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Example sentences for "moist"

Lexicographically close words:
moins; moir; moire; moires; mois; moisten; moistened; moistening; moistens; moister
  1. The Ionian wind is pleasantly moist and refreshing.

  2. Any rapid chilling of warm, moist air produces cloudiness and rain or snow; but a cold stream blowing into a warm area will not produce as much rain as a warm stream blowing into a cold area.

  3. The snow is very fine and dry in this altitude, and never packs as it does in a more moist atmosphere.

  4. One day, when the snow was falling in big moist flakes that were so thick that the world had been narrowed down to a few yards around us, we drove to some tall bushes growing on the bank of the slough.

  5. The snow was so moist and clinging, that the small branches of trees were bent down with its weight, and the effect of the pure white on the brilliant greens was enchanting.

  6. The smell of the moist earth and of the dewy young carrot-plants, bruised by my hasty fingers, comes vividly upon my senses even now.

  7. The marbles are velvety and moist with moss, and the maidenhair fern drips lush and dank.

  8. The air had become moist as well as cool, and the steps were green and slippery with moss.

  9. At sight of it my eyes grew moist and I rested my fingers gently upon the white hand that lay against her saddle-pommel.

  10. I lost all power, all desire tor resistance, when I saw you stricken from your horse, and often since my eyes have been moist in thoughts of you.

  11. Dim as the light was, I saw her eyes were moist as she gazed down upon him; but there was no faltering in her voice.

  12. Erelong he will graduate from these moist surroundings, and we shall see quite another sort of being, whom we would not dare to affront by the mere mention of such an ignominious, foamy existence.

  13. This moist brown mass becomes powdery by evaporation, and the puff-ball is now ripe, and intent only on posterity.

  14. But it was still soft moist earth, on which no one could travel.

  15. The women's eyes became moist as they looked at the girl, and the men silently voted Allan Traynor a lucky chap.

  16. Her meditations were interrupted as Tatters came to the porch steps and thrust his moist nose into her hand.

  17. Then with the consciousness of duty nobly done, he sought a corner and mopped his moist forehead with a Lilliputian sheet that he considered a handkerchief.

  18. Dan was not so hardened but what he blubbered in telling it, and Grotait's eyes were moist with sympathy.

  19. She sat silent a long time: then looking up, she saw Jael Dence gazing at her with moist eyes, and an angelic look of anxiety and affection.

  20. With him was tacken the sowme of four thowsand crownis of the sone, whiche the forenammed Schir Raiff and Schir James moist lovinglie had send for our supporte.

  21. But hear followis the moist meary of all.

  22. Whairat the said Johnne[475] abashed, byrst furth in moist abundand tearis, and withdrew him self to his chalmer.

  23. Which proud and blasphemous ansuer did greatlie astoniss us; and yit ceassed we not moist humilie to seak hir favouris, and by great diligence at last obteaned, that the summoundis at that tyme war delayed.

  24. Elizabeth has told me," he said gently, and he looked with a moist eye into the face of the man who, if his plans worked out, would be either murderer or murdered before the close of the next day.

  25. But inside his shoes took hold on a floor moist from a recent scrubbing and soft with the wear of rough boots; and all was dim, quiet, hushed.

  26. Take the other two moist portions of chloride into the open air, and expose them to daylight, and note the results.

  27. They generally arise from handling the paper with hot, moist fingers after sensitizing; greasy matter being deposited on the surface, prevents the toning bath acting properly on such parts.

  28. Take a couple of glass plates and coat them with plain collodion, wash under the tap, and whilst still moist flow albumen over them two or three times, and set them up to dry.

  29. It was tantalizing, but it kept my membranes moist and me from madness.

  30. He could utter no word, but in his moist and frosty blue eyes was a wealth of acknowledgment I could not misread.

  31. They always grow in Swamps, and low moist Lands, running sometimes very high, and being shady, and therefore proper for Arbours.

  32. When the Age of Mammals began some 64 million years ago, Big Bend lay on an alluvial floodplain where summers were moist and winters were mild.

  33. There is killing heat and freezing cold; deadly drought and flash flood; arid lowland and moist mountain woodland; and a living river winding its way across the desert.

  34. You may find a lechuguilla whose blades have died and dried while the bloomstalk is still moist and green.

  35. Although they look dry and forbidding, inside that harsh exterior their flesh is moist and succulent.

  36. The only grass you see grows in a buff-colored strip on either side of the road, where runoff from infrequent rains creates a habitat moist enough for grasses to germinate and reach maturity.

  37. The deciduous Graves oak requires more moisture than other oaks, so you find it putting forth its shiny, dark green leaves in high moist canyons.

  38. These are the ponderosa pines, Arizona cypress, and Douglas-fir trees descended from the moist woodland species that populated this region during the last Ice Age.

  39. The lower part of his body was icy-cold; his clothes moist from profuse perspiration.

  40. With moist the clothes bedews, that verdure cold!

  41. The drowsy air was full of the sweet, grassy, smell mingled with the odor of mint and the perfume of the willows and flags and warm moist earth.

  42. The workmen who employ the pigment in its dry state suffer, while those who use it in a moist condition are probably unaffected by it.

  43. The substitution of moist for dry grinding has proved useful.

  44. Some of the houses are planted with tiny cuttings just lifting little tender sprays above the warm, moist soil.

  45. It plagues again now that I am preaching in a moist climate.

  46. Large patches of English peas in full bearing grew in the moist hollows, or were irrigated.

  47. The Moon, cold-moist and favourable of aspect, tarrieth in each Sign two days and a third of another day.

  48. These are placed in the moist closet in damp air for 24 hours, then removed from the moulds, and placed in water for the remainder of the test period.

  49. These tests are necessary, because of the warm and moist climate of the Isthmus of Panama.

  50. The briquette-making and testing room is fitted with a mixing table, moist closet, briquette-storage tanks, and testing machines.

  51. Impressions of leaves and pieces of fossil wood are also numerous among these rocks and they indicate that there was a warm, moist climate during that period in which they grew.

  52. While desert winds and a burning sun were playing a prominent part in the Grand Canyon region, during the Jurassic Age, other sections of the country were favored with a moist climate and luxuriant vegetation.

  53. Today in the Southwest, cut off from the moist ocean breezes of the west by the lofty Sierra Nevadas and further isolated by the Rocky Mountains to the east, is America’s great desert region.

  54. And while he smiled as he attempted to regard the affair as a joke, he felt his temples get moist with perspiration.

  55. Villefort fell back on his chair, passed his hand over his brow, moist with perspiration, and, for the third time, read the letter.

  56. As soon as she saw him she seized his hand; her own hands were moist and icy cold.

  57. He began by moving his bed, and looked around for anything with which he could pierce the wall, penetrate the moist cement, and displace a stone.

  58. Valentine raised herself in bed, and drew over her chest, which appeared whiter than snow, the embroidered cambric, still moist with the cold dews of delirium, to which were now added those of terror.

  59. Monte Cristo closed his eyes, and seemed again to experience all the sensations he had felt when the coarse canvas, yet moist with the cold dews of death, had touched his face.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    moist atmosphere; moist heat; moist meadows; moist places; moist soil; moist sugar; moist woods