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Example sentences for "normally"

Lexicographically close words:
norm; normal; normality; normalization; normalized; normals; normative; norme; normous; norms
  1. The size of the cylinder and its valve chest and the inclined position of the cylinder indicate conclusively that the valve chest was in the mainhatch, which would normally be just forward of the mainmast.

  2. Some ballast would normally have been placed under the cabin stores, in the run.

  3. But, when one thinks that our trains of association, whatever they may be, normally issue in acquired reactions or behavior, one sees that in a general way the same mass of facts is covered by both formulas.

  4. It would seem only natural to say that, since after acting we normally get some return impression of result, it must be well to let the pupil get such a return impression in every possible case.

  5. This being so, it is surely not surprising that the sexual appetite should sometimes fail to be normally determined, or in other words should be inverted.

  6. The evidence of ancient Greece, schools, prisons, and sotadic races, compels us to believe that normally healthy people are often born with these instincts or else acquire them by the way of custom.

  7. That's when they come for advice to the lawyer, with a servant behind them carrying the documents which normally are kept so secret.

  8. They formed a unit of the sort that normally can be formed only by matter that is lifeless.

  9. His normally sturdy state of health had never prepared him for surprises such as this.

  10. He found that the greatest jumps occurred initially and normally covered a distance of two to three feet; subsequent leaps were shorter but more rapid.

  11. There is normally a single litter of from four to eight young per year according to Bailey (loc.

  12. More were in the open type lowlands than in the forested type, and these mice favored habitats normally bordered by small streams affording moist to semi-aquatic living conditions.

  13. I recall asking him why he didn't accept the renunciation, and he explained that in cases of this kind he normally waited to make sure the man was serious, and also in order to normally consult the State Department.

  14. It simply is not normally done by oversight or by lapse either on the part of the individual or on the part of the Soviet State.

  15. The police would not normally be able to read an American passport.

  16. You say the Americans normally were treated in a special ward in that hospital, or a special section of it?

  17. So that normally you wouldn't issue a passport with that limitation and then let him come right into the Passport Office and reissue a passport to go abroad.

  18. I think that there is an emergency hospital type where he probably would normally be taken, rather than Botkinskaya.

  19. Is that something that you would normally examine and determine under circumstances like this?

  20. I think the existence of a child born in the Soviet Union would normally make it more difficult for a person to secure an exit visa.

  21. If there had been a lookout card in, and then you would reconsider the case in June 1963, when he applied, would you not then normally have notified the FBI and the CIA that here was a returned defector?

  22. But we had an American doctor in the Embassy who would normally be called in on cases of this kind, and if he felt the case required it he would probably apply to have him taken to Botkinskaya.

  23. One obvious reason why rain often follows a battle is that battles are frequently fought in regions where rain normally occurs every two or three days, on an average, whether in peace or war.

  24. On the other hand, it has been known for some generations that the earth has normally a negative charge as compared with the air, or the air a positive charge as compared with the earth.

  25. Normally the air decreases in density at a nearly regular rate with increasing altitude.

  26. The term is also used as the generic name for winds blowing from a warm region toward an area of low pressure in a normally colder region.

  27. Any region with an annual rainfall of less than ten inches is normally a desert, though irrigation or "dry farming" methods may enable its inhabitants to practice agriculture.

  28. The machine is normally designed to operate at a power factor of approximately 70 per cent.

  29. Many days passed,' he says, 'before I could rouse myself from this slothful humour, and it was many weeks before I had returned to a normally vigorous condition.

  30. If this fails to come, he has had only a temporary benefit that has probably tempted him rather to increase {207} the amount that he eats normally than otherwise and will probably do him harm in the end.

  31. Occasionally it happens quite normally that when we are very tired certain portions of our memory at least become vague and indefinite and may even fail to respond to any excitation on our part.

  32. That will not be such a serious thing, for after all I must die some time and my expectancy of life cannot normally be very long.

  33. After all, as the normal pulse of sixty to seventy rises to between ninety and one hundred even in a slight fever, it is not surprising if a pulse normally above ninety should rise fifty per cent.

  34. Maniacal patients sometimes inflict what would normally be extremely severe pain on themselves by burning or mutilation without any manifestation of pain.

  35. The mouths were kept open because they could not breathe normally through their noses, and so respiration had to be accomplished by the only other available avenue.

  36. Napoleon I, whose pulse is said normally to have been about forty, rising during the excitement of battle to fifty, is a typical example.

