He came out from the room leading Edet by the hand, and placed the bundle of loin cloths before the chiefs.
When the young alligators returned, they found that Edet was gone, and that some one had taken their loin cloths.
He then found several loin cloths which had been left behind by the young alligators, so he gathered them together and took them away to show to the king, and Ininen left the place, taking Edet with him.
He also said that he had found the seven loin cloths in the house, but he did not wish to say anything about them, as the owners of some of the cloths were sons of the chiefs.
A youth forced to be absent three weeks from the woman he loves writes to her as follows: “Trois semaines, mon amour, trois semaines loin de toi!
Shoulder chops are not| | so tender as loin | | chops.
There will be the leg to be salted, you know, which is so very nice, and the loin to be dressed directly in any manner they like.
Nay," says he; "I laid out for that, and brought home a peck loaf and a roast loin of mutton with me last night.
The shoulders, breast and loin are used for roasting, the neck and end of the leg for stewing, the leg for cutlets and the rack for chops.
ROAST LOIN OF PORK Select a five- or six-pound cut and have the butcher remove the entire chine bone.
To roast the loin trim and tie into shape and then roast.
The term chops is intended to designate meat cut from the rack or loin into chops, preferably one and one-quarter inches thick.
In some parts of the country the butcher makes a cut, using the rack end of the loin and chuck for making the rib or French chops.
The rump steak is fully as tender and palatable as loin and it contains about one-third less waste.
The cuts are the neck, shoulders, rack, breast, loin and leg.
TO ROAST LOIN Wipe with damp cloth, pat in plenty of flour, place in a roasting pan, place in hot oven for thirty minutes.
The fillet or tenderloin forms a part of the loin and averages about 13 per cent.
This portion of the loin contains the choicest steaks, excellent and nutritious and easily cooked.
Always choose a fine fresh loin of veal with plenty of fat about the kidney.
Cut the cutlets from the loin and trim them nicely, removing the skin, and most of the fat.
A good loin of mutton is always very fat, so that in cooking it is well to remove or pare off a portion of the outside fat.
Remove the skin from a loin of mutton, and also the whole of the fat.
Have ready two pounds of the parboiled chump end of a loin of veal cut into square pieces.
The best pieces of the calf are the loin and the fillet.
Without beating they will generally be found too tough or hard for an American taste, though much liked in Europe, where tender-loin steaks are considered too expensive.
The loin consists of the best and the chump end; the hind knuckle, and the fore knuckle.
Take three or four pounds of the lean only of a fillet or loin of veal, and mince it very finely, adding a slice or two of cold ham, minced also.
Cut steaks from a loin or haunch of venison, which should be as freshly killed as you can get it.
Tender-loin beef steaks--or veal cutlets, may be stewed as above.
Cut a loin of lamb into chops or steaks, removing the bone, or else sawing it very short.
Their bodies are nude except the loin skirt; their leggings and moccasins are the same as the others.
Amongst them Sentot, in his loin cloth and with unbound wild locks, capered and swung his arms about like the lunatic he was.
He was longer in the muzzle and more shapely in the lointhan his father.
If you have the loin chops, skewer to keep in shape.
A quarter of lamb will roast in an hour; a loin of mutton in two hours.
And this little baby didn't wear anything at all except a loin cloth.
And when he was a little older he saw that they didn't wear any clothes either except a loin cloth and a feather skirt and some shells.
Loin straps, which are part of the appointments of a victoria or other trap driven by a servant, should not be used for ladies' traps driven by a lady.