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Example sentences for "having gone"

  • All this great hatred that he has exercised toward me has been because of my having gone to explore China by order of Guido de Laveçaris while he was inside the islands.

  • The young men, then, having gone as far as the tomb of Pythionicus, waited to see what would happen.

  • For the fact of the Romans having sought to gain Iberia, or at another time Sicily; or having gone on a campaign with military and naval forces, told by itself, would not be anything very wonderful.

  • Having gone to meet the princess with all due pomp and splendour, Antiochus immediately celebrated his nuptials with royal magnificence.

  • I think your Ladyship will remember that when, after losing my sails, I was driven into Lisbon by a tempest, I was falsely accused of having gone there to the King in order to give him the Indies.

  • The Admiral approached the shore, having gone over 28 miles E.

  • Having gone to the Pushkara woods, he that feedeth even one Brahmana, becometh happy here and hereafter, O Bhishma, for that act.

  • Having gone there, O regenerate Rishi, and received from him vast wealth, thou canst distribute it among thy sons and servants and then thou canst go whithersoever thou pleasest.

  • What man is there who, having gone to heaven in his human form, wisheth to come back?

  • Dutch ship from the Mauritius, having gone there to cut timber, which seemed a bastard ebony.

  • We have hitherto found the wind always trade along shore, having gone large all the way from Firando, the wind always following us as the land trended.

  • Having gone before a-horseback, as before mentioned, I hastened to the tents, to await the king's arrival.

  • By a letter from Donald MacLeod we came to Loch Seaforth, and coming there by a false guide, we travelled seven hours, if not more, under cloud of night, having gone six or eight miles out of our way.

  • Afterwards, having gone to Signor Sigismondo Malatesti of Rimini, he made for him the model of the Church of S.

  • Having gone thither, he designed the loggie of travertine in the first court of the Palace of S.

  • Next, having gone to Bologna, whither he was summoned by certain Dominican friars, he painted in oil a chapel in S.

  • And the great Asura, Maya, having gone thither, possessed himself of the whole of the great wealth which was guarded by Yakshas and Rakshasas.

  • And that intelligent messenger, O king, having gone to Draupadi's abode with speed, informed her of the intentions of Yudhishthira.

  • And, O father, although none but birds only can go to the Northern region Arjuna, having gone thither, exacted as tribute a vast quantity of wealth.

  • He certainly had at that moment, when, having gone straight to his quarters after Vincent's reprimand, he found himself alone, and free to show his feelings.

  • The bishop was not present, having gone to bathe just before; but when he returned, he approved of what had been done.

  • Having gone down to Quillimane to arrange with the governor, or, in other words, to bribe him, Colonel Da Silva put him in prison and sent him for trial to Mozambique.

  • The following Sunday, day of Holy Trinity, having gone to say Holy Mass at the fort, I was told that, if we heard two cannon shots, we should promptly withdraw with our French people into the fortress.

  • Having gone as far as we have, it will never do to show that we're afraid of them.

  • Having gone to Mr. Brokenshire's to pay her my respects, I was told she was on the terrace.

  • Having gone to a mirror for a moment to straighten my hat and smooth the wayward tendrils of my hair, so that I shouldn't look disheveled when Hugh arrived, I threw myself into an arm-chair.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "having gone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    called the; having already; having arrived; having caused; having failed; having fallen; having finished; having found; having gone; having great; having killed; having learned; having lived; having lost; having obtained; having occurred; having only; having power; having received; having recourse; having regard; having something; having spent; nor inclined their ear; successive periods; will show