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Example sentences for "heterosexual"

Lexicographically close words:
heteromerous; heteromyid; heteron; heteronomy; heteropathic; heterostyled; heterozygote; heterozygous; hethen; hether
  1. There are heterosexual men who are fond of needlework; and there are heterosexual women in whom housework and the care of children, and even in many cases the details of their own toilet, arouse no interest whatever.

  2. From an inquiry relating to eighty-six heterosexual men, who to the best of my belief were sexually normal, I ascertained that in more than 75 per cent.

  3. It is often suggested that it is their repulsion from heterosexual intercourse which leads such men to take the Catholic vow of celibacy.

  4. But subsequently this homosexual inclination disappeared entirely, and my heterosexual development was completed, so that I am now, I believe, in every respect a healthy male.

  5. During the period of the puberal development, the normal heterosexual characteristics come to predominate.

  6. Bell speaks only of cases in which the child-lovers are members of the same class, and he refers to heterosexual inclinations only.

  7. Moreover, homosexuals often assure us that the homosexual inclination has been persistent, and that it has never been interrupted by any manifestation of heterosexual desire.

  8. Owing to the fact that in consequence of the fuller development of homosexuality he is no longer interested in the heterosexual, he is apt to forget any early heterosexual inclinations.

  9. I have, indeed, been able to observe a considerable number of such exceptional instances, both homosexual and heterosexual in character.

  10. On the other hand impulsive feelings which appear with special intensity often come to a surprisingly rapid end, as in the case of the heterosexual attachment of the later manifest homosexuals.

  11. A psychoneurosis very often associates itself with a manifest inversion in which the heterosexual feeling becomes subjected to complete repression.

  12. In the determination of sex, as far as heterosexual persons are concerned, some are disproportionately more strongly developed than others.

  13. These women friends are all heterosexual except one.

  14. If I had thought any relations right and possible I think I should have striven for heterosexual experiences because of the respect that I had cultivated, indeed I think always had, for the normal and natural.

  15. A heterosexual person who experiences a homosexual impulse in the absence of any homosexual disposition is not today easy to accept.

  16. Finally, the persons who turn to their own sex when forcibly excluded from the society of the opposite sex, can by no means be assumed, without question, to be normal heterosexual persons.

  17. It presents what is commonly supposed to be a very common type of inversion, Oscar Wilde being the supreme exemplar, in which a heterosexual person apparently becomes homosexual by the exercise of intellectual curiosity and esthetic interest.

  18. The early heterosexual relationship seems to have been an exception in his life.

  19. Philosophically, then, the homosexual passion of female for female, and of male for male, was placed upon exactly the same footing as the heterosexual passion of each sex for its opposite.

  20. Greek logic admitted the homosexual female to equal rights with the homosexual male, and both to the same natural freedom as heterosexual individuals of either species.

  21. In other words, "Lead a heterosexual life and your troubles will be over, continue as you are now, you'll go to ruin.

  22. Homosexual behavior is normally an expression of tendencies which come to expression even when opportunities for heterosexual intercourse are present.

  23. The heterosexual adaptation is but apparent.

  24. It is important to recognize that though the object of the male in a particular case be a woman, yet psychologically this need not be a heterosexual adaptation.

  25. It may be accepted that both cunnilingus and fellatio, as practiced by either sex, are liable to occur among healthy or morbid persons, in heterosexual or homosexual relationships.

  26. My first case of true heterosexual passion was with a girl called D.

  27. These are economic, social, and political-the right to enjoy the same benefits as members of heterosexual families.

  28. Homosexual Eros has a different finality than heterosexual Eros.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heterosexual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.