The pope would not at that present determine anie thing herein, but commanded them that were sent, that they should certifie him againe of the kings pleasure and further meaning, in those articles and other touching him and his realme.
And here I will passe ouer to certifie you of strange things, vntill our meeting, for it would be too long to write thereof.
But of all the troubles that haue chanced since mine arrinal in Ormus, this bringer is able to certifie you.
The other newes that I can certifie you of at this instant is, that there is a Iudge of the city of Guadalajara called don Nunno de villa Inscensia lately maried.
It remaineth now to certifie your Honour of the seuen cities, and of the kingdomes and prouinces whereof the Father prouincial made report vnto your Lordship.
I beseech your lordship to certifie his Maiestie of the successe of his voyage.
To enquire diligently after all the noble Acts of the Knights-Companions, and certifie them to the Register.
And also the writte is that ye schuld certefie sine dilatione, and no day expresly yoven you whan to certifie it; wherfor ye may kepe uncertefiet tyl the nexst terme.
Neverthelesse, if ye certifie that ye toke the examinacion with in the yere and day, and sette the day in certayn, your certificat is sufficiant in lawe and shall bynd any of the parties to sey the contrary.
To omit such of these as are not usefull, therefore not to be spoken of, and onely to certifie you of such as be usefull.
Go then good Vawse andcertifie the King Exet Vawse.
It remaineth now to certifie your Honour of the seuen cities, and of the kingdomes and prouinces whereof the Father prouinciall[2] made report vnto your Lordship.
Ther is founde more of other thyngges be the same verdite touchyng other matieris, whiche he will not certifie yet.
Also that my Lord Norffolk shall certifie the Kyng and his Counseill that but if the day of the oyer and termyner stonde, it wole be full harde, by cause the peple is so wylde.
Also that alle knyghtes and escuyers of the same cuntre shuld certifie the same, for summe of H.
Lord of Norffolk that he certifiethe Kyng and his Counseill how the cuntre of N.
Than I told Gonnor that I shuldcertifie a rescuse, and prayd the baly of the hundred that he wold record the same.
Camps said he desired not their lives, yet that he would certifie Admerall Johnson and Capt.
Syam; yet would he receave no pay till his retorne, willing me to certifie your Wor.
I haue sent you by these bearers, penne, ynke and paper to write backe vnto me againe, if personally you cannot come to certifie me of your estate.
Andrewe de Tapia did certifie me, that he and Gonsalo de Vmbria dyd recken them in one daye, and founde a hundred thirtie and sixe thousande skulles on the polles, staues, and steppes.
He also besoughte Mutezuma to certifie him if there were any sure porte or harbor on the Sea coast, where the Spanish nauie mought ride in safetie: he aunswered that he knew of none, but that he woulde sende to make enquirie thereof.
Cortes named and appoynted for Lorde of his fathers estate, and the commons did certifie it to appertaine vnto him.
In Tezcuco met with him a Spanyarde, whome Aluarado had sente to desire him to come vnto them, and to certifie hym of all the premisses, saying moreouer, that with his comming their furye woulde be pacifyed.
And this done, wée will departe, so that you giue vs the golde whiche you haue promised, and certifie you the same to youre Gods and vassals.
Hatherley, to certifie each other how y^e state of things stood.
He should send to his neighbours confederats, to certifie them of this, that they might not wrong them, but might be likewise comprised in y^e conditions of peace.
S^r: I make bould to trouble you with a few lines, for to certifie you how it hath pleased God to deale with us, since you heard from us.
And as ye shall agre therin to certifie me in writinge by Thomas Treffry berer herof.
And that I may haue aunswer as is afforesaide by this berer what ye intend to do I require you to thintente I maye certifie his highnes therof And thus fare ye well.
And of your beniuolent mynd in this behalf, I desire you not only to certifie me by your next writing but also to direct your letters to your vicar generall and to the priour and conuent of your churche .
And as we were discoursing with the Rochellers, we had sight of the ships: whereupon we sent our boat aboord the Rocheller to certifie him that we were his friends, and to request him not to hinder our fight with the enemy.
He sent an Indian to certifie the Cacique, that hee was comming to the place where he was, with intent to procure his friendship, and to hold him as his brother.
They were not able that day to get vnto the ships to certifie them thereof: so I was constrained to stand in the water vp to the shoulders all that night long, with one of my men which would neuer forsake me.
When a tenant appeals to them for protection, they refer the matter to the local justices, with a request to "certifie their opinions of the poor man's right.
And because I cannot personally come to certifie your maiestie thereof, I thought it good to write some part of the same whereby your maiestie may vnderstand the estate of this countrey.
Whereupon I returned backe againe to our monastery to certifie our Father prouinciall of the estate of this new found countrey.
We certifie thee by this our commandement, that the right honorable Will.
After most humble commendations: These shall be to crave your dayly blessing, with like commendations vnto my mother; and withall, to certifieyou of my being: according to your will and my duety.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certifie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.