In 1506, when driven from Bologna with the other supporters of Bentivoglio, he became professor of Philosophy at Padua.
Italy, and who was driven from it two years after the date of the charter!
After he had driven on, screwing up his courage, it appeared that Mr. Pryor also had a cannon to face.
When he had driven away, she flew back to the house; but at the door of David's room looked at her watch, and exclaimed.
Samuel, I feel as if I had driven ten miles on a corduroy road!
The jeep was driven into the area where their shots had been set off.
Then he could have walked back, fired the shot, hurried back for his jeep, and driven down.
The sentence pronounced against them both was that they should be fastened to stakes driven deeply into the sand that covered the beach, and left to perish in the rising tide.
Then I am driven to an unpleasant line of persuasion, though very reluctantly.
And although one can trace, from the publication of Captain Rock onward, a steady bent of purpose in him to use his pen in the service of his country, he was a second time driven out of his course by an unforeseen event.
After which, I entered another taxicab by my unromantic self and was driven to that railroad station where I would find a train bound to the college town that was the home of Aunt Caroline and her husband.
In my optimism of mood, I wondered if I had not already driven off the Dark Thing, since the girl had come to me the night past without It appearing before or afterward.
We were both thinking of the force that had driven the frail old willow tree through tile and cement of the new building to flatten the metal of motor and car into uselessness.
Up, up through deep poles of sleep I dragged myself, driven by some dimly sensed necessity.
He arrived in one of those curious products of a country livery stable known as a rig, driven by a local reprobate whom no prohibition could sober.
Is it not victory to have driven back the Dark One?
Summoning the officer, who had remained on guard just inside the door, he directed that I should be driven back to the Bastille without delay; and thus my night adventure ended.
They are angry because the prince has beendriven away.
Soon, against her will, Rhoda was driven by the chill to seek the warmth of the canopied bed.
Abandoning all hope of getting away without risking being torn to pieces, she decided her wisest course would be to keep hidden until Father Benedict had driven away.
A two-masted fishing boat, storm driven from the Banks to sea, swung within three or four hundred yards of them.
Holt recalled having heard that certain of the Caesars had beendriven mad by their sudden acquisition of power.
He was drivenby a mighty exaltation, by a stinging delight in the approach of finality.
Then Stainton realised something of the bodily agony that had been hers while he was absent and of the mental agony that had driven her on their mad dash through Switzerland to Austria and Italy, the mental agony that lashed her now.
Well, warmer in Paris than in the snowstorms that met us when we crossed the Austrian border into Italy and didn't stop until they had driven us out of Italy.
The next day the Californians were driven with the utmost ease from a hill which they occupied, abandoning it on the approach of only six or eight Americans.
Then, in an instant, as it seemed, driven by the raging wind, the flame leapt from roof to roof till Mafooti was but a sheet of fire.
Moreover, these were not alone, for gathered there were various other animals, driven down by the flood from the islands above them, reed and water bucks, and a great eland.
If it were not so, would you have driven me mad as you have done?
When they had finished the King rose and poured out his wrath on them, because through their deeds the Spirit of the Inkosazana had been driven away, and her curse laid upon the land, where already it was at work.
Show me the answer to them in your bowls of water, little men, or be driven hence as cheats and liars.
Here for a while he ran up and down till the wind-driven fire from new-lit huts at its brink leapt out upon him like thin, scarlet tongues.
Their denizens, too, knew her well, for unless she were drivento it, never would she lift her hand against anything that drew the breath of life.
Many of them I had almost forgotten, but they were trotted out last evening and driven around the track in pretty fair time.
He wasn't succeeding very well, for just as he would get the beets driven into the ground securely, the zephyr would spring up from the south and blow the moss-agate asparagus all over the military reservation.
Cattle were drivenoff the range, and the corpses of overland tramps were strewn along the wake of this train, like the sands of the sea.
One evening, after the sheep had been driven into the corral and we were all seated beneath the persimmon tree that shaded our humble cottage, my grandsire, an old man, was telling of Marathon and Leuctra and George Francis Train and Dr.
Few people actually know the true spirit of Greek and Roman oratory that still lingers about the remnants of this people, now nearly driven from the face of the earth.
The outposts of the Cameronians were speedily driven in.
All but alone, with his brave and devoted Guard driven to bay, he made a desperate but unavailing stand on the plains of France.
