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Example sentences for "carnality"

Lexicographically close words:
carminibus; carminis; carminum; carnage; carnal; carnall; carnally; carnassial; carnation; carnations
  1. In our discourse about the carnality that was the cause of the divisions that were at Corinth, you ask, Who must the charge of carnality fall upon, them that defend, or them that oppose the truth?

  2. Surely, modern times present no worse spectacles of carnality than these; and will it be claimed that anything so vile is seen among civilized nations at the present day?

  3. A husband who has not sunk in his carnality too far below the brute creation will certainly pause a moment, in the face of such terrible facts, before he continues his sensual, selfish, murderous course.

  4. And although from his carnality and corporal existence, the conjunction seemeth no nearer than of causality and effect; yet in his immortal and diviner part he seemed to hold a nearer coherence, and an umbilicality even with God himself.

  5. Nor as fornications unfrequent between them both; there commonly passing opinions of invitement, that their Women desire copulation with them rather then their own Nation, and affect Christian carnality above circumcised venery.

  6. He that takes up in a belief of pardon, and so goes on in his course of carnality as he did before.

  7. This earthliness and carnality of our hearts makes them like the earth, receive only the light in the upper and outward superfice, and not suffer it to be transmitted into our hearts to change them.

  8. Hath the regenerating Spirit given thee on purpose a new principle of love, and done so much to excite it, and been blowing at the coals so oft, and shall thy carnality or sluggishness yet extinguish it?

  9. Yet cast not away all because you discover much excess or carnality in your affections; for frequently there is mixture both in the cause of love, and in the love itself of good and evil.

  10. The commonest cause of it is, a carnality of mind (fleshly men will think best of the most fleshly religion); or else a slothfulness in duty, which will make you sit down with the easiest part.

  11. To overvalue the pleasing of the flesh is a sin; and to prefer it before the pleasing of God, and the holy preparations for heaven, is the state of carnality and ungodliness, and the common cause of the damnation of souls.

  12. There must not remain carnality where grace has taken up its abode.

  13. As the Word of God was against the garment of this mixture, so that experience today that is allowed to remain in the heart whereby there is righteousness and carnality dwelling together is forbidden.

  14. As it was scientifically incompatible, the mixing of linen and woolen together for a garment, so it is spiritually incompatible, the mixing of righteousness and carnality in the same heart.

  15. Its carnality has an offset in a picture of love conjugal and love maternal, and its final appeal is one to infinite pity.

  16. The mark of the beast, is the number, or mark of a man; that is carnality or the Beast.

  17. They claim that no thought of carnality ever enters into their feelings.

  18. Aestheticism and carnality are by no means as dissociate as the æsthete would have us believe.

  19. His carnality and cruelty, we are told, convulsed the whole Order.

  20. Act of carnality exercised by the Egyptian Pollinctors with the dead carcasses, saith we want a name for this, wherein neither Petronius nor Martial can relieve us; therefore I conceive the Author here means a venereal sin.

  21. Pride and nearly every other manifestation of carnality were manifest.

  22. Nothing is more natural than the disposition of carnality to want to get up something besides the glorious church of the Firstborn.

  23. Another man, whose carnality was greatly stirred, turned pale, grew nervous, and finally interrupted me with questions and contradictions.

  24. This then is no proof text that carnality is destroyed in justification, because you can not prove that he is referring to those who are only justified.

  25. In this is the destruction of carnality and division, and consequently the unifying of the children of God.

  26. An ignorance and carnality that, in my opinion, has been one great cause of the prevailing Atheism and Deism that now abounds among the children of men.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carnality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    animalism; animality; backsliding; bestiality; brutality; carnality; coarseness; coldness; concupiscence; delinquency; earthiness; eroticism; evil; flesh; immorality; impotence; impurity; lechery; lewdness; libido; love; lovemaking; lust; marriage; materialism; nymphomania; obscenity; potency; prodigality; profligacy; recidivism; sensuality; sexuality; unchastity; ungodliness; wrongdoing