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Example sentences for "cartilaginous"

Lexicographically close words:
cartels; carters; cartes; cartilage; cartilages; carting; cartload; cartloads; cartman; cartmen
  1. The mucosa of the trachea and bronchi is moist and glistening, whitish in circular ridges corresponding to the cartilaginous rings, and reddish in the intervening grooves.

  2. We are concerned endoscopically with four of its cartilaginous structures: the epiglottis, the two arytenoid cartilages, and the cricoid cartilage.

  3. In the daytime, the Motuca, a much larger and more formidable fly than the mosquito, insisted upon levying his tax of blood.

  4. Egerton, which distinctly exhibits on its posterior margin the remains of cartilaginous rays that bifurcate as they approach the edge, like those in the fin of a fish (see a, fig.

  5. He then cuts out a piece of the cartilaginous rings, about two inches long and about half an inch wide.

  6. The entosternites are cartilaginous in texture, but they have neither the chemical character nor the microscopic structure of the hyaline cartilage of Vertebrates.

  7. In Omphalia, the plants are quite small, with membranaceous caps, gills truly decurrent, and cartilaginous stems.

  8. On account of the cartilaginous stem and the dryness of their substance, some of the smaller species are apt to be taken for Marasmii.

  9. As for cartilaginous fish," Conseil went on unflappably, "they consist of only three orders.

  10. But tell me, are you familiar with the differences between bony fish and cartilaginous fish?

  11. The Cartilaginous fishes here brought together include the varieties of the ray; torpedos; and sharks.

  12. The intercellular substance of cartilaginous tumors also becomes softened and converted into a liquid containing mucin.

  13. Virchow long ago called attention to isolated nodules of cartilage within bones in the vicinity of epiphyseal cartilages, probably detached from the latter, which might serve as the origin of a cartilaginous tumor in this region.

  14. Consequently, it is very suggestive that so distinctively embryonic a structure as this temporary cartilaginous axis of all the other known Vertebrata should be found actually persisting to the present day as the permanent axis of Amphioxus.

  15. Cartilaginous fishes are generally animals of considerable size, their structure ranging from ordinary fishes to eels.

  16. These fins are always nearly of the same structure, consisting generally of a fold of the skin, supported by slender, flexible, cartilaginous or osseous rays, connected by a thin membrane.

  17. These fins, though covered with a thick skin, permit the cartilaginous rays, with their articulations, to be very distinctly seen.

  18. The gizzard has thick walls, and is furnished on the internal wall with cartilaginous quadrangular pyramids, the summits of which intertwine.

  19. This is usually osseous; nevertheless, a whole group of them constantly retain the cartilaginous or fibro-cartilaginous state.

  20. The form of his ears resembles that of man, excepting the cartilaginous part being thin, like the apes.

  21. These twins were united at the sacra by a cartilaginous or possibly osseous union.

  22. One of the most frequent of the fibro-cartilaginous tumors is the "mixed cartilaginous" tumor of Paget, which grows in the interstitial tissues of the parotid gland, and sometimes attains enormous size.

  23. A curious mode of junction, probably the most interesting, as it admits of longer life in these monstrosities, is that of a simple cartilaginous band extending between two absolutely distinct and different individuals.

  24. In this case the neck of the uterus was cartilaginous and firmly adherent to the adjacent parts.

  25. Generally some cartilaginous remnant is found, but on this point the Chaldean record is silent.

  26. Chondroma, or enchondroma, is a cartilaginous tumor occurring principally where cartilage is normally found, but sometimes in regions containing no cartilage.

  27. Some acquire this faculty, while with others it is due to a natural resonance, formed, according to Dupont, in the space between the third and fourth ribs and their cartilaginous union and the middle of the first portion of the sternum.

  28. This latter discharge became more infrequent, the bone being replaced by cartilaginous substance.

  29. They have a soft and elastic consistency, and are usually composed of a hyaline or reticular cartilaginous axis covered with connective or adipose tissue and skin bearing fine hairs; sometimes both cartilage and fat are absent.

