His mind denounces the Renaissance, but his instinct obliges him to appreciate the great Florentine painters of the Renaissance and the musicians of the sixteenth century.
The consequence often is, just what might be looked for, that the portion of the press thus made fast to the executive interest denounces Congress, denounces the judiciary, complains of the laws, and quarrels with the Constitution.
For Zephaniah denounces the wrath of Jehovah on three classes of idolaters--viz.
For here Melanchthon, in the manner of Luther, opposes anddenounces the Pope as the Antichrist, the protector of ungodly doctrine and customs, and the persecutor of the true confessors of Christ, from whom one must separate.
All efforts to solve this mystery or to harmonize the hidden and the revealed God, Luther denounces as folly and presumption.
In it he denounces Lasco and his congregation of foreigners, and calls upon the magistrates to institute proceedings against them.
Our Lord denounces it as one of the special sins of the Pharisees--that for a "pretence they made long prayers.
Cold and hard is that religion which pretends to frown at them, and denounces them as wicked.
Is it for nothing that St. Paul classes covetousness with sins of the grossest description, and denounces it as idolatry?
In this section of the Prolegomena Kant has unconsciously reverted to the dogmatic standpoint of the Dissertation, and is interpreting understanding in the illegitimate manner which he so explicitly denounces in the section on Amphiboly.
Wolff, especially in his later writings, denounces idealism; and in the current manuals, sections in refutation of idealism became part of the recognised philosophical teaching.
And, needless to say, she denounces the Serbs, who in her eyes are a very criminal people.
The Examiner denounces this as a blow at the freedom of the press.
Mr. Lyons denounces it, and says the people will be starved.
And the Examiner denounces the bill, because it seems to sanction a depreciation of our currency!
Withers, Alabama, denounces the inefficiency of the conscript system.
The New York World denounces the article, and is for peace at once.
But he denounces as vile the President himself, and refuses to obey the call.
He denounces the action also of quartermasters and commissaries in the Southwest.
It is only a subtler form of theft that He alludes to when He denounces them for sanctioning the practice of dedicating property as a 'corban' to the purposes of religion in order to evade the righteous claims of parents.
The author denounces the writings of Poza to the Catholic Church in general, and to each of its members in particular, as heretical and tainted with atheism, and also denounces all the Jesuits who defended his doctrine.
The Review denounces Mr. James, in very coarse and abusive terms for the poem, and seeks to excite against him the hostility of the American people.
It not only denounces the treatment he received at the hands of the English populace, but endeavors to vindicate him from the crimes laid to his charge, and assails the Hungarian officers and soldiers in turn with great bitterness.
Masaniello, reentering, assures the strangers of his protection and even when Pietro denounces Alfonso as the Viceroy's son, he holds his promise sacred.
Fides detains her, but when she recognizes that her bridegroom and the Prophet are one and the same person, she wildly denounces him for his bloody deeds and stabs herself in his presence.
On the point of departing for ever, he sees the three ambassadors, whom he recognizes and loudly denounces as robbers and swindlers.
They are observed by the other couple and the sly Figaro, who has recognized Susanna, notwithstanding her disguise, denounces the Count to her, vows eternal love and generally makes his bride burn with wrath.
In the fourth act Adriano denounces him as a traitor; the people easily misled, begin to mistrust him, and when even the church, which has assisted him up to this time anathematises him on account of his last bloody deed, all desert him.
She denounces the traitor, accusing him of living in unlawful wedlock with a Jewess, a crime, which is punishable by death.
I can afford to be maligned by a priest, when the same party denounces Garibaldi, the hero of Italy, as a "pet tiger" to Victor Emmanuel.
Moldehnke, whose name seems chiefly made of consonants, denouncesme as a scoffer and as illogical, and says that Christianity is not founded upon the devil, but upon Christ.
If a man really thinks the character of Jehovah, as portrayed in the Old Testament, is good, and he denounces Jehovah as bad, he is a blasphemer.
He calls them "sectional and fanatical;" and opposition to the usurpation in Kansas he denounces as "an uncalculating fanaticism.
He denounces all who question the correctness of that decision, as offering violent resistance to it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denounces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.