The motion of F across the machine is provided so that the upper part F may be pushed back out of the way, to permit the shaft being easily put on and taken off the friction rollers R R'.
In other cases a noose may be placed on the upper jaw, or even around both jaws, and traction made upon this and on the hooks in the orbits while the legs are pushed back, and while the operator pushes back on the poll or forehead.
The fetus must be pushed back and an attempt made to bring the limbs properly into the genital passage.
The release is then attached to a little platform projecting from the back, care being taken that the lever is arranged in the correct position relatively to the hammer when the clock is pushed back as far as it will go (Fig.
During the forward motion of the piston the valve is pushed back by the eccentric until the steam port is fully opened, and is then drawn forward, covering the port.
Baroudi pulled aside this curtain, pushed back a sliding door of wood that was almost black, and said: "Will you go in first, madame?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pushed back" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.