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Example sentences for "coffee"

Lexicographically close words:
coexisting; coexists; coextensive; cofer; cofers; coffeehouse; coffeehouses; coffeepot; coffees; coffer
  1. In this berry are found the two seeds, which constitute the coffee of commerce.

  2. The use of coffee was known in Arabia long before it was introduced to Europeans in the sixteenth century.

  3. Soda water would be worth all the coffee in the world, Mae; I'll take it black, if you please.

  4. I daresay it will be coffee for two, served separately, and with no thought of pistols.

  5. The manioc and cocoa plantation surrounds these buildings, with a few coffee trees peeping out here and there.

  6. Ceylon, as everybody knows, is indebted for its great prosperity to its coffee plantations, a large trade being carried on between the English and its inhabitants, who enjoy a well-earned reputation as cultivators of that shrub.

  7. The cotton plant, however, is always the cotton plant, whatever be the soil upon which it grows; the coffee plant and wheat are always the same vegetables, and one is not liable to be deceived in them.

  8. The coffee plant of the South American plantations is not similar to the same shrub which exists in Arabia, whence it came in the first instance.

  9. We left the dinner-table, and while taking coffee under the trees, the president proposed an excursion on the lake at sunset.

  10. Coffee and a tchibouk with an amber mouthpiece are handed round.

  11. Coffee was served in exquisite little china cups all flowers and gold.

  12. Tea was at one end of the table, and coffee at the other; and old Mr. Rathbone presided at the coffee, and Mrs. Thorn at the tea.

  13. The pacha's pipe was refilled, the coffee was poured down their respective throats, and the forbidden spirits quaffed with double delight, arising from the very circumstance that they were forbidden.

  14. About seven o'clock coffee was brought to us, and a little later we set out for the town.

  15. We finished dressing and then had a hurried cup of coffee and some muffins in the breakfast-room.

  16. And then she read to Desclieux and her parents a long account of the coffee of Mocha, and pictured vividly to their imagination the tree to grow out of the nursling whose infancy they watched over.

  17. You will like to have your coffee at six to-morrow morning, then?

  18. He sat down, gloomily stirred the sugar into his coffee and listened to Livingstone fizz all over the place about the evening's entertainment which had uplifted him to exaltation.

  19. VII They were sitting on the terrazza in the evening, with several other people from the pension, having their coffee sociably around the big round table and looking out over the roofs and domes and church-towers of Rome.

  20. Over the coffee and Chartreuse, facing another well-satisfied man sat another secretive woman, talking in one key, feeling in another, and finding the process far from enlivening.

  21. Mr. Crittenden got up, leaving his coffee untouched, and left the breakfast-room in his unceremonious American way, without a sign of decent civility.

  22. Then they had a specially good supper, the sort of expensive things that were usually reserved for Sunday dinner, planked shad and roast chicken and ice-cream, and coffee in the little gold-lined cups that Mother always washed herself.

  23. He drank his coffee and ate his roll as though he had a train to catch, and, rushing back to his room, seized his hat and made off to the nearest cafe to consult the directory.

  24. When dessert and coffee and Neale's cigar could be dragged out no longer, they had strolled side by side up deserted lower Fifth Avenue.

  25. Coffee had been served, and the Chartreuse--Biron had not forgotten.

  26. Yes, he was in the same predicament as you are, and his coffee plantation was going to be sold up.

  27. If Mas'r Landell had only walked off somewhere to see how his coffee or cocoa was growing, and where it wanted hoeing up, do you think that Muster Indian there would have been above saying so?

  28. We shall have you a rich coffee planter, or a Deputy Judge Advocate, in no time.

  29. He'll do much better at planting coffee than he ever did at law--at least, it's to be hoped so!

  30. At last he judged that his time had come; Binney had brought up coffee and left them alone.

  31. Caffyn seemed to have forgotten their recent conversation as he deliberately sipped his coffee and took a cigarette; he offered Mark one and it was declined.

  32. Soon beefsteak was broiling over the fire, potatoes were frying in the pan and the tantalizing fragrance of coffee filled the air.

