In this way I continued for a long time, until at last I took to buying cocoanuts from the people and storing them against the arrival of a ship, when I hoped to sell them in bulk.
Stately royal palms, india rubber trees, flowering majaguas, cocoanuts and rare tropical plants, render this park one of the most interesting in the City.
Cocoanuts form the chief article of export from Baracoa, which is the last port of any note on the north coast of Cuba.
Round the mat raw rice and paddy (unhusked rice) are spread, and a vessel containing cocoanut flowers and cocoanuts is placed near her.
As soon as this is over, seven cocoanuts are broken, and the water thereof is poured over the head of the girl, and the broken halves are distributed among the five Vallons and seven girls who are also invited to be present.
The former set up a stone beneath a temporary hut, and worship it by offering cooked rice and cocoanuts on unam (Lettsomia elliptica) leaves.
The Kuruppan has diverse functions to perform, such as holding umbrellas, and cutting cocoanutsfrom trees, on ceremonial occasions.
Scattered here and there among the canoes might be seen numbers of cocoanuts floating closely together in circular groups, and bobbing up and down with every wave.
Their proprietor inserting his head into the midst of them, impelled his necklace of cocoanuts through the water by striking out beneath the surface with his feet.
The hogs are permitted to roam at large on the groves, where they obtain no small part of their nourishment from the cocoanuts which continually fall from the trees.
In this way the persecutedcocoanuts were often chased half across the valley.
By some inexplicable means these cocoanuts were all steadily approaching towards the ship.
The cocoanuts were all attached to one another by strips of the husk, partly torn from the shell and rudely fastened together.
It is this genial climate which causes the cocoanuts to flourish as they do.
A long prosperity of bread-fruit and cocoanuts has rendered them remiss in the performance of their higher obligations.
By the time I had finished setting the poles into the ground, thus forming the enclosure of the house, my appetite began to assert itself; and I was again reminded that I must search for food other than cocoanuts and oranges.
Perhaps only cocoanuts and oranges abounded in my near vicinity; at any rate, I resolved to carefully survey the adjacent region for the purpose of ascertaining its resources.
During all this time I had lived solely upon cocoanuts and oranges, varied with a few shellfish, somewhat resembling periwinkles, only larger, that I found along the beach.
So we abandoned further work on the boat and began to lay in a supply of cocoanuts and yams.
Then Robinson, discouraged, turned back home and ate his corn, bananas, and cocoanuts without meat.
He gathered and stored in his cellar cocoanuts and corn in such quantities that he would be supplied for a whole winter.
The cocoanuts were all attached to one another by strips of the husk, partly torn from the shell and rudely fashioned together.
Their proprietor, inserting his head into the midst of them, impelled his necklace of cocoanuts through the water by striking out beneath the surface with his feet.
By some inexplicable means these cocoanuts were all steadily approaching toward the ship.
But how nice it would be if we could paint ourselves instead of wearing clothes, and go under a tree when it rained, and pick cocoanuts or bananas when we were hungry.
They took a good quantity home with them, but it did not go very well with fish, and even with cocoanuts it was a doubtful joy.
Another day, when they went for cocoanuts and failed to find any on the ground, Fangati pointed to some nuts clustering among the foliage fifty feet above the ground, and made signs to them to climb up for them.
For a week they subsisted on gooneys, taro root, cocoanuts and cocoanut milk, and a sea-turtle which Scraggs found wandering on the beach.
As those cocoanuts are full of milk, that insures us life for a week or two if we go on a short ration.
On the eighteenth day the last drop of water was gone, and on the twenty-second day the last of the cocoanuts disappeared.
Then pursuing our course, we captured a prau laden with cocoanuts on its way to Burne.
The kings had somecocoanuts brought in so that we might refresh ourselves.
They had nothing else then, but made us signs with their hands that they would bring umay or rice, [199] and cocoanuts and many other articles of food within four days.
Tuticorin sends some cotton, rice, and cocoanuts to market, but its business must be very limited.
The cocoanuts ripening in big clusters on the lofty trees, and many other fruits produced by the family of the palm, are inviting and handsome to look upon, especially when hanging in clusters forty or fifty feet skyward.
In the morning a teaspoonful of rum was served to all, and five small cocoanuts divided for their dinner, and everyone was satisfied.
