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Example sentences for "coffees"

Lexicographically close words:
cofers; coffee; coffeehouse; coffeehouses; coffeepot; coffer; cofferdam; coffered; cofferer; coffers
  1. Up to about 1905 the coffees grown near Salazar, in Colombia, came to market under the name of Salazar; but since then, they have been included among the Cucuta grades and are sold under that name.

  2. The best coffees came from Preanger, Cheribon, Buitenzorg, and Batavia, ranking in merit in the order named.

  3. Such coffees are scarce on the American market, practically all the shipments coming to the United States being new crop and lacking some of the qualities of the mellowed beans.

  4. Sweated coffees commanded from three to five cents more than those that came in "pale".

  5. The coffees of these two republics have like characteristics, being grown on the same island and in about the same climatic and soil conditions.

  6. The evolution of other notable package coffees is also shown by illustration.

  7. But were it feasible to treat and hold coffees long enough to develop their attributes to a maximum, still the exact conditions which would favor such development are not definitely known.

  8. The foregoing coffees are produced on what were formerly termed government estates, and during the heyday of government control were sold by auction and came mostly to the United States.

  9. Considering those coffees grown nearest the American market first, we come to the coffees of Mexico.

  10. Package coffees have not been developed in England as in America; but there is a more or less limited field for them, and there are several good brands of absolutely pure coffee on the market.

  11. Also, Abyssinian coffees were generally known in the trade as Longberry Mocha, or just straight Mocha; and Sumatra growths were practically always sold as Javas.

  12. Just as today, the mainstays of the early San Francisco trade were coffees produced in Costa Rica, Salvador, and Guatemala, although some were brought from the Colima district of Mexico.

  13. Some light-blue washed Caracas coffees are very desirable, and have a peculiar flavor that is quite pleasant to the educated palate.

  14. The Jamaica and St. Domingo coffees are less esteemed.

  15. The next in reputation and quality is the Java and Ceylon coffee, and then the coffees of Bourbon and Martinique, and that of Berbice, a district of the colony of British Guiana.

  16. Here's the thing," Kurt said as they drank their coffees at the Vesta Lunch, a grimy 24-hour diner that Alan only seemed to visit during the smallest hours of the morning.

  17. The Greek didn't give their bare feet a second look, but brought iced coffees and yogurt with walnuts and honey.

  18. Other coffees grown there contain caffeine as usual.

  19. This is abundantly exemplified in the country grocery or general store, where the teas and coffees share in the pervasive fragrance of the cheese and kerosene.

  20. But perhaps it is not so widely understood that some of these very teas and coffees had been artificially flavored or corrected before they reached their destination in this country.

  21. The more expensive coffees have better flavor and greater strength than the cheaper grades and consequently need not be used in such great quantity.

  22. Many of the cheaper coffees are adulterated with chicory, a root that has a flavor similar to that of coffee and gives the beverages with which it is used a reddish-brown color.

  23. Thus, Brazilian coffees are commercially known as Rio because they are shipped from the port of Rio de Janeiro; the same name is applied to the product shipped from Santos.

  24. Some of the Sumatra coffees are equal to the best Java beans.

  25. The best Honduras and Puerto Rico coffees take a high rank and command very high prices, retailing in some instances at sixty cents per pound.

  26. The Liberia coffees have never been favorites in the United States on account of their flavor.

  27. Java and Sumatra coffees are in demand all over Europe and the United States.

  28. In the coffees handled by the Arab dealers all the sorting is done by hand, the very choice grade selling in the large cities of Europe for the equivalent of nearly three dollars per pound.

  29. These high-class coffees are difficult to get unadulterated.

  30. The finest grades of Mexican, Maracaibo, Bogota, and Jamaica coffees are highly esteemed.

  31. Teas and Coffees Carriage Free to all England, if to value of 40s.

  32. He is much disturbed, no doubt thinking of the drop in the number of coffees après demain.

  33. Madame is hurrying round with coffees and fried pommes de terre, whilst monsieur is anxiously trying to find out if we are moving to-morrow.

  34. Too much coffee drinking is injurious, as the makers of imitation coffees assure us daily through the medium of expensive advertisements.

  35. Pure Java is easier to get, and South American, Mexican, Cuban, and Porto Rican coffees are beginning to deserve consideration.

  36. Various blends of coffee have their champions, and the blended package coffees are, in the main, very good.

  37. Fales, analytical chemist, of New York, pronounces the fine coffees roasted and sold by the Schnull-Krag Coffee Company not only the peer, but the giant of all roasted coffees.

  38. As might be expected, numerous adulterations are found in ground coffees of inferior grades.

  39. He can get these coffees if he so wills it.

  40. To-day some of the best coffees come from these places.

  41. The price is never above that of inferior goods, and the coffees are so boxed or crated that shipment is safe to all quarters of the globe.

  42. A favorite French mixture of coffees is one-third each of Java, Mocha, and Maracaibo, with at least an ounce of pure chicory to each pound of coffee.

  43. For example, one of the most delicious coffees which is brought into this country comes from Guatemala.

  44. For this reason many other mild coffees are sold under the name of "Java.

  45. The crude and ignorant manner in which roasted coffees are handled by the small dealers is of itself sufficient to depreciate and almost destroy the good that is in any coffee; and, to meet this emergency, the Schnull-Krag Coffee Co.

  46. We celebrated the opening of the café by ordering five Turkish coffees each, and the schoolmaster and we alternately stood treat.

  47. By this time we had each imbibed a dozen Turkish coffees during the day, but we slept for all that from nine until nine in the morning.

  48. While we were exchanging coffees with an "American," who was showing us the excellences of his wooden leg which he had made himself, a breathless man ran in.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coffees" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.