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Example sentences for "chippings"

Lexicographically close words:
chipmunks; chipped; chipper; chippie; chippies; chips; chirch; chirche; chirches; chirography
  1. The great number of chippings met with in small areas of these high lands indicate that these are the sites of the primitive man's workshop--here he sat and laboriously fashioned the weapon or the instrument which he required.

  2. Furthermore, the débris of the ancient mason reveals chippings of Sarsen and Foreign Stone intermingled so thoroughly as to preclude any idea of two separate periods of building.

  3. Fragments only of these stones have been discovered among the chippings incidental to the dressing of the stones before erection.

  4. My, yes," piped little Banks, and his eyes scintillated like chippings of blue glacier ice.

  5. He nodded; his eyes did not move from her face, but they shone like two chippings of blue glacier ice, and his voice when he spoke piped its sharpest key.

  6. His eyes began to scintillate like chippings of blue glacier.

  7. Near by them lay several large unworked blocks of flint and greenstone, and many chippings and fragments of flint.

  8. The interstices between the cells are filled in with rather coarse chippings made by the bee.

  9. The Ivernians must have been widely spread over Cornwall, judging by the numerous chippings from the manufacture of their flint implements scattered all over the County, which still may be collected in large quantities.

  10. The chippings were white, so the walk got the name of White.

  11. Now, there had been constructed a new straight walk in the Meadows, and Fell, anxious to improve it, carted the chippings from his own work to lay on it.

  12. On the surface of the fields around, numerous chippings of flint, and more or less perfect implements, such as celts, scrapers, and borers were found.

  13. It is, however, needless, to cite more instances of their occurrence with interments belonging to the Stone and Bronze Ages, as the presence of flakes and chippings of flint is in such cases the rule rather than the exception.

  14. This important principle has been amply verified by the success attending the use of wheat-straw, or its ashes, as manure for wheat, and of the chippings of the vines as a manure for the vineyard.

  15. The chippings of Turkey stone, cylinder charcoal, and prepared chalk, of each 2 oz.

  16. By the action of sulphuric acid on chippings of copper or mercury at a gentle heat.

  17. Upon the same assumption, it may be added that the ramparts of the Vallum are probably indebted for some portion of the stone which they contain, to the chippings of the Wall.

  18. The lime, in the state in which it comes from the kiln, is first ground to powder, and is then mixed with sand and gravel, and chippings of stone.

  19. The presence of quantities of flint chippings sufficiently proves that this fort was the residence of Neolithic man, probably the descendant of local Palaeolithic ancestors.

  20. Only a few pieces of crude pottery and some flint chippings came to light during the excavations.

  21. On its floor of hard plaster lie the chippings of the stones which composed it, six feet in thickness, and covering a far larger area than that of any other Egyptian temple of which we know.

  22. Nothing is left but the mud-brick wall of the sacred enclosure, and a thick layer of lime-stone chippings which tell how the last relics of the temple of the Sun-god were burnt into lime for the Cairo of Ismail Pasha.

  23. The niche (G) seems to have been specially made for these burials, which were covered up by the stone chippings made in its excavation.

  24. These necklaces did not appear to belong to the child, as a number of stone chippings were found mingled with them, which would suggest their having been gathered up from the ground and thrown into the coffin.

  25. This was demonstrated by the presence of stone chippings bearing fragments of the temple paintings that had been chipped off in refacing.

  26. It produced practically nothing, being only an immense covering of stone chippings upon the gebel thrown out from the tombs above.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chippings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.