It is probable that the word God was originally only an expression denoting the unknown cause of the known events which men perceived in the universe.
It is frequently represented as denoting something which from end to end is utterly incomprehensible, like the unknowable God of a certain system of philosophy.
We all know how Columbus used his superior knowledge of astronomy, to predict an eclipse, and the ignorant natives of America mistook this as denoting the presence of a superhuman being.
Farmer Boldwood had read the pantomimedenoting that they were aware of his presence, and the perception was as too much light turned upon his new sensibility.
On these occasions the ancestral tablet of the deceased is to be written, and as an important part of the exercises a red dot over one character signifying King is to be placed, thus changing it into the symbol denoting Lord.
The reigning emperor of the Tang Dynasty sent for Chang Kung, to inquire the secret of such wonderful harmony, and calling for a pen, he is said to have written the character denoting "Forbearance" a great number of times.
Man did not call lifeless things by names denoting sex because he regarded them as persons; he came to regard them as persons because he had already given them names connoting sex.
The difficulty of a riddle consists, not in the obscurity of words or names, but in the description of familiar things by terms, clear as terms, denoting their appearance and action.
The second personal pronoun, in the singular number, denoting the person addressed; thyself; the pronoun which is used in addressing persons in the solemn or poetical style.
The names of trees and bushes are formed by adding the suffix -uj (or simply -arbo, tree) to the root denoting the fruit or flower.
The banks in the low part of the province of Kiang-see consisted of a deep soil of black earth, supported on clay of a dark red or brown colour; denoting the presence of iron.
The officer appointed to attend us wore a light blue button in his cap, denoting the 4th degree of rank.
With him, apparently, began the usage of denoting by [pi] the ratio of the circumference to the diameter.
The ground at their base is covered with rock-work overgrown with mosses and ferns of various sorts, and water trickles hiddenly in the tangle, its very sound denoting coolness and repose.
Gregorian music, denoting a mode or melody in which the final is in the middle of the compass instead of at the bottom--opp.
NARR'OW-GAUGE, denoting a railroad of less width than 4 ft.
On all sides of it alike are ranged a series of beautiful female figures, separated by Ionic pillars, each in a somewhat different attitude, though all attitudes denoting grief (fig.
Note that the definite article is used after nosotros, vosotros, ustedes, preceding an adjective denoting nationality.
Note that the form a dónde is used with verbs denoting direction.
The Izhuvans are supposed to derive their caste name from Izha dwipa (island) or Simhala dwipa (both denoting Ceylon).
A name, denoting Vellala merchant, taken by some Vellalas.
The name, denoting Razus who were thrown out, of a class said to be descended from Razus who were excommunicated from their caste.
The Semitic designations of darkness are mostly formed from rootsdenoting ‘to cover’: so e.
Among the children of Lemech we actually find Jabal (Yâbhâl), of whom we have already spoken at length as denoting the Rainy Sky.
The emasculation of the Sun, when the Sun is male, is an expression of Aryan mythology denoting the weakening of his rays before and at sunset.
Rahabh, etymologically denoting the Noisy, Defiant, was originally the name and description of the Storm-Dragon.
This mythic view has become so incorporated in the Arabic language that the word bazaġa, denoting that the teeth are prominent, is also used of the rising of the sun.
The dark night is sometimes called al-leyl al-ḥâlik—a worddenoting the deepest shade of blackness.
If the supposition is in the past time, the if-clause will have the optative with εἰ and in the conclusion will stand the imperfect indicative or some form denoting past repetition, e.
Many of its words and all its letters embody a twofold meaning, denoting in the first place some passion, quality, or virtue, and in the next its sensible index.
Wouldn't the four characters be better denoting 'an isthmus with smart weed, and a stream with flowers'?
At the end, was a row of characters of minute size, denoting the year, month and day, upon which His Majesty had been pleased to confer the tablet upon Chia Yuan, Duke of Jung Kuo.
In the first place, you know that the general public has come to recognise the distortion of a photograph as denoting speed.
Maps of the state were hanging on the walls, some stuck full of various coloured pins denoting the condition of the canvass.
From the use of a genitive denoting a concrete object, fragmentum and fragmen are seen to be identical in meaning in the following examples: adiacebant fragmina telorum equorumque artus, Tac.
Over the railing she saw the low green country; over the green trees the roofs of the town; over the roofs a white flat facade, denoting the entrance to the county jail.
Behind them, in the centre of the room, the table was spread for supper, certain whiffs of air laden with fat vapours, which ever and anon entered from the kitchen, denoting its preparation there.
The deformity is appalling among the lower class; their only compensation is that the stranger never passes them by without bestowing some gift, denoting their sympathy.
Audible" means that can be heard: what prefix would you affix to it to form a word denoting what can not be heard?
Write and define nouns denoting the agent (one who or that which) from the following:-- 1.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denoting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.