  37. In the midst of intense mental preoccupation one may hold so cramped a position as would be quite impossible for the same length of time with the faculties normally engaged.

  38. Many obstetricians feel that the babies who weigh much more than the average of seven pounds have probably been delayed in the uterus for a lunar month beyond the time when they should, or at least could have been normally born.

  39. On the other hand, some people normally have two evacuations a day, and seem to require them if they are to remain in the best physical condition.

  40. The mean temperatures for the different seasons are normally about 41.

  41. Many streams that are turned in spring or by summer cloud-bursts into torrents are normally mere water films or dry gulches.

  42. None of the several other weasels, all normally colored, saved by Mr. Wilder from this general locality gives evidence of having fallen a victim to a raptor.

  43. If so, this would reduce the range of apparent variation in size of males from Boquete by half and bring it into accord with the amount normally existing in adult males from one locality.

  44. The distance normally is about 19 inches, representing a regular rate of travel.

  45. In a normally colored animal this area is the dark area of the head.

  46. The only normally brown area is approximately three millimeters in diameter at the anterodorsal margin of the pinna of the right ear.

  47. One is the reduction in number of premolars; p2 is absent whereas it is normally present in the other weasels; P2 has one instead of two roots; and, in relation to the other teeth, m2 is smaller.

  48. Below Wallingford the crossings were either only to be effected in very dry seasons or, though normally usable, might be interrupted by rain.

  49. The net result when the work is done as described is to develop a critical consciousness of methods, without helping the children to enter normally and rightly into the experience of the writer.

  50. Expression occurs naturally and normally only where there is something to be discussed.

  51. It was based on the fact that Duckfoot, who normally ate like a horse except that he did not chew his food nearly as much, was not at all hungry when his meal was put before him.

  52. Everything that normally had business along Willow Brook had fled from the breaking ice.

  53. It is a speeded-up version of the same process of purification that goes on normally in any stream when loads are not too heavy.

  54. More than 2-1/2 trillion gallons of fresh water normally flow down the Potomac in a year.

  55. Defn: One-sided; having the normally central portion not in the true center.

  56. Defn: A drop of the limpid, saline fluid secreted, normally in small amount, by the lachrymal gland, and diffused between the eye and the eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion.

  57. Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing.

  58. Pedagogy) Defn: A person whose intellectual development proceeds normally up to about the eighth year of age and is then arrested so that there is little or no further development.

  59. Defn: Having several leaves; -- used especially when several leaves or leaflets appear where normally there should be only one.

  60. Defn: An extensive division of Coleoptera, including those that normally have five-jointed tarsi.

  61. They are mostly perennial herbs having the stamens and pistils united in a single column, and normally three petals and three sepals, all adherent to the ovary.

  62. Defn: A yellowness of the parts of plants which are normally green; yellows.

  63. Defn: A condition in which the circulation is retarded, and the entire mass of blood is less oxygenated than it normally is.

  64. An uneasy sensation occasioned normally by the want of food; a craving or desire for food.

  65. To operate like a freewheel, so that one part moves freely over another which normally moves with it; -- said of a clutch.

  66. One mixture which we use is a mixture which is normally used against the fruit flies which are oftentimes injurious to fruit, particularly in the east and in tropical countries.

  67. The climate of this part of Bechuanaland is normally so clear, so brilliant, and so exhilarating, save for the few weeks before the summer rains, that this period of heat seems doubly trying to the settlers.

  68. The room in an instant assumed its normally bright and cheerful aspect.

  69. There would be normally a double square on plan, and if fan-vaulted this would give two bays, and two windows to the west and one to the north--three in all.

  70. A University degree is normally required in an assistant and this involves a three or four years' course of considerable expense (see p.

  71. To-day the parents' attitude towards the teacher is normally one of friendly co-operation and respect, with the result that the latter is fast becoming a powerful factor in shaping and influencing the democracy.

  72. Speak naturally and normally always to the deaf child.

  73. Something was wrong with George today, for normally he was fond of children.

  74. Indeed, normally he was fond of most things.

  75. Mating is normally always first on the higher levels of personalities; it first calls itself friendship, nor does it think farther.

  76. Normally a double motive enters in, namely, the conveyance of truth in life, at the same time affording real pleasure to the listeners.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "normally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altogether; average; broadly; chiefly; commonly; customarily; generally; habitually; mainly; mostly; naturally; normally; ordinarily; overall; predominantly; regularly; roughly; routinely; rule; usually