Possibly; but Losely has not been doltenough to trust you sufficiently to enable you to know how to commence negotiations.
Not that he believed the peril to be great, but the fact he could not grasp it goaded him, and he cursed the trooper for a dolt and a poltroon that a mere fool should have vanquished him.
Your gift would match the piece I already have and which--dolt that I was!
You can pity a dolt of a servant for breaking a dish; but you have no compassion for me when my head is split in two and all on fire with this consuming fever.
Haven't I seen you kiss your dolt of a husband scores of times?
He was a simple-minded, good-natured dolt and not above earning an honest dollar by smuggling in tobacco for the convicts.
Sea-cuny that I was, I was nodolt with women, and I sensed more than idle curiosity in her sending for me.
What could the dolt do but grudgingly accept the amends I so freely proffered him?
Why, Leonard Calvert's grandfather was a grazier, and Leonard himself was a doltwhen we were at school together.
What a dolt I am," she thought; "as if he meant me!
But in the night the savages broke into the tent where that dolt of a servant slept, and stole the sacramental wine and our chest of clothing and all the food save one pat of butter and a cheese-cake.
He nodded his head and waved the papers in the direction she had indicated, and the veriest doltcould have read the words his lips formed: "Take him along!
At all hazard he had ranged himself on the side of the victors, and he had severed his connection with his father, whom he publicly denounced as an old fool, an old dolt whom the nobility had bamboozled.
He's as big a dolt as his father, and that's saying a great deal.
If so he was a dolt raised up and sustained by all that was powerful in the United States.
Tofano, on his part, told, dolt that he was, just what had happened, and was mighty menacing.
Yonder dolt of a shoemaker hath pinched me like a pasty.
It was all that dolt Jean's fault," Leon put in once more.
That was Monsieur's suggestion, I warrant, for the boy has talked like a dolt else.
Grammont is as dull a dolt as ever I met, yet clever enough to gull you.
What a dolt I must have been to snub away the possible codicil of a millionaire!
Well then you can go to the devil,” said Kolya, cutting short the conversation; and turning sharply to the right he strode quickly on his way as though he disdained further conversation with a dolt who did not even know Sabaneyev.
But, senora, your excellence must not therefore think me ill-disposed, for a dolt like me is not bound to see into the thoughts and plots of those vile enchanters.
Now as for Christian Custance, by this light, Though she had not her troth to Gawin Goodluck plight, Yet rather than with such a loutish dolt to marry, I daresay would live a poor life solitary.
But by imagination; For no man there is, but a very dolt and lout, That to woo a widow would so go about.
Be it never so cozy, a nest like this is far from a burrow--the bed of a fat, thick-headed doltwho sleeps away the winter.
Though the possum is toothsome, he is such a tame, lumbering dolt that few real sportsmen care for the sorry joy of killing him.
But by imagination, For no man there is but a very dolt and loute 75 That to wowe a Widowe woulde so go about.
The horsen dolt at last caught up a club, As though he would have slaine the master devil Belsabub.
Any moment they might be unearthed by some dolt of a shepherd!
I haf dolt eferybody I will not haf my babers mettled.
To endure the unendurable, this was his burthen; to be yoked through time with this dolt and fool.
He would dress and wait in his room, and wonder whether that idiot, that dolt and fool incomparable, Captain the Honourable John MacMadden, was waiting at the stage-door.
It was a plot, and any but a dolt must have traced the soprano's hand in this vulgar assault upon his senses.
Fool and dolt that I was to place myself in the power of so unscrupulous a villain!
But if I tickle not their flanks with a shaft or two before the night is out, why then the witches of Addergyll may take me for a dolt and a coward.
Dost thou think Hereward is going to peril life and limb, or waste precious lives, to set such a dolt on the throne of England as thou hast proved thyself this day; and on the former occasion, when we met at York, for instance?
Mind you don't make a fool or a dolt of yourself, neighbour Oswald, with your Norman fooleries.
Did the dolt imagine he could, with his tricks of legerdemain, outdo me in the powers and mysteries of my art?