Alcoholic specimens are liable to become shriveled and discolored, and are not nearly as valuable as well-inflated and dried skins.
The chrysalis is very peculiar in shape, and is strongly angulated and covered with curious projections, which cause it to somewhat resemble a shriveled leaf.
A grayish pallor had suffused her shriveled features.
The electric light lent a yellow tinge to his shriveled face--a face so gloomy and sour that it gave the impression of never having been lit up by a grin.
It was an old debris of a man, who begged in a voice that whispered and croaked, and his hand was shriveled and purple, and it wavered and trembled as he held it out.
They were so reduced that it seemed as if only a dry, shriveled skin covered their emaciated frames.
This means enough of the poor, shriveled beef to allow each person, three times a day, a piece the size of one's two fingers.
And there I saw the bony brow of Hate; Vile, vicious sneers, the eyes of shriveled Scorn Among the writhing briers; each a thorn Of cavernous hunger barbed with burning fate.
With overwork and insufficient food, our furs hung on bony eminences over shriveled skins.
It was not alone the want of food which had shriveled our bodies, for greater pangs of hunger were reserved for a later run of misfortune.
I did not realize then that his vanity was of the kind which can in an instant spring into a Redwood colossus from the shriveled stalk to which the last glare of truth has wilted it.
Small piece of butter Heat the fry pan, melt butter in it, tear beef into small bits, put in pan, stir with fork until shriveled and very hot.
They are not athletes standing posed by rich life and brave endeavor like antique statues, but shriveled deformities, studying with furtive glance the cruel face of power.
And there they watched until a man became a charred and shriveled mass.
A shriveled laurel-wreath is bound about them, discolored and brittle as the wax.
He was pleased with that neat shot and the way it shriveled those two people up, and made La Hire laugh out loud and the other generals softly quake and chuckle.
Their hearts shriveled in their bodies, their hands fell listless at their sides.
Hunter lay dead upon the floor, his face contorted wildly, his limbs drawn up like a shriveled spider.
The effect of the whole was that of a shriveled and shrunken Phoenix, macabrely adorning the tomb of some lost pharaoh.
Afterwards, Mr. Duval laid the letter away in his shabby trunk, beside the little green bottle that still held a shriveled pink rose, the late wild rose that Jeanne had left on his table that last day.
There was a strange, wrinkled old man, who looked small and shriveled in that big white bed.
He was worn almost to a skeleton, his brown, shriveled skin giving him the appearance of a mummy.
It was, then, in that moment of awful doubt, when the will of a strong man might have shriveled up, that nature herself seemed to give the answer.
Every morning his little shriveled figure knelt at the form before the Communion, and from his blanched lips the prayers were mumbled audibly.
The sash had evidently been saturated with blood, which was now dried upon it, leaving parts of it shriveled like, and of a darker shade of crimson.
The second face revealed was the face of a shriveled old negress, sitting opposite the lady on the back seat.
She looked smaller and more shriveled than ever in a beautiful mink coat and cap and a velvet dress of a rich shade of blue that breathed prosperity in every fold.
And I intend to take you with me, Judith, and when we get to the top we'll look back and see poor, little Millicent Porter, shriveled to nothing at the bottom!