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Example sentences for "hutch"

Lexicographically close words:
hustler; hustles; hustling; huswife; hut; hutches; hutments; huts; hutted; huttes
  1. THERE were once two little white rats who lived in a hutch with wide bars.

  2. Illustration] And there she stayed for weeks and weeks; and when it grew very cold the hutch was put in the stable, so that she was always warm; but she longed to get home again.

  3. And the little person in the hutch recognised the voices of the two ladies she had seen in the wood.

  4. And I would not mind beginning to make either an ordinary breeding cage or a hutch at this moment with the tools I have just named.

  5. Now you can make a very serviceable hutch out of that useful article a bacon box.

  6. The same kind of hutch that is used for rabbits does excellently well for guinea-pigs.

  7. The breeding hutch is different, as there must be a dark retiring room for the mother and young.

  8. Soon the procession appeared, the hutch jolting along the rough street, the men shouting and singing as they came.

  9. The men ran the hutch to the "bottom" straight against the full tubs ready to be sent to the surface.

  10. The hutch had been broken open and the rabbit was gone.

  11. Lecacheur made them sit down, and told them the affair, and then they went and saw the scene of the theft, in order to verify the fact that the hutch had been broken open, and to collect all the proofs they could.

  12. The hum of the spinning-wheel was silent as the grave, the grail-hutch was empty, and they had had to feed on berries like the birds.

  13. The Hutch leading the Watter from the Wheele, 5 foot square, 85 foote long, not mended by these farmers, in repaire.

  14. In cold or wet weather and at night, it is well to throw a cloth over the hutch for warmth.

  15. Most diseases are the result of neglect in cleaning out the hutch regularly and thoroughly.

  16. The hutch must be well ventilated, and it should be made in two compartments, one to admit plenty of light, and the other dark.

  17. The hutch should stand on legs, or at any rate should be raised from the ground, and holes should be bored in the bottom for drainage.

  18. Rabbits' Hutches A good hutch can be made of a grocer's box, by covering the open front partly with bars or wire netting and making a door.

  19. If your Himalayan is allowed to sleep or sit about in a wet hutch the colour of the feet will soon be destroyed; but if the hutch is built as I previously described, all water from the rabbit will soon run away.

  20. Cover the floor of the hutch with fine sawdust, and over this some sweet chopped hay, and your house is ready for its occupants.

  21. The smooth-haired cavy must have a hutch not less than 2 ft.

  22. They need no looking after, but will fend for themselves, though it is better to have a little hutch to put them into sometimes.

  23. On the floors of your hutches spread sawdust (pinewood sawdust is first-rate when it can be had), and over this some nice clean straw; and always keep in the hutch a little of one of the many disinfectants that are now manufactured.

  24. It is always best to have the hutch two or three feet from the ground, and resting on four legs, which is much better than nailing it to the wall.

  25. If you have sufficient pocket-money you can buy a hutch ready-made, or you can build it on similar lines to that for cavies, but of course much larger.

  26. Over this part of the hutch you must have a well-fitting wooden door, not only to keep them warm, but to darken the nest and so make them comfortable.

  27. In the front of your hutch have a closely and well-fitting wooden door, large enough for you to clean out the interior comfortably; the other portion of the front must be covered with wire netting of a very close mesh.

  28. In every hutch I like a part of it boarded off as a sleeping-room, which can be easily done by making a wooden partition and slipping it into the hutch, allowing a space of 12 inches for this purpose.

  29. It is always preferable to have your hutch in some outhouse, where, though the inmates will have plenty of fresh air, they will be protected from very cold winds and rain.

  30. All men were 'men without a country' and they didn't much care even if they were citizens of a mean city, so long as their own contemptible little hutch was secure.