  33. The fire warmed the boys, and the coffee and food did likewise.

  34. On a flat stone the coffee pot stood ready.

  35. We need some coffee this morning, but we have nothing with which to build a fire.

  36. After drinking the hot coffee the girls felt themselves equal to almost any task.

  37. Supper will be served in the cabin as soon as the coffee is ready.

  38. Three years ago he anxiously noted down the few kreutzers occasionally spent for coffee or chocolate "fuer Haidn und mich"; now he keeps his own servant and a horse.

  39. To this the two were able to add much concerning his awkwardness in taking hold of such objects as glasses, coffee cups, etc.

  40. Jacob Dunton, of Philadelphia, invented a "coffee wagon" and presented it to the Commission.

  41. At four o'clock got up and had coffee made, and, going around among the wounded, found a Pennsylvanian who had lain at my feet, dead.

  42. But the Unionists had plenty of coffee, and that good, while coffee was an item that quickly disappeared from the Southern bill of fare.

  43. Coffee was brought to us by the cooks at meal-time.

  44. We had been drinking water with our meals previous to this disclosure; coffee and tea had long since been among the things that were, in the army.

  45. Coffee could be made in it in large quantities, as it was driven along.

  46. The advantage of having coffee appeared in some cases to be a distinct military advantage.

  47. Charles drank his coffee and spiked some half-dozen eggs, darting occasionally a penetrating glance at the ladies, in hope of detecting the supposed waggery by the evidence of some furtive smile or conscious look.

  48. So we bore up into the clouds, Of creature comforts ample store; And really coffee ne'er was known To rise so speedily before.

  49. It was the hour in the middle of the morning at which he was accustomed to be waked with the information that his coffee and eggs were ready.

  50. Seizing the coffee pot which he had replaced on the gas stove he hurled it too against the wall.

  51. As the coffee had grown cold he took that and the cup to keep warm.

  52. Sipping her coffee and crunching her toast she was driven to ponder on the ways of wickedness.

  53. No such calamity having occurred he took up the coffee pot, leaving the mashed egg where it lay.

  54. With irregular eating and drinking all through the evening and far toward daylight, he found a cup of coffee and an egg.

  55. When the coffee pot was a mere shapeless mass he picked up the empty cup.

  56. He found bread, butter, milk that had turned sour, the usual condiments, some coffee in a canister, and a single egg.

  57. It came from Mrs. Courage, the cook-housekeeper, who stood near the kitchen range making the coffee for breakfast.

  58. For the first time in her life Letty was having coffee and toast in bed.

  59. At the door of the warehouse of Breck and Company I was greeted by the ineffable smell of groceries in which the suggestion of parched coffee prevailed.

  60. As their strength waned, they made more fire in the stove and sat over it, drinking rank coffee and tea that had boiled all day on the same stove.

  61. He watched her for a moment and then went in at the door, returning in a moment with another cup of coffee and another dish.

  62. We shall have coffee and brioche at five.

  63. As for the Signora, having put the coffee on to boil, she was not nursing the bambino.

  64. The coffee served, their host departed with one last inquiry for their comfort, which more even than the cooking and service betrayed his appreciation of their proper condition.

  65. Luigi built another fire for the chicken which was to be roasted on a spit, and the coffee pot was soon simmering.

  66. Hermia's appetite had come with eating and she had discovered that his coffee was delicious.

  67. She listened to his footsteps within, the clattering of dishes, the tinkle of table service and in a little while he appeared in the door of the cabin, redolent with the odor of coffee and bacon, and announced breakfast.

  68. The coffee was excellent--the best that could be had in Alenon, and its odor was delicious.

  69. She glanced around the room at the piles of canvases against the wall, at the tin coffee pot on the wooden table, and then back at his unshorn face and shock of disorderly hair, the color rising slowly to her cheeks.

  70. Without a word he sat on the step of the porch and followed her example, munching his toast and sipping his coffee with grave deliberateness, his eyes following hers to the distant shore.

  71. Curiously enough she found herself fingering at the coffee cup.

  72. He swallowed his coffee deliberately, unsmiling, his gaze over the valley where the railroad track wormed its way into the North.

