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Example sentences for "pursuing"

Lexicographically close words:
pursued; pursuer; pursuers; pursues; pursueth; pursuit; pursuits; pursuivant; pursuivants; pursute
  1. Pursuing this idea, he adds: "We carry our fireside concerns to the theatre with us.

  2. There is something pathetic in the spectacle of a man pursuing "the fighting-road" with no one to fight him and heaving bricks into the middle of persons who obstinately continue to ignore his existence.

  3. Like as a star That maketh not haste, That taketh not rest, Be each one pursuing His God-given hest.

  4. It was ticklish work; for, if she were once allowed to broach to, one of the pursuing waves would soon leap over the taffrail, and then it would be a case for us!

  5. Captain Miles, pursuing his inquiries, the hands around meanwhile commencing to nudge one another and exchange grins as the colloquy waxed warm between the two principal performers.

  6. But his alarm was quite unnecessary, Jake rising above the water in another moment and scrambling up into the main rigging, in a very hurried manner, as if something was pursuing him.

  7. During this time Dalton employed his leisure in learning Latin, Greek and French, and in pursuing his studies in mathematics and natural philosophy.

  8. Matter and heat unite in a common bond, and, harmoniously pursuing the necessities of some universal law, the result is the extension of beautiful forms in every kingdom of nature.

  9. Boutigny, pursuing this curious inquiry, has recently proved that the moisture upon the skin is sufficient to protect it from disorganization, if the arm is plunged into baths of melted metal.

  10. It's the scandal I fear," rejoined his wife, pursuing her own thought.

  11. Then it must have been locked from inside," returned the other, who appeared to be pursuing some hidden train of thought.

  12. How he had ever come to bend his neck to the matrimonial yoke was one of those mysteries which must be accounted a triumph for the pursuing sex--a tribute to the fearlessness of woman in the ardour of the chase.

  13. So he kept on--and on, seeking the vision of his desires with the insatiable eagerness of a man pursuing the unreachable horizon of a hashish dream.

  14. Everything was abandoned that would impede progress, and arms and property of all kinds were left as a rich harvest for the pursuing Confederates.

  15. Now, a not over acute man, in pursuing such, an object, would be nearly certain to overdo the matter.

  16. Instead he shot forward after the fleeing bull, who had turned in flight not an instant too soon, since he reached the nearest tree but a yard or two ahead of the pursuing demon.

  17. He cried to Taug and the other bulls to hasten to Teeka's assistance, and at the same time he ran toward the pursuing beast, taking down his rope as he came.

  18. I was then pursuing agricultural life, and mostly occupied in converting the wilderness into a fruitful field.

  19. In the evening we had already cleared the Society Islands, and were pursuing a westward course.

  20. They are capable of high speed, and would make excellent time if pursued by a bull-dog or pursuing a swill-bucket.

  21. As we approached home our horses gave signs of lagging, and the pursuing wolves came nearer.

  22. They turned aside, and were gratified to see from a place of concealment the pursuing party proceed up the valley.

  23. But coquettes are not unknown in Koriakdom, and the pursuing youths are sometimes left in the lurch--or the polags.

  24. My notion of the direction I ought to go was not entirely clear, as I had followed a very tortuous course in pursuing the antelopes.

  25. Rasloff's right arm was dislocated by the fall, and one of the pursuing wolves had struck his teeth into his scalp as he was dragging over the side, and torn it so that it bled profusely.

  26. Learned as he was, whilst pursuing his own purpose, he digressed in agreeable and instructive fashion into the realms of real knowledge.

  27. Hill's division will form the rear-guard of the army, pursuing the road taken by the main body.

  28. The cavalry, moreover, with the exception of a few squadrons, was far away upon the left, pursuing a large detachment which had been observed on the road to the White House.

  29. Pursuing his march by the forest path, Taylor had heard the sounds of battle pass beyond his flank, and the cheers of the Federals proved that Winder was hard pressed.

  30. In vain their powerful artillery, firing case and canister with desperate energy, strove to arrest the rush of the pursuing infantry.

  31. Intent only on getting away unscathed, they neglected, like McClellan at Gaines' Mill, to look for opportunities, forgetting that when an enemy is pursuing in hot haste he is very apt to expose himself.

  32. And if the cavalry was suddenly driven in, support was invariably at hand, and a compact brigade of infantry, supported by artillery, sent the pursuing horsemen to the right-about.

  33. The movement was misconstrued by the Federals, and down the high road, in solid column, came the pursuing cavalry.

  34. It was in patience rather than in pity maybe that he was lacking; and pursuing this idea, he recalled the hopes he entertained when he railed off a strip of ground in front of Bridget Clery's house.

  35. He stood appalled, looking into the green wood, aware of the mysterious life in the branches; and then lay down to watch the insect life among the grass--a beetle pursuing its little or great destiny.

  36. Instead of pursuing the eastern route we proceeded southwards, for in that direction the desert is not wholly uninhabited.

  37. Then, instead of pursuing the previous direction, he turned towards the north-west, along the banks of the great river Yarou-Dsangbo.

  38. Only a hundred yards or so behind he continued, partly in curiosity, pursuing the dog that was pursuing him, till a shift of the wind brought the dog a smell-call from the Bear behind.

  39. After this great success, the barbarians, instead of pursuing their advantage, spread through the province and formed an alliance with the Volci Tectosages, who had their capital at Toulouse.

  40. Then, for his protection, he assumed a cap and a greatcoat of Austrian uniform, and instead of pursuing his way in the coach, entered a cabriolet.

  41. When they reached the footpath, they ran headlong to the fort at the top of their speed, terrified by the number of Iroquois pursuing them, and leaving their commander to fall behind, alone and unprotected.

  42. They had run into the Baie des Chaleurs to escape from pursuing enemies.

  43. In pursuing this second point the preacher entered into the details of the various dispositions that risen Christians of different conditions should manifest as a sign of the new Easter life in them.

  44. She took up again with determined interest her relations to the Institute, joining additional classes and pursuing a variety of topics of study, in regard to some of which she consulted Littleton.

  45. The days were too short, and sometimes left him perplexed and harassed by their rush; yet he was still pursuing the tenor of his way.

  46. You and I believe that we can get more happiness out of life by pursuing the even tenor of our way in the position in which we happen to find ourselves.

  47. She was glad to have the additional time thus afforded her for pursuing her own tastes, and the days seemed too short for what she wished to accomplish.

  48. If I follow him to Naples, it is just possible I might be able to dissuade him from pursuing Hayle.

  49. The recital lasted some minutes, and all the time we were still pursuing our way in a direction exactly opposite to that which I knew we should be following.

  50. Instead of rapidly pursuing his demoralized foe, he tarried at Skenesborough till his pathway was thoroughly obstructed and the fugitives had recovered from their panic.

  51. It was by pursuing such a course that Greene secured the coöperation of all men in the South.

  52. When he encountered Percy's column on its way out, he seems to have evaded it and joined General Heath, then taking cross-roads to intercept the pursuing militia.

  53. White Plains the principal one, and adds, "Though the king's troops had the advantaged pursuing them, it does not appear that the loss was much different.

  54. They lay with their backs towards me, pursuing their work with diligence, and as the colour of their bodies was almost similar to that of their surroundings, they were not easily observable, as I had already proved.

  55. There's nae time like the present," growled Mac oracularly, pursuing his congenial task with supreme content.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pursuing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    back; chase; dogging; fishing; following; hunting; piscatory; prosecution; pursuance; pursuit; quest; search; searching; shadowing; stalking; tracking; trailing