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Example sentences for "procreative"

Lexicographically close words:
procreant; procreate; procreated; procreating; procreation; proctodaeum; proctors; procul; procumbent; procurable
  1. That again produceth a third act, fashionative of another member; which third bringing forth a fourth, procreative of another act.

  2. This will result in killing the sensitiveness of the terminal nerves and end in depriving themselves of the pleasure with which a wise Providence endowed the procreative act.

  3. Red indicates the sun, the stone, the forms of animal and vegetable life, the procreative force.

  4. Red not only represents the sun and the procreative forces (yet black is sometimes used in the latter), but the color carries with it the idea of hope, the continuation of life.

  5. As circumcision is often performed shortly before marriage it has been suggested that its object is to increase procreative power by preventing phimosis.

  6. But the giving up of the body is not imitation or simulation--it is the procreative act itself.

  7. Does not the masculine vigour and procreative rage of these animals naturally point them out as fitting images of the life-giving Nile and the overflowing of its waters?

  8. Then its procreative power became weakened to the verge of exhaustion.

  9. The only "rational" beauty in face and figure is that which stands as the outer mask of health, vigor, intelligence and normal procreative function.

  10. This usually happens between the age of twelve and eighteen; but the period at which the procreative faculty of man ceases, Nature seems to have left undetermined.

  11. Even when the testicles do not manifest themselves, the procreative powers are not the less perfect; and it has been observed, that persons in that situation are often the most vigorous.

  12. For the animal, sexual desire, except when called forth by the conditions involved by procreative necessities, has no existence.

  13. Yet it is equally true that these affairs lie at the basis of the social life, and furnish the conditions--good or bad as the case may be--of that procreative act which is a supreme concern of the State.

  14. Such excesses of procreative fanaticism cannot fail to occur, and they render the more necessary the emphasis which has here been placed on the art of love.

  15. And while it is true that the increase of the best types of citizens can only enrich a State, it is now becoming intolerable that a nation should increase by the mere dumping down of procreative refuse in its midst.

  16. Such an arrangement of the procreative life of women would, obviously, only be a variation, and would probably be unsuited for the majority.

  17. The methods we have been considering, in so far as they limit the procreative powers of the less healthy and efficient stocks in a community, are methods of eugenics.

  18. A family which is small merely as the result of the feeble procreative energy of the parents, is likely to be a feeble family; a family which is small as the result of the deliberate control of the parents, shows, of course, no such tendency.

  19. There remains the field of positive eugenics, which is concerned, not with the elimination of the inferior stocks but with ascertaining which are the superior stocks and with furthering their procreative power.

  20. Primarily, it represents the generative or procreative power, and is recognized in this capacity by myth and custom.

  21. As the more perfect the animal organism the more acute the sensations of pleasure and pain, it follows that in man, most complex of earthly creatures, is found the most powerful procreative passion.

  22. The procreative passion no longer crawls, a hideous thing, but soars aloft, a winged Psyche.

  23. By the "social evil" is commonly understood illicit intercourse of the sexes, a violation of law or custom intended to regulate the procreative passion.

  24. The parts resulting from the dismemberment have a sexual or procreative value.

  25. More clearly recognizable is also the separation of the primal parents, the dying out of the primal being resulting in a release of the primal procreative power for a fresh world creation.

  26. The genitals fall exactly in the middle part and are often made prominent by an added [Symbol: Mercury] as male-female or androgyne procreative power.

  27. Of course he will not let him have his mother, and he gives him no information as to the mill work or the procreative activity.

  28. The father-in-law of the bride has relieved himself of the awkward predicament into which the custom drove him, and now leaves the performance of the procreative function to others accepted by the bride.

  29. The procreative elements, furnished by the male and female organs, after their mixture, compete with each other, by virtue of their inherent forces, for the mastery.

  30. If the ovum be effectually fertilized, it may be supposed that the bull, in procreative activity the superior consort, will be fitted not to reproduce his own sex, but that of the weaker cow.

  31. In the practice of the methods under this class, there is a partial manifestation of the sexual relation accompanied by an absence of the manifestation of the procreative functions.

  32. But also, it may be and often is manifested independently of the procreative function by men and women of refinement.

  33. Semi-Continence (in the sense in which the term is employed herein) consists of the abstinence from the exercise of the procreative functions, while there is a partial manifestation of the sexual relation.

  34. It is needless to refer to the great significance of the Linga puja, the procreative organ of the god Siva, in India, a god to whom more temples were erected than to any other Indian deity.

  35. Richard Andree, "has been with such great unanimity represented by nearly all peoples as the phallus, the symbol of procreative force in the religions of the East and an object of veneration at public festivals.

  36. His highest moment is now the emotional moment when he gives himself up to the woman, when he forms the perfect answer for her great emotional and procreative asking.

  37. But, after all our experience and all our poetry and novels we know that the procreative purpose of sex is, to the individual man and woman, just a side-show.

  38. But he is so only in the service of emotional and procreative woman.

  39. The pairing of these two great cosmic bodies in this wi´-gi-e suggests a procreative relationship between the two.

  40. In the female especially there is a cycle of increased activity just prior to her development into the procreative state.

  41. On the other hand, all the digestive and procreative functions are inhibited.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "procreative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aboriginal; amorous; autochthonous; beginning; budding; carnal; creation; elemental; elementary; embryonic; erogenous; erotic; fetal; fleshly; formative; fundamental; germinal; heterosexual; inaugural; inceptive; inchoate; incipient; infant; infantile; initial; initiative; initiatory; introductory; inventive; nascent; nuptial; original; parturient; potent; pregnant; prenatal; primal; primary; prime; primeval; primitive; procreative; reproductive; rudimentary; seminal; sensual; sex; sexed; sexual; sexy; spermatic; straight; venereal; voluptuous