There was a little pause as he got the answer, and, having the answer, he whistled his astonishment, after which he glanced around quickly at the reporter, who was staring dreamily out a window.
He came into the room headlong, glanced around, then paused.
Mamie Blanchard left her taxicab at a corner, glanced around, and walked down the street.
They came to a lane, and Landers turned down it, glanced around, and then began walking faster.
Cautiously raising his head above the level of the bank, he glanced around.
Pausing a moment as he glanced around, Hughes realised the scene, and then, passing on, knocked at the door of a small cabin.
With a cold gathering apprehension at my heart I glanced around me.
Softly, stealthily, I raised my eyes from my book and with not the least motion of head or body, glanced around me.
I glanced around at the large congregation, and was impressed by the solemn hush pervading the place, and the expectant look on the faces of the worshippers.
I glanced around amazed, but Mrs. Flaxman noticing my surprise, whispered, "It is prayer.
Still standing at the window, I glanced around at the different garages.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glanced around" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.