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Example sentences for "yokel"

Lexicographically close words:
yogurt; yojana; yojanas; yoke; yoked; yokels; yokes; yoking; yokit; yolden
  1. It's the faker with the four-carat diamond pin which is doing his creditors, Mawruss, but the yokel with the soup on his coat pays a hundred cents on the dollar every time.

  2. What would Feder think of us if we are bringing a yokel like Shapolnik into his office?

  3. Feldman, and I will fix that feller Linkheimer he should work a poor half-starved yokel for five dollars a week and a couple of top-floor tenement rooms which it ain't worth six dollars a month.

  4. Through she should go, and in safety and comfort, so that when the time came for me to hand over my precious charge to a worthier, she should say that the yokel had done a man's work and done it gentlemanly.

  5. No doubt yokel blood ought not to run like wine under the mighty pulse of Virgil, and I sourly asked, "What's curious, madam?

  6. Yokel blood or not," I thought, "this is something my Lord Brocton will never do.

  7. Then, bending swiftly as a swallow dips in its flight over the meadows, she whispered emphatically in my ears, "Yokel it no more!

  8. The yokel who had gaped at me, had been cheated by his companion, and was accordingly resentful.

  9. Brocton's 'yokel blood' gibe had put murder into my blows, but it had truth enough in it to make it rankle like a poisoned arrow.

  10. I knew the difference, for instinct is more than experience, and I chilled into the yokel again and wondered.

  11. The woman called to a yokel to come and take the horses.

  12. The yokel watched the pair with admiration.

  13. In the yard he found the yokel trying in vain to induce Banjo to enter a door that was too small for him.

  14. I know you think I am a country yokel and a fool," John said; "but I wish you'd tell me why you laughed at me in that mysterious fashion.

  15. If you are talking of the great Calavera," he said, "she will be far too wonderful a lady to take any notice of a yokel like myself.

  16. Over these I rejoiced like a yokel with a pocketful of butterscotch and peanuts.

  17. Many of the pictures of Charles Ray make the hero quite a bronze-looking sculpturesque person, despite his yokel raiment.

  18. Only some yokel has had the impudence to keep on shying pebbles at my window, this half hour past--by way of a joke, I suppose.

  19. The yokel awaking is perplexed like the pantheist.

  20. The Arab yokel coming to Bagdad is fearful of losing his identity, and ties a pumpkin to his leg before going to sleep.

  21. I blurted out, like a country yokel at a quilting.

  22. They butchered his brother behind the red barn yonder," whispered a lean yokel beside me.

  23. I, sternly, to the gillie--a raw yokel scented with whiffs of the stables.

  24. Well, whether you do so or not, all I have to say is that the innocent yokel actually went up on deck with the potato-net in his hand, holding it out in front of him as he took his station beside those standing round the grog-tub.

  25. Strange to say, such was his denseness, that even then, the yokel could not see the point of the joke and the steward had to order him away.

  26. I am at a loss to discover":[302] but any yokel could have told Sir John the meaning of the heart or hearts which are still carved into tree trunks, and were rarely anything else than the emblems of Amor.

  27. In the dim local yokel mind Paul was a failure, and he knew it.

  28. Paul knew the speech of the local gentry, he knew his father's Ayrshire accent, and his own yokel drawl; but this new cousin spoke an English altogether strange to his ears, and it sounded fairylike.

  29. Even the yokel in England talks of "them foreigners.

  30. The English yokel is satisfied if he can "get a whack at them foreigners"--Germans will do if Russians are not available.

  31. Your Derbyshire yokel is too cautious an individual to run absolutely counter to established authority, but they saw their friend, their helper and benefactor, in trouble and they did what they could to help him.

  32. Some unexplainable instinct caused the smith to wait awhile until the yokel came a little nearer.

  33. The young man at once slipped out of the room, in order to tell his sister that a yokel bearing important news would wish to speak with her privately.

  34. He imagined that it proceeded from some yokel who had come upon the deserted de Dion, and he sincerely hoped that the yokel would not have the time or inclination to overhaul its machinery.

  35. For a moment, indeed, with some of the yearning instinct of the motorist for his car, he thought of returning to it and warning the yokel off.

  36. This yokel from the woods and mountains needed a little coaxing.

  37. Apart from these small incidents, LeVallon showed nothing unusual, nothing that a yokel untaught yet of natural intelligence might not have shown.

  38. He strode in between the two, and pushed the yokel among his friends, whilst he dragged Bourne a little apart.

  39. The yokel came on in all the pride of his beefy strength, for ha knew that he was going to finish the "swell" this round.

  40. The yokel was a year or two older, was taller, and stones heavier.

  41. Any yokel can dig a hole in the ground and plant the seed and in due time gather the ripened tubers.

  42. Had Sir Isaac Newton devoted to the raising of potatoes the energy which he gave to astronomy, he might have raised larger potatoes and more to the hill than his yokel neighbour.

  43. I sent for him, never letting my yokel friend get away from me a foot.

  44. My yokel friend said: 'Well, you talk square and I want to buy of you.

  45. These he handed to a stout yokel to carry, and the whole party sallied forth towards the downs.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yokel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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