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Example sentences for "coexisting"

Lexicographically close words:
coexist; coexisted; coexistence; coexistences; coexistent; coexists; coextensive; cofer; cofers; coffee
  1. And thus in the second half of the sixteenth century, this wonderful array of coexisting phases of choral art stood prepared for something greater.

  2. Influenced by local temperament, climate, history, on every hand its distinctly indigenous characteristics have stood out in peaceful contrast to the eclectic polyphony of coexisting scientific attempts.

  3. It is a general rule that the volume of saturated vapour decreases when the temperature is raised, while that of the coexisting liquid increases.

  4. The heat required to convert a molecular quantity of liquid coexisting with vapour into saturated vapour at the same temperature is called molecular latent heat.

  5. This construction, given by James Clerk Maxwell, may be considered as a result of the application of the general rules for coexisting equilibrium, which we owe to J.

  6. The indications vary, depending on whether there is a coexisting middle-ear suppuration or not.

  7. This Depth once bethought him to put forth from himself the beginning of all things and to lay that offshoot--which he had resolved to put forth--like a sperm into the coexisting Silence, as it were into a womb.

  8. On the other hand, it is also possible that the disease of the coeliac plexus may be primary, and the coexisting pancreatic disease and diabetes mellitus both secondarily dependent upon it.

  9. Discouraging symptoms are anaemia, debility, coexisting gastric dyspepsia, an inherited hypochondriacal tendency, or the strumous diathesis in children.

  10. Of course the peculiar symptoms of progressive muscular atrophy coexisting with those of the articular affection would serve to distinguish the latter from rheumatoid arthritis.

  11. The dysphagia is not always due to tumefaction of the mucous membrane, but usually in part to coexisting inflammation of the muscular coat or infiltration between the sheaths of muscular fibres, paralyzing their efforts at contraction.

  12. Most often it is due to the coexisting disease of the intestinal mucous membrane or to the ingestion of unsuitable foods.

  13. Hutchinson has demonstrated that gout is often followed by rheumatoid arthritis, the lesions characteristic of both affections coexisting in the same joint.

  14. In general, the existence of concussion is more often overlooked than the coexisting alcoholism, so that if there is any doubt in a given case it should be treated as one of cerebral injury.

  15. Speedy death invariably follows, though in the case just referred to the symptoms of peritonitis were totally masked by those of the coexisting double pneumonia, which seemed to be the immediate cause of death.

  16. Pleurisy is rare except where there is coexisting inflammation of the lungs.

  17. Some of the older accounts also warrant the suspicion that a coexisting typhus had to do with the high death-rate.

  18. Now, faucial redness is so generally present in scarlet fever, antedating that of the skin and coexisting with it, that its absence is strong evidence that the disease is not scarlatinous.

  19. Coexisting with these is often (as in Fig.

  20. The deformities of the arterial system coexisting with checked development of the chest are apt to extend to the blood vessels of the kidneys, and therefore to retain these in the embryonic condition, thus predisposing them to disease.

  21. For the This, on such a hypothesis, has a purely temporal complexity, and is not resolvable into coexisting Thises.

  22. No; it is between the two principles conceived as coexisting and united in the concrete individual that the real distinction is claimed.

  23. Another species takes its place, overlapping in range and coexisting on the borders of both; this also continues unchanged, as far as it goes, and so on.

  24. Two Species of Elephant and Hippopotamus coexisting with Man in France.

  25. It is precisely this transcendental apperception that constructs out of (macht aus) all possible appearances, which are capable of coexisting in one experience, a connection of all these representations according to laws.

  26. Space is given as containing coexisting parts, and[535] can be intuited as such without successive synthesis of its parts.

  27. Space must, however, be thought in this latter manner, for it contains an infinite number of coexisting parts.

  28. Assume the opposite, namely, that the world is an infinite, given whole of coexisting parts.

  29. The most important example of a fracture complicating a dislocation is fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus coexisting with dislocation of the shoulder.

  30. Great improvement usually results from treating coexisting flat-foot, and pain is relieved by rest, massage, and douching.

  31. Nothing is more common than to find extreme dishonesty in speculation coexisting with scrupulous veracity in business.

  32. The principal exception being where slavery, coexisting with advanced civilisation, retards or prevents the growth of industrial habits.

  33. By this means we are enabled to obtain an insight into the general behaviour of any system, so soon as we have determined the number of the components and the number of the coexisting phases.

  34. The restriction is, however, imposed that the composition of the two liquid phases, coexisting at a point infinitely near to the critical point, becomes the same, and this disposes of one of the degrees of freedom.

  35. In this totality of coexisting images no one long occupies first place; it is driven away by others, which are displaced in turn by still others emerging from the penumbra.

  36. It is because of this that we find coexisting in the pre-Hellenic times the sorcery of the Celt and the polytheism of the Hindu.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coexisting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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