The carnation faded under ringing blows; the petals, heaping in the penumbra under foot, were as vividly blue as gentians.
The hardening metal darkened to a carnation from which chips scattered like gorgeous petals.
The Carnation has been under cultivation for more than two thousand years.
Again, the wordCarnation is from the Latin, meaning flesh, and was deemed appropriate because of the pink and white color of the petals.
The Carnation is allied to the pink family, and consequently is related to the modest Indian pink, the Chinese pink and the Sweet William.
The Carnation is a native of Central and Southern Europe.
The Carnation derived its generic name from the latter source.
That red carnation just suits her," said David to himself, as they talked together.
He was well-dressed as usual, with a green-tinted carnation in his button-hole, and a glossy hat with brim of the latest curl stuck a trifle rakishly upon his head.
The man with the carnation and the resplendent shoes rose ponderously and began to hurry through a fortnightly financial report.
At a moment when it seemed that the band would never cease from troubling the air with the strains of 'Dixie,' Miss Bassett tossed a carnation into the Marion County delegation.
Of course, I need not say that the carnation I wore was quite fresh.
Light tan gloves, a limber walking stick, a white carnation and a bright red necktie—there you have all that was visible of him.
Dry-eyed, a carnation spot in each cheek, she sat staring at the dusty roadside, her slight figure shaking.
Branch and twig and leaf of these made a wonderful fretted arch through which to view the carnation morning sky.
Her half-open mouth was as scarlet as the winter-berries, and contrasted finely with the clear paleness of her complexion, where the eloquent blood flushed carnation at each motion.
In an instant Mary was carnation colour, and the tears sprang to her soft grey eyes.
Nor is it in the garden-beds alone that rose and carnation and hollyhock and nasturtium and delphinium unpunctually but simultaneously sing and blaze together.
Normally, the Carnation is a hardy perennial, but the garden kinds, or Marguerites, are usually treated as annuals.
There are two other places in which Carnation is mentioned, but they refer to carnation colour--i.
Pray you, sir, how much Carnation riband may a man buy for a remuneration?
The tears brimmed over and fell upon a big crimson carnation in her coat, a bunch of which John had ordered to be sent her, and which were now safely reposing in a card-board box in the rack above her head.
She wore a plain black frock, but in her belt one huge crimson clove carnation was unostentatiously tucked.
But on their drive to the Carlton she had become fondly affectionate again, nestling close to him, and then she had pulled out the carnation from her belt and held it for him to smell.
His teachers felt this afternoon that his whole attitude was symbolized by his shrug and his flippantly red carnation flower, and they fell upon him without mercy, his English teacher leading the pack.
He broke his last five-dollar bill to buy a pink carnation for his buttonhole then headed down the sunny walk to the hotel.
He adjusted the fragrant carnation on his lapel in the large wall mirror, not entirely displeased with what it reflected.
No," said Nettie, and swept her half-arranged carnation petals back into a heap of confusion.
Nettie drew a deep crimsoncarnation from the bowl before us, and began very neatly and deliberately to turn down the sepals of its calyx and remove, one by one, its petals.
He slipped a green carnation into his evening coat, fixed it in its place with a pin, and looked at himself in the glass, the long glass that stood near the window of his London bedroom.
I heard you promising him a carnation for to-morrow.
I suppose they have grown tired," he answered, arranging the carnation in his buttonhole meditatively.
You would look perfectly charming in a wig, Reggie, and a cloak of carnation velvet with rosy shadows in the folds.
Then the greencarnation that he wore in his evening coat created a great amazement in their minds.
He was dressed in loose white flannel, and in the buttonhole of his thin jacket a big green carnation was stuck.