, ad no more perfection to the gospell, than washing ouer with lime dooth the wall.

  7. March, there departed from Amsterdam three ships and a Pinnace to sayle into the East Indies, set forth by diuers rich Marchantes: The first called Mauritius, of the burthen of 400.

  8. And since our comming hither we haue found very small sales, but diuers say that in the winter our commodities will be very well sold, I pray God their words may prooue true.

  9. Afterwards they go to diuers of their images, and giue them of their sacrifices.

  10. And they haue diuers great stones carued, whereon they poure water, and throw thereupon some rice, wheate, barly, and some other things.

  11. The first day we arriued there, this Stropene accused vs that we were spies sent from Don Antonio, besides diuers other lies: nothwithstanding if we had beene of any other countrey then of England, we might freely haue traded with them.

  12. To this port of Balsara come monethly diuers ships from Ormuz, laden with all sorts of Indian marchandise, as spices, drugs, Indico and Calecut cloth.

  13. And where Fabian (as before is said) attributeth that act & diuers other vnto Cadwan the father of this Cadwallo: yet both Gal.

  14. He sent also at that time with the messengers aforesaid, at their returne into England, diuers learned men to helpe Augustine in the haruest of [Sidenote: Assistance to Augustine.

  15. The Welshmen count him to be their Cadwallader: which to be true is verie vnlike by that which may be gathered out of the learned writings of diuers good and approoued authors.

  16. This Kenrike was a victorious prince, and fought diuers battels against the Britains.

  17. Picts, and as manie Scots to be attendant as a gard vpon the kings person, diuers of the which (corrupting them with faire [Sidenote: Constantius murthered.

  18. Constantine were not of age sufficient to rule, Vortigerne himselfe was chosen, diuers of the nobles (whom he had procured thereto) giuing their voices to this his preferment, as to one best deseruing the same in their opinion and judgement.

  19. Enter the King of France with Letters, and diuers Attendants.

  20. Enter the King with diuers yong Lords, taking leaue for the Florentine warre: Count, Rosse, and Parrolles.

  21. Sixe payre of letherne shoes of diuers colours, garnished with golde, siluer, and pearle.

  22. Cortez turned agayne to admonishe and require hym diuers tymes to leaue off his determination, and wylled Mutezuma to commaunde hym to accepte hys offer.

  23. Hovv Cortez sent to seeke for Mines of golde into diuers places.

  24. Some affirme, that yong children were slayne and dressed in diuers kind of dishes for Mutezuma his table, but it was not so, only of mans flesh sacrifised he fedde nowe and then.

  25. I serued in the ciuill vvarres of Pirru, vvhere I vvas vvounded in diuers parts of my body, and am novv thereby lame in one of my legges and shoulder.

  26. The officers and houshold seruants of the Court w^t other Magistrates and rulers of iustice bare the Standartes and diuers other armes.

  27. There be diuers iugling boxes with false bottomes, wherein many false feates are wrought.

  28. This story is held yet of diuers as canonicall, but when you are taught the feat or slight, you will thinke it a mockery and a simple illusion.

  29. There are diuers and rare experiments to be showne by confederacy, either priuate or publike, all which in place conuenient, shall be spoken of.

  30. The night before the battaile for diuers respects was vnquiet.

  31. And to this end he maintained his Parke at Woodstocke, wherein hee preserued diuers sorts of strange beasts; which because he did with many demonstrations of pleasure both accept and esteeme, were liberally sent vnto him from other Princes.

  32. And accordingly he layd the foundation of another Hall, which stretched from the Riuer Thames to the Kings high street: the further erection wherof, with diuers other heroicall enterprises, ceased together with his life.

  33. For this cause hee made diuers expeditions into Wales, where he had many bickerings, and put many chases vpon them: but found nothing worthy the name, either of enemie or of warre.

  34. Some of these Religious houses he appropriated wholly to himselfe; of diuers others he seized the liberties, which they redeemed afterward at a very high and excessiue rate.

  35. Hee erected Castels in diuers parts of the Realme, of which the Towre neere London was the chiefe, which afterward was increased both in compasse and in strength by addition of the outward walls.

  36. Maximianus thereof hauing aduertisement, raised his power and went against him, and so fighting with him diuers battels, sometime departed awaie with victorie, and sometime with losse.

  37. Diuers other also imbraced the religion of Christ verie zealouslie before these men.

  38. There haue beene diuers that haue written of purpose, De insulis Britanniæ, as Cæsar doth confesse.

  39. For there were euen then diuers that thought this to be rather an oracle of Phebus than of God, that is to say, not published by Gods power, but by the fraud and craftie deceit of men.

  40. Unto our purpose: by diuers wayes three Men may be fooles, I shall them count to thee: They all be fooles which set their thought and minde That thing for to seke which they shall neuer finde.

  41. Of the same minde is Origen, and diuers others.

  42. And to this confession are no lesse the reprobate coacted and constrained, then be the chosen children of god, albeit to a diuers end.

  43. And therfore in diuers other places doth he conclude, that she is not apt to beare rule, and that she is forbidden to teache.

  44. Now concerning these parts diuers questions are moued; whether there bee more Sea or Land?

  45. There is a greate deale of Confusion and difference betweene the late and ancient Geographers about the distinction and diuers reckonings of the Climats.

  46. According to the diuers nature, or qualitie of the disease, they cure them by diuers superstitions, and they are diuersly rewarded.

  47. They make also little Drummes or Tabers beautified with diuers pictures, they forme and frame them also of gourdes, and of an hollowe piece of timber greater than a mannes arme.

  48. Ramus Martyr, newly translated, and in diuers places corrected, after the mynde of the Author.

  49. Wherin are contained diuers questions, with their answers, touching the estate of mans bodie.

  50. The earle of Arthois being sent of the French king with an armie into Gascoine, incountred with the Englishmen, and chased them with the slaughter of a great number, and after recouered diuers townes and fortresses in the countrie.

  51. He also deliuered the earles of Cassels and Menteth, Iohn Cumin, and diuers other Scotishmen, appointing them also to go with him into Flanders.

  52. Vpon Cene thursdaie, the castell de Lesparre was deliuered vnto the earle of Lancaster, and after that diuers other castels.

  53. The summer this yeare exceeded in heat, so that men thorough the intemperate excesse thereof died in diuers places.

  54. Further evidence of this may be contained in the statement: "Our General hauing now bestowed vpon them diuers things, at their departure they restored them all againe; none carrying with him any thing of whatsoeuer hee had receiued.

  55. Carefully collected out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher Preacher in this employment, and diuers others his followers in the same.

  56. First I will treat of the diuers compositions, and then of the Formers, Coffins, and manner of composing euery of them.

  57. Take diuers goose quils, and cut off the hollow ends of them, and fill them with the composition before mentioned, stopping them afterwards with a little wet gunpowder, that the dry composition may not fall out.

  58. The like engines might be made to play upon wyer strings disposed upon a concavous water, to make the musick resound, but because this description giueth light enough for the framing of diuers other, I thought good here to omit them.

  59. Thus you may at leisure times make diuers coffins ready to use upon any occasion.

  60. Over this pipe you may make an artificiall tree with diuers birds made to sit therein.

  61. I haue euer found (in conference with diuers desirous of instruction in any Art or Science whatsoeuer) that the summe and chiefest end of all hath been, to know the reasons and causes of those things they were desirous to be informed in.

  62. Wherin be treatyd diuers matters / as of the veneration and worshyp of ymagys and relyques / prayng to sayntys / and goyng on pylgrymage.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    diuers places; diuers sorts; diuerse places