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Example sentences for "membranaceous"

Lexicographically close words:
members; membership; memberships; membra; membrana; membrance; membrane; membraneous; membranes; membranous
  1. Formed in the bosom of the ocean, it is only necessary to behold these singular creations in order to admire the brilliant colours which decorate their semi-membranaceous branches.

  2. The winglets are small concavo-convex scales, of a stiff membranaceous substance, generally fringed at their extremity[550].

  3. De Geer has observed, speaking of a small fly of this order (Thrips Physapus), that the extremity of its feet is furnished with a transparent membranaceous flexible process, like a bladder.

  4. The lepidoptera, or insects with four membranaceous wings, and pterigostea covered with mail-like scales, are very rare in amber.

  5. This arc seems out of the membranaceous canal because it is covered only by a very transparent membrane.

  6. One end almost reaches the lenticular body, and the other terminates where the membranaceous canal joins the folded yellow membranes, m.

  7. Fruit black, oval, crowned with the calyx; one long cylindrical seed with membranaceous epidermis.

  8. One long seed enclosed within the calyx, pentangular, covered with a membranaceous skin.

  9. The large genus Nitophyllum contains some beautiful rose-red sea weeds, with irregularly cleft membranaceous fronds, either veinless, or with a few indistinctly visible veins only at the base.

  10. Each frond projects from the axil of a tooth-like projection of the main stem, and is deeply pinnatifid, with a distinct midrib in the lower part, and thin and membranaceous towards the tip.

  11. The animals are remarkable for a pair of broad, flat, natatory organs or membranaceous fins, from which the family derives its name.

  12. The membranaceous or calcareous substance by which some species of molluscs close the aperture of the shell, when they retire within it to hibernate.

  13. A term applied to a shell or to its operculum which is composed principally of lime or shelly matter, as is usually the case, in distinction from one which is of an horny, membranaceous texture.

  14. Defn: Invested by a sheath, or cylindrical membranaceous tube, which is the base of the leaf, as the stalk or culm in grasses; vaginate.

  15. Any membranaceous expansion, as that along the sides of certain stems, or of a fruit of the kind called samara.

  16. The sorus is an accumulation of seeds with pulverulent albumen contained in a membranaceous covering, the indusium.

  17. In the fungi, the antetype of the Acotyledons, it may be almost said that the whole stem is nothing else but albumen, the external layers of which only cling together in a membranaceous manner, and represent a kind of seed-shell.

  18. It may be membranaceous and thin, or quite thick, or in other cases may be absent entirely.

  19. They are known by their hard or membranaceous character and by the fruiting surface (under surface when in the position in which they grew) being smooth, or only slightly uneven, or cracked.

  20. In the Pelliculosi the gills of the mushrooms are covered with a fleshy or membranaceous cuticle, hence the cap is not furrowed along the lines of the gills, but is torn and revolute.

  21. The cap is convex at first, then expanded; in some species naked and smooth; in others, clothed with membranaceous patches of the volva.

  22. In Omphalia, the plants are quite small, with membranaceous caps, gills truly decurrent, and cartilaginous stems.

  23. In the plants of Porothelium, irregular papillae take the place of tubes, and the plants are sub-membranaceous and resupinate, having the habit of those of Poria.

  24. The capillitium is membranaceous at the angles; spores very large compared with allied species, being 12 mu.

  25. With a membranaceous head of indeterminate shape (Muscidae, Syrphidae, and other Diptera).

  26. To revert to this membranaceous treasure.

  27. Calyx 5-cleft, in fruit surrounded by a horizontal continuous membranaceous wing.

  28. Shrubs with membranaceous deciduous oblong-ovate serrulate leaves, soft-downy beneath, and large short-peduncled flowers solitary in their axils.

  29. Ovaries many, crowded in a spherical or somewhat triangular depressed head on a globular receptacle, in fruit forming flat membranaceous winged achenes.

  30. Scales of the hemispherical involucre ovate or lanceolate, membranaceous or coriaceous, nearly equal, appressed in 2 or 3 ranks, little shorter than the disk.

  31. Sepals 4, in pairs; the 2 outer smaller and spreading; the 2 inner flat or concave, in fruit membranaceous and enclosing the straight and erect ovate flattened achene.

  32. Flowers 3--5 in the same 5-lobed membranaceous broad and open involucre, which enlarges and is thin and reticulated in fruit.

  33. The marginal flowers are usually sterile and radiant, consisting merely of a showy membranaceous and colored flat and dilated calyx.

  34. European annual, well marked by its much enlarged membranaceous and veiny fructiferous calyx, has sparingly appeared in waste grounds about New York and Philadelphia, and at Pipestone, Minn.

  35. A membranaceous or calcareous septum with which some mollusks close the aperture of the shell during the time of hibernation, or \'91stivation.

  36. Invested by a sheath, or cylindrical membranaceous tube, which is the base of the leaf, as the stalk or culm in grasses; vaginate.

  37. A second species, with membranaceous fronds acute at the base (C.

  38. The membranaceous edge of the transformed fertile pinna is attached near the bases of the inferior sori and a fold is usually found pressed against the sori as seen in the drawing (Fig.

  39. Pileus= varying from fleshy in the larger to membranaceous in the smaller forms, but never becoming woody.

  40. It inclines toward the Tricholomata in the somewhat membranaceous cuticle of the soft stem.

  41. The margin is more broadly membranaceous and hence marked with longer furrows than in any other species.

  42. Gills covered above with a fleshy or membranaceous skin, hence the pileus does not split along the lines of the gills, but becomes lacerated with the edges turned upward.

  43. The collar is membranaceous and at first conceals the gills.

  44. But here follows another membranaceous gem of the Aldine Family.

  45. Van Praet doth not occasionally cast an envious eye upon these membranaceous treasures-- secretly, and perhaps commendably, wishing that some of them may one day find their way into the Royal Collection!

  46. In other words, he chose to indulge in membranaceous propensities; and nothing would serve M.

  47. Pileus fleshy in the larger species and membranaceous in the smaller forms, but never becoming woody.

  48. The sporangium has an inner membranaceous peridium; the whole is round, brown, whitish.

  49. It may be membranaceous and thin, or quite thick, or may be wanting entirely, as will be seen in Figure 39; in Figure 40 only a slight trace of the ring can be seen.

  50. Eccilia is from a Greek verb which means "I hollow out"; so called because the hollow cartilaginous stem expands upward into a membranaceous pileus, whose margin at first is incurved.

  51. The stem and the flabby membranaceous collar that surrounds it toward the top are yellow like the gills, the depth of the color varying more with the size of the plant than is the case with color of the cap.

  52. In ordinary corn the kernels are surrounded by small and thin, inconspicuous and membranaceous scales.

  53. Their valves were thick and fleshy, while those of the ordinary form are membranaceous and dry.

  54. Their ears especially are largely developed, being more or less membranaceous and naked, and their sense of hearing very acute.

  55. A ripe capsule is shown at e, with its membranaceous wings, and the cell f open to show the seed.

  56. In its present restricted form, it contains only those plants that have long slender leaves, which are produced in membranaceous sheaths, (see a in fig.

  57. The stems are tubular, and articulated with whorls of membranaceous sheaths, and of slender branches, jointed, and sheathed like the stem at every joint.

  58. Frond composed entirely of branching filaments, which unite and form an undulating, rigid membranaceous surface, which seems like a network of veins.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "membranaceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.