  30. The point of junction was about the sterno-siphoid angle, a cartilaginous band extending from sternum to sternum.

  31. The cartilaginous ends of the bones grow rapidly, but ossification does not keep pace with it.

  32. In other joints the bones are bound together by dense, cartilaginous structures, admitting of only limited motion, such as the union of the small bones at the back part of the knee and hock (metacarpal and metatarsal).

  33. The needle is to be inserted about the middle of the neck and between the cartilaginous rings of the trachea.

  34. The lateral processes are small and cartilaginous (Fig.

  35. The cartilaginous processes are of the same proportions as ossified processes in the figure mentioned.

  36. American species of Microtus (genus and subgenus) in which the lateral ossifications are weakly developed or absent (although cartilaginous lateral processes are present) include M.

  37. In the elongate, largely cartilaginous lateral processes of the baculum, the specimen described above resembles M.

  38. Usually, three digitate processes of cartilaginous material in which additional ossifications may occur arise from the terminus of the shaft.

  39. We may also close only the fleshy ends, and leave the cartilaginous ends open; then we speak in a whisper.

  40. They consist of a soft fleshy part at one end, and a harder cartilaginous part at the other.

  41. We have seen that the vocal chords consist of a fleshy and a cartilaginous part: it is possible to let the former vibrate, while the latter is left open, and the breath passing through produces [h].

  42. Vacuolated Endoderm Cells of cartilaginous consistence from the axis of the tentacle of a Medusa (Cunina).

  43. As met with in commerce it is a light-grey harsh cartilaginous body, almost destitute of colour, and having a slightly bitter taste.

  44. Cartilaginous margin of the disk covered by thread-cells.

  45. Otoporpae" or centripetal process of the marginal cartilaginous ring connected with tentaculocyst.

  46. Plates that cover the vocal spiracles in humming insects; and likewise two large cartilaginous plates fixed to the posterior part of the Postpectus, which cover the Tympana in male Tettigonia F.

  47. This part in Hymenoptera, and probably in other Orders, has the aspect of being cartilaginous and fitted to sustain the action of the substances that have to pass through it[1338].

  48. B B), and the isthmus of the thyroid crosses the trachea just over the second and third cartilaginous rings.

  49. Cutting off the large cartilaginous head obliquely with a pair of bone-pliers may prevent an awkward unseemly projection, but it does diminish the strength of the transverse arch of the foot.

  50. When the glenoid is also diseased, mere gouging or scraping the cartilaginous surface will not suffice, but the neck must be thoroughly exposed, so that the whole cup of the glenoid may be removed by powerful forceps.

  51. Its upper extremity embraces the lower surface of the cartilaginous ear-conch; its lower end reaches the level of the inferior margin of the mandible, along the posterior margin of which it is placed.

  52. Then the candidate was badgered about the pterodactyl, and concerning the difference in anatomy between a bat and a bird, and about the lamprey, and the cartilaginous fishes, and the amphioxus.

  53. The University is a great unsympathetic machine, taking in a stream of raw-boned cartilaginous youths at one end, and turning them out at the other as learned divines, astute lawyers, and skilful medical men.

  54. These bones are all firmly bound together by a cartilaginous substance, which is placed between where they touch, and is firmly attached to each one.

  55. The reader will bear in mind that they are naturally connected by the cartilaginous substance which forms the symphysis.

  56. An extremely light, cartilaginous covering of a molluscous animal, so named from its similarity in shape to a boat.

  57. A short tooth on each side of the cartilaginous pit in each valve.

  58. Much later this cartilaginous skull becomes the permanent bony skull with its various parts.

  59. This solid, but flexible and elastic, axial rod consists of a cartilaginous mass of cells, and forms the inner axial skeleton or central frame of the body; it is only found in vertebrates and tunicates, not in any other animals.

  60. This is afterwards converted into a cartilaginous primitive skull, such as we find permanently in many of the fishes.

  61. In the trunk the skin and part of the muscles have been removed, so that the cartilaginous vertebral column is free; the dorsal root of a spinal nerve goes out from each vertebra (towards the skin of the back).

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cartilaginous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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