For a moment the success of the French seemed complete, and the sway of Napoleon universal; whilst the British army appeared, as had been often threatened, “driven into the sea.
Successively they were driven from their strong position, but only to take a new position, equally defensible, behind a second hedge.
Clelland, also Lord Ross wounded, the rebels were driven back and ultimately dispersed.
Occasionally driven out of the village, yet always returning to recover it—which an indomitable perseverance ever accomplished—triumphing over all opposition, this key of the position was ultimately retained.
The ship had been driven with her starboard-bow towards the beach, exposing her stern to the sea, which rushed through the stern ports and tore up the cabin floors of the orlop-deck.
Driven back in confusion upon the advancing infantry, both were finally repulsed, chiefly by the combined efforts of the Seventy-eighth and Forty-second Highlanders.
The Saracen had driven out the decadent Roman in the names of Allah and the Prophet, and established his own brilliant exotic civilization.
Driven by storms upon Sicilian shores Theocles, an Ionian Greek, found himself late in the eighth century gazing from the deck of his tiny craft upon a strange land.
But while she was driven out, Rome came in to stay, and by 214 B.
Be content with what you have done: that I have allowed Tobiah, Prince of Ammon, to be drivenfrom his chambers at the temple.
They were generally about a king who was driven from his throne, and went wandering over the world, and lost his queen somewhere, and could not find her.
The volcanic activity vented itself beneath the ground, which trembled as if ten thousand chariots were driven over it.
Only a man driven by some demon to seek death would have plunged into it as you did.
Queen': Arbuthnot had been Queen Anne's doctor, but was driven out of his rooms in the palace after her death.
Ambrose gave a little wink at Fanny and me, sitting partly behind him, as if he thought that he had driven the Vicar completely into a corner.
If so, he will surely push on straight for London, since the rebellious troops must have been driven quite away, before he could do that.
When the Saxons invaded the country, they were driven into the remote fastnesses of Wales, Cumberland, and Cornwall.
Nicholl, driven into his last entrenchments, and not able to fight personally in the cause, resolved to fight with money.
Had it been possessed by a man it would surely have driven him to the tented field for his profession.
Long suffering had driven the old gambler to the loser's bible, Philosophy!
Tell me that the suicides and the convicts, the daughters dragged to shame and the mothers driven to the madhouse as a result of this panic, cannot be charged to anything unfair or dishonourable that you have done.
For often-times it had seized him: and he was kept under guard, and bound with chains and fetters; and breaking the bands asunder, he was driven of the demon into the desert.
In the pitch darkness he could recognize no one; but to be on the safe side he hit out promiscuously until he had driven them all from the door, then he stood with his back toward it--the inmates of the room his prisoners.
They would find her body; but no one would ever guess what had driven her to her death.
These were finally driven off and again there came a lull; but all hope of escape was gone, and Bridge reposted the defenders at the upper windows where they might watch every approach to the house.
Barbara Harding, finding herself unmolested, finally acceded to the repeated pleas of Mr. Divine, to whose society she had been driven by loneliness and fear, and appeared on deck frequently during the daylight watches.
They were quickly driven from this place, and closely followed for more than six miles over a plain: at length the party succeeded in separating one buffalo from the herd.
The owl at length, forced to betake himself to flight, is followed by his whole train of persecutors, until driven beyond the boundaries of their jurisdiction.
There are a few on the banks and islands of the Rhone, but as these creatures are averse to noise, the splashing of the steamers plying to and fro has driven most of them away.
He had a vast stride,--never horse threw his haunches below him with more vigour or effect; and his hind legs were so spread in his gallop, that a wheelbarrow might have been driven between them.
They are driven back by the Indians into the middle of the water; but a small number succeeds in eluding the active vigilance of the fishermen.
He could never be driven past his own stable; and at the sound of the coming coach he would turn out, of his own accord, into the stable-yard.
One of the servants having neglected this precaution, was actually found sitting down on the stones to protect her ankles, the magpie triumphantly pacing round her, until aid was brought, and the bird driven away.
Edinburgh who was driven into Perthshire, a distance of upwards of a hundred miles, to a place where she became the mother of a lamb.
The mother, driven to desperation, resorted to the same horrible expedient, and threw another of her offspring to her ferocious assailants.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "driven" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.