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Example sentences for "lunchroom"

Lexicographically close words:
luncheon; luncheons; luncher; lunches; lunching; lunchtime; lune; lunes; lunette; lunettes
  1. There's an all-night lunchroom on the corner above.

  2. Ralph found the all-night lunchroom without much trouble, and entering, he sat down at one of the numerous tables.

  3. Then I went into a lunchroom for ham and eggs and a huge cup of coffee.

  4. We went to a neighboring lunchroom and ate a hasty supper.

  5. He ate his dinner in a lunchroom through the window of which he could watch the exit of the restaurant to which his cousin had gone for her evening meal.

  6. Janice had made no preparation for luncheon and once when the train halted at a junction "ten minutes for refreshments" as the brakeman bawled it out, she could find nothing in the bare and dirty lunchroom fit to eat or drink.

  7. I halt for a moment at the window of that little lunchroom on Market Street (between Sixteenth and Fifteenth) where the food comes swiftly speeding from the kitchen on a moving belt.

  8. We entered a lunchroom on Broad Street for our favourite breakfast of coffee and a pair of crullers.

  9. While eating half a dozen doughnuts in a Broad Street lunchroom at one o'clock in the morning, we mused happily about our friends all tucked away in bed, sound asleep.

  10. And that red-haired burly sage, he who used to bake the bran muffins in the little lunchroom near by, and who lent us his Robby Burns one night--what has become of him?

  11. He claimed that he was in the lunchroom at the time President Kennedy passed the building.

  12. I then of course left the lunchroom immediately and headed back for the office, which is only a block away.

  13. The lunchroom was practically empty, and in two chairs near him the proprietor and his assistant were sitting talking.

  14. I'll grant you, though, that lunchroom food is mighty good.

  15. I have hung around many an all-night lunchroom to hear the chauffeurs talk.

  16. The girls have taken great interest in their lunchroom cookery.

  17. Directing the other Brownies to climb aboard and take their seats, she hurried off to the lunchroom in pursuit of Veve.

  18. Yes, providing we go directly to the lunchroom and order promptly,” Miss Gordon said.

  19. Accordingly, she talked with the conductor a moment and returned to report that Albion Junction had a lunchroom in the depot.

  20. I went in a little lunchroom that we have downstairs.

  21. Out in the little lunchroom back of our office.

  22. The other day we got into talk in the little lunchroom here in the same building with the library, where all we readers go to feed, and he made me so mad I couldn't digest my bread and milk.

  23. I told you about the little lunchroom where the readers from the library get their noonday feed.

  24. The door opening on the vestibule of the lunchroom on the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building is usually shut because of a closing mechanism on the door.

  25. And that will be one hallway to go down to get from the lunchroom to the front stairway?

  26. The only time he would come into the lunchroom sometimes and eat a sandwich maybe, and then he would go for a walk, and he would go out.

  27. What I mean--this door offsets the lunchroom door.

  28. He saw a movement in the lunchroom or a man go into the lunchroom?

  29. Was it your usual practice to take lunch in the lunchroom on the second floor?

  30. Officer Baker, you then left the second floor lunchroom with Mr. Truly, is that correct?

  31. How long did you stay in the lunchroom after Truly identified this person as being an employee?

  32. I saw the officer almost directly in the doorway of the lunchroom facing Lee Harvey Oswald.

  33. I ran right straight across here and through this doorway and this is approximately where, I would say 23 here, is approximately where I looked through this lunchroom and saw a man on down here.

  34. Well, there is a side door, a north door, coming into the lunchroom that they can come through.

  35. Now, I did see him in the lunchroom a few times prior to this eating his lunch but I didn't even know his name.

  36. As you left, did you notice whether or not the man in the lunchroom did anything or started moving anywhere?

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lunchroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    buffet; cafe; cafeteria; canteen; cantina; diner; grill; kitchen; lunchroom; restaurant; tavern