On the afternoon of that day, when the captain came on deck, he missed some cocoanuts that had been heaped up between the guns.
And for weeks we toiled at catching beche-de-mer and curing it, in gathering the cocoanuts and turning them into copra.
The gust of wind struck the pandanus tree overhead and tore through the palms beyond, flinging half a dozen ripe cocoanuts with heavy thuds to the ground.
And there were pigs and chickens on deck, and sacks of yams, while every conceivable place was festooned with strings of drinking cocoanuts and bunches of bananas.
A sea swept up the beach, licking around the trunks of the cocoanutsand subsiding almost at their feet.
No cocoanuts nor bananas were to be seen, though dense, tropic vegetation overran everything, dripping in airy festoons from the sheer lips of the precipices and running riot in all the crannied ledges.
Surely, there were more cocoanuts afloat than dead men!
The cocoanuts and bananas were chopped down, the taro gardens uprooted, and the pigs and chickens killed.
The days went by, and she lived on the cocoanuts that had kept her afloat.
Lieutenant Schal of the Emden, who was with them, eagerly seized upon the cocoanuts and cut them open for the wounded, who had been crying for water all night and for whom he had not been able to find more than one nut.
The number of these trees in the island is estimated to be twenty millions, which yield from seven to eight hundred million cocoanuts annually, and are worth ten million dollars.
At one of our stopping places we buy mangoes and rose-apples, and green cocoanuts containing a cool, delicious milk.
In Efate, of the New Hebrides, to steal cocoanuts which are consecrated to the worship of the gods at some forthcoming festival "would be regarded as a much greater offence than common stealing.
On our visit to the village all the male and female inhabitants with their children flocked around me, and offered me cocoanuts and sugar-cane; which, for the first contact with Europeans, is certainly remarkable.
Copper, cocoanuts and oil, bananas, and cocoa constitute the exports.
The vessels were now surrounded with canoes laden with cocoanutsand bananas, and a brisk and tolerably honest trade was driven by the natives and the strangers.
He purchased, for knives made of the iron hoops of water-casks, six thousand cocoanutsand a hundred bunches of bananas, or Indian figs.
Fifty casks of water, and a large quantity of oranges, lemons, and cocoanuts were now hastily put on board the Centurion.
At another island the crew received from the inhabitants the first present of cocoanuts made to a European of which any record exists.
On the 13th of October he discovered several islands in latitude eight degrees north, and was soon surrounded with canoes laden with cocoanuts and fruit.
Taking on board the four Malays who manned her and the cocoanuts with which she was laden, he cut a hole in her bottom and turned her loose.
During the stay of the vessels at the Society Islands, Cook induced the crews to give up their grog and use the milk of cocoanuts instead.
Bananas and cocoanuts were set before them to eat, and a beverage was prepared for them to drink.
We came ashore in a hurricane, the six of us who were not drowned, and had to live on cocoanuts and raw fish.
He'll sing another tune if we have to come down to cocoanuts and sea worms," I prophesied.
How long can we live on just cocoanuts and hope, after the horrid great oysters are all gone, and these creepy, leggy crabs have grown too cunning to let us catch them?
A diet of raw fish doesn't appeal very strongly unless one is nearer starvation than we could be while the cocoanuts lasted.
They joined hands and staggered up the path, with the ripe cocoanuts thudding in a monstrous rain all around them.
They passed out of the compound through a small wicker gate, and went on under the blazing sun, winding about among new-planted cocoanutsthat threw no shade.
Her achievements with cocoanuts were a revelation.
The stones did not go near them, but influenced by their instinctive mania for imitation, they instantly seized all the cocoanuts within their reach, and sent a perfect hail of them down upon us.
As cocoanuts must be over-ripe before they fall naturally from the tree, it was not without difficulty that we obtained one in which the kernel was not dried up.
We did full justice to the appetizing meal prepared for us, our gourds coming for the first time into use, and having done it full justice, I produced the cocoanuts by way of dessert.
Fortunately there was a sufficient supply of other eatables, and the fresh, delicious cocoanuts and goat's milk put everyone in good humour again.
This new occupation kept us busy until the evening, and when it was at length completed we loaded the cart with the sago, a store of cocoanuts and our other possessions, that we might be ready to start early on the following morning.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cocoanuts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.