  73. He had offered to fill her coffee cup and to bring more toast, but, beyond inquiring politely how she felt, had asked her no other questions.

  74. Out on the terrace over the coffee and tobacco, the compound slowly resolved itself into its elements, social and sentimental.

  75. Here we have coffee till the "terracing" is over: this is at about eight o'clock.

  76. Over a cup of black coffee the detective told us what he had learned of Halsey's movements the night before.

  77. She has wanted it for three years, and she was quite ugly the time I spilled coffee on it.

  78. The Casanova Electric Company shuts up shop and goes home to bed at midnight: when one has a party, I believe it is customary to fee the company, which will drink hot coffee and keep awake a couple of hours longer.

  79. Did you have two cups of coffee at your dinner?

  80. A glass of rum was acceptable, especially in cold and blowing weather: but so far as they knew, there were very few fishermen who would not "choose hot coffee before rum any day.

  81. In fact, the Frenchman drank his coffee hurriedly and excused himself.

  82. Bring the coffee into the library," he added to the butler.

  83. The coffee was cold in the little cups when they returned to it.

  84. The smell of the captain's coffee may have had something to do with it.

  85. They both became untalkative as the coffee came.

  86. Ferraud did not smoke, but he dissipated to the extent of drinking three small cups of coffee after dinner.

  87. The pair of them found Constance and Maurice in the little drawing-room, whither the father had repaired to finish his coffee and smoke a cigar.

  88. Gervais and Claire, ever active, were, with Frederic, hurrying on the servants, who made no end of serving the coffee on the table which had just been cleared.

  89. The servant was hurried, the coffee was served, and they were drinking it, boiling hot as it was, when the arrival of a visitor upset the little household and caused everything to be forgotten.

  90. If she was slight, however, she was endowed with unconquerable tenacity and courage, and she would have killed herself with hard work to provide him with the coffee and cognac which he liked to sip after each repast.

  91. And as soon as the coffee was served no end of questions arose on every side, and he had to speak out.

  92. Directly I knew it, I cried out, 'My mother shall have coffee twice a day!

  93. So I light the little lamp over which, on grand occasions, I make a cup of the coffee that my portress's son brought from the Levant, and I look in my bookcase for one of my favorite authors.

  94. The getting coffee ready is the most delicate and most attractive of domestic operations to one who lives alone: it is the grand work of a bachelor's housekeeping.

  95. We conversed a long time by the stove, while he was drinking a cup of coffee which I made him take.

  96. Coffee is, so to say, just the mid-point between bodily and spiritual nourishment.

  97. Joan answered from inside the wagon that no water was needed, there was coffee enough in the pot.

  98. Swan pushed back from the table, wringing the coffee from his mustache.

  99. One end of the great trencher was heaped with brown bacon; a stack of bread stood at Swan's left hand, a cup of coffee at his right.

  100. In his heart he longed for a bed that night, and a cup of hot coffee to gladden his gizzard.

  101. Coffee he had not carried with him, much less a coffeepot; his load would be heavy enough without them, he rightly anticipated, before he reached Tim Sullivan's.

  102. Mackenzie studied him furtively as he compounded his coffee and set it to boil on the little fire, thinking that it required more fortitude, indeed, to live out a sentence such as Reid faced in the open than behind a lock.

  103. Her dress was brown, rather darker than coffee color, with a little purple plush at the neck and sleeves.

  104. I do not know at what hour he came in, but when I came down to breakfast in the morning, there he was with a cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other, as fresh and trim as possible.

  105. III I slept at Baker Street that night, and we were engaged upon our toast and coffee in the morning when the King of Bohemia rushed into the room.

  106. When we were taking coffee in the drawing-room that night, after dinner, I told Arthur and Mary my experience, and of the precious treasure which we had under our roof, suppressing only the name of my client.

  107. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coffee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beige; beverage; brown; chocolate; drab; drink; drug; dun; ecru; fawn; hazel; khaki; lunchroom; lurid; seal; sepia; shrub; sorrel; stimulant; tan; tanned; taupe; tawny; toast; umber

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coffee houses; coffee plantation