  31. Well, if Rob is two dimensions," said Claude, "Hutch is eight or ten.

  32. Hutch is in a devil of a temper," declared Claude grimly, "because Rob covered him with ridicule at the Outlaw Club.

  33. Yes, we all thought Big Hutch held the key to the leakage into the papers.

  34. Especially when I think how afraid of Hutch all the Outlaws are.

  35. A rabbit hutch or coop is easily built from old packing boxes.

  36. The hutch should stand on legs above ground as rabbits do not thrive well in dampness.

  37. Their hutch is beautiful and clean, and I have all their lettuces waiting for them just outside, so they sha'n't begin to nibble till you come.

  38. Lecacheur made them sit down and told them the affair, and then they went and saw the scene of the theft, in order to verify the fact that the hutch had been broken open, and to collect all the proofs they could.

  39. The hutch being clean, the slide may be opened, and the animal allowed to run about.

  40. The hutch should be made to slant a little backwards so as to aid in the drainage.

  41. They need no looking after at all, but will take care of themselves, though it is as well to have a little hutch to put them into now and then.

  42. The hutch is easily kept clean by attending to each apartment separately.

  43. The reader will observe that in the engraving of the hutch it is shown standing on a table, the top of which projects far beyond the legs.

  44. The hutch should be cleansed at least every day, and if a second cleaning be added it will not come amiss.

  45. As will be seen from the illustration, the hutch is divided into two portions, that on the left hand being much the larger, and employed by the rabbit as a day-room.

  46. Very little water is needed; but it is better to put into the hutch a small pan with a few spoonfuls of water in it.

  47. The port-captain went into the little hutch of a cabin with a white face.

  48. My mother did not attempt to excuse herself, but when Mrs. Hutch began to rail against my absent father, she tried to put in a word in his defence.

  49. At last Mrs. Hutch got up to leave, marching out as determinedly as she had marched in.

  50. If Mrs. Hutch had not repulsed my offer of confidences, I could have shown her long letters written to me by people whose mere signature was prized by autograph hunters.

  51. Mrs. Hutch actually stopped, and I jumped into the pause.

  52. I could easily believe that it was doing Mrs. Hutch spiritual violence to withhold the rent from her; and hence the vehemence with which she pursued the arrears.

  53. I wanted to apologize, but Mrs. Hutch didn't give me a chance.

  54. I found Mrs. Hutch in the gloom of a long, faded parlor.

  55. Mrs. Hutch seldom succeeded in collecting the full amount of the rents from her tenants.

  56. I understood that Mrs. Hutch had a special grudge against me, because I did not go to work as a cash girl and earn three dollars a week.

  57. I was afraid, if I stayed any longer, Mrs. Hutch would have the apoplexy; and I felt that I was going to cry.

  58. But Mrs. Hutch cut me short at the mention of college.

  59. It seemed not unreasonable that Mrs. Hutch should have a craving for the rent as such.

  60. Everything I tried to do for Mrs. Hutch turned out bad.

  61. Then the old man himself, sat down on the hutch and extended his hand to the girl.

  62. In the whole hutch of kitchen Rabbitry the most popular modern ones are made with tomato, a little or lots.

  63. As both black and white pepper are now held in almost equal esteem, you might equip your hutch with twin hand-mills to do the grinding fresh, for this is always worth the trouble.

  64. Hutch stepped back while Willard crossed in front of him.

  65. There wasn't much chatting just then, although Hutch called cheerfully enough for a score.

  66. There was no interference to aid him, for Hutch was down, and Moncks, having run the end out, was far behind.

  67. When all was said and done, perhaps Hutch might have chosen more wisely had he risked a forward-pass on that final down.

  68. A complicated criss-cross sent a back plunging between Newhall and Proctor, and Browne's tackle missed and it was Hutch who laid him low twelve yards behind the line.

  69. Yet Hutch knew that Lorimer would be looking for that play and knew that if it failed Alton's last opportunity to score would be lost.

  70. Just short of the middle of the field, with the minutes running fast, Hutch called for Formation C and the Alton line spread widely.

  71. You could make a ripping rabbit-hutch out of that.

  72. The hutch was under a wide-branching tree.

  73. This was a hutch in which she put broody hens when she wished to break up their desire to set.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hutch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.