No steps appear to be taken to isolate the cases, and just before our arrival in the country a young leper, enormously rich, had contracted a marriage with a lovely girl, though he was then in a moribund condition.
Last but not least, the educational tonic in doses for an adult, perhaps too strong, is being given to a moribund people under the supervision of an excellent Minister of Public Instruction, Señor Justo Sierra.
Sleep it must, and no doubt this familiar of Warner's had been almost moribund owing to the extraordinary and unexpected change that had taken place in his life, and the new interest that had held every faculty.
She was quite sincere in her desire to lift the gifted young man from his moral quagmire, but this new opportunity to exercise her power, almost moribund since her party was no longer in Opposition, was a stronger motive still.
Here again is the typical geographic distribution of a moribund aboriginal race, whose shrivelled patches merely dot the surface of their once wide territory.
Pitted against Buchanan and Frémont, was Millard Fillmore who had been nominated months before by the American party, and who subsequently received the indorsement of what was left of the moribund Whig party.
For a time the Native American party seemed likely to take the place of the moribund Whig party.
Curiosity was excited to know what the moribund administration of the discredited Polk would do.
In the first there rises melodiously, as it were, the wail of a moribund world: everywhere wholesome Nature in unequal conflict with diseased perfidious Art; cannot escape from it in the lowest hut, in the remotest island of the sea.
The august moribund Assembly debated it for four entire days.
Revolt of Germinal Twelfth ended as a vain cry; moribund Sansculottism was swept back into invisibility.
All these wonderful exhibitions of moribund volcanic action seem to be concentrated in the northern island of Auckland.
The geysers and hot springs of the Yellowstone Park, like those in Iceland and New Zealand, are special manifestations of volcanic action, generally in its secondary or moribund stage.
In the Two Sicilies the Inquisition dragged on a moribund existence.
Open doors afford glimpses of squalid interiors, crowded with slatternly women and dirty children, the hereditary retainers and hangers-on of this effete and moribund royalty.
They then asked him to assume the management of the moribund property.
By means of this policy he has succeeded in galvanizing a moribundpublication into active and prosperous life.
Of all vitality, and therefore of all patent harmfulness, the old rule can be deprived, but the moribund husk must remain in the system doing latent mischief.
In reality, however, many of these popular workers were already moribund and the novel was being honeycombed by French influence.
Previous horrible neglect of patients, and their moribund state on admission, 93.
It is in vain to pit the moribund system of competition against the young giant of private monopoly; it must rather be opposed by the greater giant of public monopoly.
He took an active interest in politics; and having met quite by chance a literary man--who nevertheless was related to an earl--he was induced to finance a moribund society paper.
For Rome the drama of a thousand years is ended: Rome is moribundand has but strength to die greatly, tragically.