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Example sentences for "fearing lest"

  • I was a little anxious on beginning the day's march, fearing lest we might find ourselves in the midst of that herd, for they gave no attention to man even when our people were shooting.

  • John Mitchell was not disposed to obey the command, fearing lest if we made any show of warlike preparations it would only incite the Indians to anger, but, fortunately, the other men did as I told them.

  • All that Night I could take no rest for thinking on it, fearing lest I might be disappointed of it.

  • Before they gave the Assault on the Kings Palace, they were consulting to lay hands on us, fearing lest we might be prejudicial to their Business, in joyning to the help and assistance of the King against them.

  • However, we set to it with a will for there was one more farm on Hog island which should be visited, and Hiram, fearing lest we might be interrupted, urged us to our utmost.

  • Doctor Warren did not show himself until after what seemed like a very long time of waiting, and we had grown impatient, fearing lest he had found some other who might be more to his liking, to carry the message.

  • We have had for supper all that four persons could desire," I replied quickly, fearing lest he might think we had it in mind to depend upon him entirely.

  • By no means," answered the voorlooper, who did not like walking about at night, fearing lest he should meet spooks.

  • Then he turned to go; but hearing the crunch of wheels close at hand, stepped back into the shadow of the gateway pillar, fearing lest he should be recognised on the open road.

  • But she clung to him like ivy to a tree, and he desisted from his efforts, fearing lest he should cause their sledge to alter its course.

  • Clara received the old man cordially, although she would have preferred not to see him there, fearing lest he should oppose her nursing project.

  • The remarkable woman squirmed a little, fearing lest he should kiss her ringers, but nevertheless gave him a gracious smile.

  • Fearing lest he should be persuaded to evade what he considered his duty, he pressed her hand fervently and hurried away.

  • While Sigurd was still contemplating the fallen monster, Regin joined him, and, fearing lest he might claim part of the gold, plotted to slay him.

  • Fearing lest so youthful an opponent should withdraw if he heard the name of his antagonist, or that he should pride himself too greatly on the honor done him, Rustem went into battle in disguise.

  • John the Baptist and his disciples, made anxious by Jesus' long absence, now begin to seek him as the prophets sought Elijah, fearing lest he too may have been caught up into heaven.

  • Fearing lest he should molest her finally, Florimell escaped from the hut on her palfrey, which she found in the witch's stable.

  • Fearing lest he would break my rifle and cameras, I tried to unbuckle them from the saddle while the scapegrace was in the throes of delirium tremens, and got tangled up with him in the ropes.

  • Then, fearing lest I might have created the impression of begging, I asked; "can you sell some?

  • Fearing lest I might be discovered and locked up, I withdrew to the rear to another window, when, suddenly, I ran into a heap of bedding and other stuff.

  • The acid so worked on the tin that the water became, in time, unfit to drink; fearing lest it would poison us, we both had to throw the precious liquid away.

  • The same Appuleius Saturninus murders Caius Memmius, who was a candidate for the consulship, fearing lest he might have, in him, a strenuous opposer of his evil actions.

  • When this was told the king, fearing lest he should direct the anger of the Samothracians against himself as accessory to the escape of a guilty person, he ordered Evander to be put to death.

  • They also sent Aulus Atilius to keep possession of Larissa in Thessaly; fearing lest, on the expiration of the armistice, Perseus might send troops and secure to himself that metropolis.

  • Remember that you once made a desperate and dastardly, attempt to kill me, fearing lest I should denounce you as having tried to bribe me to commit murder.

  • Bob Raymond, the man whom I had believed to be my friend, had endeavoured to dissuade me from following up the clue I had obtained, fearing lest I should discover the whole of the strange conspiracy.

  • Again I hesitated, fearing lest I should compromise Beryl.

  • Hitherto I have deferred writing on account of the uncertainty of your state, fearing lest I might disquiet you to no purpose.

  • To this I have not agreed, fearing lest it might appear to you that it would have the effect of protracting a settlement, promising to him to assure you that the responsibility lies not with himself but with me.

  • Bolle wished to follow and fall on them with such men as he had, but the cautious Jacob Smith forbade it, fearing lest he should tumble into some ambush and be killed or captured with his people, leaving the place defenceless.

  • Did you not shoot down my father in the wood, fearing lest he should prove you traitor, and after rob me of my heritage?

  • It was the old story of an ambitious Christian Power, fearing lest a reformed Turkey might become a strong Turkey, treacherously obstructing her path of progress.

  • He was timid about speaking to people older than himself, fearing lest he should appear in their eyes stupid and thick-headed.

  • The small-bodied and plump Yona carefully stretched out his short little hand toward the silver pail filled with fresh caviar, smacked his lips greedily, and squinted at the bottles before him, fearing lest he might overturn them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fearing lest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    baptized shall; could discover; existing laws; faithful unto; fearing lest; fifteen leagues; foreign goods; generally used; gray hair; human victims; intellectual progress; its great; native soldiers; not going; nothing much; oyster stew; proceeding from; ruling party; shall deserve; should hear; standing position; thought struck