By midnight he denoteththe uncertainty of that time.
The dropping of honey denoteth the sweetness of the delights of the world, whereby it deceiveth its own friends, nor suffereth them to take timely thought for their salvation.
And further, all created beings are limited, and this very limitation of all beings proveth the reality of the Limitless; for the existence of a limited being denoteth the existence of a Limitless One.
The descent of the New Jerusalem denoteth a heavenly Law, that Law which is the guarantor of human happiness and the effulgence of the world of God.
Internal disorders are also indicated by external symptoms, such as yellowness of the white of the eyes, which denoteth jaundice, and bending of the back, which denoteth disease of the lungs.
The cushion therefore denoteth the sweetness and pleasure that ariseth from the commands of God.
Footnote 348] Also the cavity of the bell denoteth the mouth of the preacher, according to the saying of the Apostle, 'I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
The sacrifice of the altar denoteth the vows of the heart.
Here, however, it is not portrayed as by the side, but as above, since it denoteth the ascension, and the word pronounced of God.
A chalice of tindenoteth the similitude of sin and punishment.
Now the variety of pictures denoteth the diversity of virtues.
But the trine circuit, which the bishop maketh while sprinkling, denoteth the thrice-repeated circuit which Christ made for the sanctification of the Church.
The first denoteth the law: the second denoteth our unworthiness, in that we are unworthy, nay unable to behold things celestial.
The aspersory, made of hyssop, denoteth humility; with which grace the Catholic Church being sprinkled is purified.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denoteth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.