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Example sentences for "insured"

Lexicographically close words:
insuppressible; insurable; insurance; insurances; insure; insurer; insurers; insures; insurgence; insurgency
  1. The French law annuls the latter policies so far as they exceed the insurable interest which remained in the insured at the time of the subscription thereof.

  2. The innsurer may cause the property insured to be reinsured by other persons.

  3. A contract by which an insurer is insured wholly or in part against the risk he has incurred in insuring somebody else.

  4. The time has come to make a stand, and insist that for all children there shall be insured the blessings of childhood.

  5. The half-time system, which insured that the boy should spend half his time in school, was established, not primarily with a view to his education, but to prevent him from being overworked.

  6. The success of this road insured the general introduction of railroads, and from this time forward there was never a doubt of their ultimate adoption to the exclusion of every other system of general internal communication and transportation.

  7. Well, you dreadful man, are you satisfied, now that you have insured my misery for the remainder of my life?

  8. I foresaw that her success would be insured by her beauty even more than by her talent, and, with my nature, I knew that I could never assume the character of an easy-going lover or of a compliant husband.

  9. Competition insured cheapness; industry was stimulated as it found a ready market for its productions.

  10. The person whose property is insured is the one who really benefits by the contracts of insurance.

  11. The ordinary insurance contract, however, which contains any suicide clause provides against suicide only, and does not contain any stipulation as to the sanity of the insured at the time he commits the act.

  12. In case of loss, the original party insured still holds the property insured or the insurable interest, and any breach of the insurance contract on his part avoids the contract.

  13. The insurance company agrees to pay the amount the insured loses by fire which destroys or injures certain specified property.

  14. If the insured survives the term, and pays the premium he benefits by receiving a share of the proceeds received from the policies of those members who do not survive the period, or who let their policies lapse for other reasons.

  15. These binders constitute sufficient evidence to enable the insured to enforce his contract of insurance.

  16. It is usually held that the burden is upon the insurance company to prove that the insured was sane at the time he committed suicide.

  17. An insurance company may stipulate that the contract shall be void if the insured suicides when either sane or insane.

  18. Term or endowment policy is the term applied to insurance payable at the death of the insured, or at the expiration of a certain term or period of years, if the insured survives such period.

  19. If the property insured as well as the insurance policy is transferred to another, with consent of the insurance company, this is not an assignment, but amounts to a new contract between the insurance company and the purchaser.

  20. If an insurance policy contains a suicide clause, and the insured commits suicide while insane, is the policy enforceable?

  21. This stipulation is enforceable if it can be proven that the insured suicided while sane.

  22. After a loss has occurred, the right of the insured against the insurance company amounts to a debt, which may be assigned the same as an ordinary debt.

  23. In securing insurance of this character, the insured impliedly warrants that the vessel is seaworthy.

  24. In case the proceeds of a life insurance policy are payable to the insured himself, or to his estate, the policy may be assigned at the will of the insured.

  25. Such rank, accompanied by such recognized merit, insured that he should thenceforth always command in chief; and so it was, with a single brief interval due to a very special and exceptional cause to be hereafter related.

  26. When war with the French republic began in 1793, his high reputation immediately insured him command of a frigate, the Nymphe.

  27. It insured that they should be fully developed, and should not flag; for it preserved his full command over them by delivering him from the factitious burdens of the imagination.

  28. This was insured by the firm yet moderate attitude of Sir James Saumarez, even when she had been forced by France to declare war against Great Britain.

  29. Fred had invested four thousand dollars in the latter kind of property, and his life was insured for ten thousand more.

  30. It should be insured against every mischance.

  31. It did more, it insured our intellectual independence of the old world.

  32. To enable the public to recover, either in the case of delay or loss, the full value of goods, they must be insured at specified rates.

  33. On payment of the two premiums the goods may be insured at the same time against delay, damage or loss, but the indemnity is in no case to exceed the actual loss sustained by the owner through the delay, damage or loss.

  34. Consignments under 5 tons and goods insured against damage or loss must in all cases be loaded and unloaded by the Railway.

  35. It would have been, but for the fact that Norcross insisted upon being insured for the use of his forty thousand in case anything else happened to it.

  36. It was for this that the syndicate insured Norcross.

  37. Yet his commanding officer selected him for the duty--the choice insured his remaining behind when the campaign of the coming summer opened; when there would arrive from the "States" a certain loyal little wife and her seven babies.

  38. Batteries on the point of Humaita, which the Brazilian fleet did not dare to try to pass, insured this line of communication.

  39. The result of that battle insured that the north bank of the Plate should remain Spanish in blood, language, and government.

  40. Urquiza, greatest of the caudillos, saw that without peace and union Entre Rios could not be insured prosperity.

  41. He carried the frontier south to the Rio Negro and west to the Andes, attacking the Indians in their fortresses--a policy which insured permanent white domination.

  42. He reorganised the army on a basis which insured that there would be no mutinies, and at the same time pursued a policy of administrative reform which has done much to bring order out of the financial confusion.

  43. If in her imperial character she exacted obedience, she also fulfilled duties and insured protection to a degree incomparably greater than was ever realized by Sparta.

  44. Though the most determined defenders of the democratical constitution were thus eliminated, Kritias and Theramenês still farther insured the success of their propositions by invoking the presence of Lysander from Samos.

  45. Here it was that Thomas Young made those studies which have insured him a niche in the temple of fame not far removed from that of Isaac Newton.

  46. The championship of Arago insured the undulatory theory a hearing before the French Institute, but by no means sufficed to bring about its general acceptance.

  47. However, his occupancy was at present a good thing for the property, as it insured some return for one portion of it, at least.

  48. A purchaser sought out Anton even before the term, and arrangements were made which more than insured the covering of all mortgages.

  49. The truth is that pity was dangerous, for it was thought no one could have compassion on the sufferings of a witch who was not a dabbler in sorcery: to have wept for a witch would have insured the stake.

  50. If you have not insured my life I would thank you to do it now, if you can on reasonable terms.

  51. He wished his life to be insured for the benefit of his wife and family, but never thought of paying the yearly insurance premium, leaving it for his wife to pay, whom he had left, as far as he knew, penniless in England.

  52. Not the least important result of the war is the fact that it has insured the humane principles of China's territorial integrity in Manchuria, and of equal opportunity for the trade and industry of all nations in that region and Korea.

  53. The Treaty of Portsmouth recognized these principles and the Anglo-Japanese agreement has insured them by a powerful coalition.

  54. The result was, that by constantly offering its contracts to public competition, the Post Office insured the performance of its service on terms which afforded only a fair and moderate profit to the contracting parties.

  55. A lady, as far back as 1825, insured her life for the benefit of her relatives.

  56. You might be interested to know that while in England the risks are practically all insured in private companies, the cost to the employer is less in England than it is in Germany, France or Austria.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assured; certain; certified; guaranteed; immune; insured; intact; protected; safe; secure; sure; undamaged; unharmed; unhurt; unscathed; untouched; warranted