And that water can be impregnated with phlogiston, is evident from many of my experiments, especially those in which metals were calcined over it.
I also suspected that metals were not easily melted or calcined in inflammable, fixed, or nitrous air, or any kind of diminished air.
May not water impregnated with phlogiston from calcined metals, or by any other method, be of some use in medicine?
Cinders and other residue of the most combustible matters, demonstrate that fire has calcined all the parts it has not burned, and consequently, a little calcination is found here with combustion.
These might have remained obscure but for the discovery, in the south-western palace at Nimroud, of a pair of winged sphinxes, calcined by fire but still in their places between two huge lions at one of the doors.
Sir Henry Layard describes these sphinxes as buried in charcoal, and so calcined by the fire that they fell into minute fragments soon after exposure to the air.
The dead were burned on a funeral pile, and with them were burned their belongings--the various articles and implements of daily use--and the burnt remains were gathered up with the calcined bones and ashes and placed in an urn.
Sepulchral or Cinerary Urns, which have been made for, and have contained or been inverted over, calcined human bones.
There remained of the pristine Corinth nothing but the calcined ruins of an old temple.
The goddess Roma was flava et candida: “Were it possible to make a whole out of these calcined bony fragments, the result would be pure Aryan forms.
Dead and calcined bodies lay about the deck, which was also crowded with injured helpless and suffering people.
Had the ore been calcined with salt, NaCl, the bulk of this silver would have been amalgamated and thus saved.
Analysis of Zinc Ash andCalcined Pyrites by Means of Ammonium Carbonate.
When calcined zinciferous pyrites have to be examined, the estimation of zinc is similar to that employed in the analysis of zinc ore.
On both of the sombre shores we see by the light of the declining sun a procession of ruins, a uniform black and gray desolation of earth, ashes, and calcined slopes, tumbled walls, and ruins.
DEEP BLOOD RED Subsulphate of iron, calcined in a muffle until it becomes a beautiful capucine red, 1 part; flux No.
On the other hand, no experiments with which I am acquainted, in which heated fluids and calcined air have been shut up in closed flasks, have yielded so many positive results as those of Professor Wyman of Cambridge, U.
I never tried, but on the strength of others' testimony believe in the improvement of soils by means of calcined clay or earth.
The calcined material, on reaching the lower end of the furnace, is discharged on to the floor or on to a suitable "conveyer," and removed to a convenient locality for cooling and subsequent grinding or finishing.
The calcined bones are then reverentially collected, and either buried near the temple or pounded and made up into a paste, with which an image of the Buddha is constructed for worship in the monastery.
In Japan small portions of the calcined remains (often not larger than peas) are preserved in globular glass shrines, and then duly honoured and worshipped.
A number of human bones and upwards of 20 urns, containing bones in a calcined state, were this month dug up at a farm at Markshall, adjoining the Roman camp at Caister, near Norwich.
Nothing is visible around but hard calcined plain, brown and level, lost on the horizon seaward in a series of mirages, ending northward in a chain of rocky, precipitous mountains.
They have been likened to those of Madrid, having the same brown calcined soil, the same absence of trees and vegetation.
Bake it in an oven, scoop out the crumb, and soak it thoroughly in new Goats Milk and six Whites of Eggs; add an ounce of calcined Egg-shells.
Take clear Lees prepared from Vine Ashes, and to every pound of it, add an ounce of calcined Tartar, two drachms of Gum Sandarach, and as much Gum Juniper.
Being quite calcined as to the head and shoulders, we somewhat thankfully undertook the descent.
It rose no higher as the blaze grew red, and redder, and we felt its angry glow upon our skulls, soon to be calcined like the sticks themselves.
The extremity of the calcined bough had struck some hillock, and never were sailors more glad; the rock to them was the port.
For the siliceous ingredient of his composition he made choice of chalk-flints, calcined and ground to powder.
The materials of the Staffordshire ware are calcined flints and clay.
Whitening, two parts, white oxide of tin, one part, calcined hartshorn, one part.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calcined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.