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Example sentences for "dine"

Lexicographically close words:
din; dinanzi; dinar; dinars; dindon; dined; diner; dinero; dineros; diners
  1. I asked him to dine here the day after to-morrow, Rose.

  2. Is that individual really going to dine and sleep here?

  3. You had better come and dine and sleep at my house.

  4. Nor did she receive the announcement that he was going to dine and stay the night with any particular enthusiasm.

  5. Does she dine out every where, as well as at my sister's?

  6. Edmund and Julia were invited to dine at the Parsonage, and she was excluded.

  7. Mr. Crawford meant to be in town by his uncle's accustomary late dinner-hour, and William was invited to dine with him at the Admiral's.

  8. It is past two, and we are to dine at five.

  9. One warm day in the summer of 1845, several Quaker elders had stopped to dine at the Anthony home on their way to Quarterly Meeting.

  10. I saw him drink no wine, although there was plenty about him, nor did your father and mother who saw him dine at the United States Hotel.

  11. He was to dine at Washington Irving's, at Tarrytown, and then proceed to the Capitol.

  12. The priests dine with the laymen, but do not intermarry with them.

  13. The laymen among the Jains will not intermarry, though they will dine with the Archakas, and these latter consequently have the greatest trouble in procuring brides for their sons, and often pay Rs.

  14. We can play a hand and then we can dine at Cicco's.

  15. There--it is done now, and she is already thinking what it will be like to dine alone with him this evening, and several thousand evenings hereafter.

  16. As it is nearly dinner-time you must all dine with me.

  17. Being on my way to the forest of Dean, my lord, and coming round by Raglan to inquire after you and my lady, I did bring with me some of my officers to dine and drink your lordship's health on our way.

  18. Aunt Dodo, may I come to dine this evening, and have a practice afterwards?

  19. People dine and lunch and sleep if they have time.

  20. I never know what to do before I dine with Mama, whether to eat so much lunch that I don't want any dinner, or to eat none at all so that I can manage to swallow this sort of garbage.

  21. He trusted," he said, "that I should always dine with him during the voyage, but that I should be left undisturbed during all other periods of the day.

  22. I and my wife and son, and the two Craswellers, and three or four others, agreed to dine on board the ship on the next.

  23. Then we began to think of the hospitality of the island, and the officers of the John Bright were asked to dine with us on the following day.

  24. An Englishman invited once A German friend to dine On plain pot luck,--for such his phrase-- And drink some good port wine.

  25. At the appointed hour I went to dine at the governor's, where I found eight or ten officers and the young wife of Colonel Pedeshenk.

  26. Yermak went one day to dine with some Tartar chiefs, and was arrayed for the first time in his new store clothes.

  27. When a traveler wishes to dine upon this article he orders a pot of boiling water and tosses a double handful of pilmania into it.

  28. When we left Ohotsk at the close of day, we took Captain Mahood and the governor to dine with us, and when our guests departed we hoisted anchor and steamed away.

  29. At the close of the interview I received invitation to dine with His Excellency two days later and witness a theatrical performance.

  30. The Colonel invited me to dine with him that day, and stated that several officers of his command would be present.

  31. We concluded to dine there, and were waited upon by a comely young woman whose coiffure showed that she was unmarried.

  32. You made a long speech at the Governor General's, and when you dine with a person of less importance he will not expect you to speak as much.

  33. The monks did not live each man in his own house; they lived in common, with a common refectory to dine in and a common dormitory to sleep in.

  34. Still his doings had one effect; the Lotharingian discipline was broken up for ever, and the secular priests of Wells were never again constrained to sleep in a common dormitory or to dine in a common refectory.

  35. He then told his wife that he would invite the lord of the manor to dine with him on Whit Sunday.

  36. He has invited me to dine with him," was the reply, "and I am going.

  37. I have come to ask your lordship to dine with me on Whit Sunday, and we shall be very pleased to see you.

  38. Do not let that trouble you," said I; "though I dine abroad, my larder is always well furnished.

  39. He increased his assiduities, caressed him in the most engaging manner, made him some small presents, and often asked him to dine and sup with him; when he treated him very handsomely.

  40. Sinbad gave him one hundred sequins more, received him into the number of his friends, desired him to quit his porter's employment, and come and dine every day with him, that he might have reason to remember Sinbad the voyager.

  41. He made a new present of one hundred sequins to Hindbad, whom he requested to return with the rest next day at the same hour to dine with him, and hear the story of his fifth voyage.

  42. Backbac thought he had been carrying him to dine with him, as many other people had done.

  43. My husband is going to dine at his club, so we can keep the dear things as long as they are happy," said Nan with a gush, while the two girls smiled at each other with shy friendliness.

  44. But his father, who hated fads and philosophers, persuaded Seneca without much difficulty to 'dine better', and the doctrines of Pythagoras were soon displaced by the more fashionable teaching of the Stoics.

  45. Caesar could invite Catullus to dine in spite of the fact that such accusations formed the matter of his lampoons.

  46. Elsie and Cissy chattered of some project to dine with Walter, and go to the theatre afterwards, and incidentally Mildred learnt that Hopwood Blunt would not be in Paris before the end of the week.

  47. The one sure way of getting into his black books is to keep his dinner waiting, and he wouldn't dine without us.

  48. I'm going to dine with Chad, if you wish to know.

  49. The inn stands in a large garden, and we dine and walk after dinner under the trees, and watch the stars come out.

  50. I suppose an ordinary member couldn't dine in there alone?

  51. The 'Times' and the Magazines take it for granted that all their readers dine out at splendid tables, and are used to a solemn attendant behind their chair.

  52. Now I want you to dine with me, and I shall have somebody to come who will be a match for you.

  53. If I dine with a friend, I will suffer no questioning on the subject.

  54. Then he moved to go and dress, having resolved to dine in the public restaurant with his American friends.

  55. Therefore, the French Minister awaiting an audience, I rose and left, having arranged to dine with him at the Union Club that evening.

  56. Are people coming here to dine and sleep?

  57. He remained to tea, and he returned there to dine and spend a pleasant evening listening to Nellie's performances on the piano.

  58. Several guests had arrived earlier in the day to dine and sleep, while the remainder, from the immediate neighbourhood, included several persons of title and social distinction who had accepted the invitation out of mere curiosity.

  59. For half an hour he remained chatting confidentially with the Prince, then he left, saying that he should dine alone at the Old Ship, and return to London at ten.

  60. I laboured from morning till night at my work and descended from my chamber only to dine or to be present at mass.

  61. Montespan, and led her one day to the Trianon, another to dine in some favourite convent, an example which brought the crowd to Clagny and made an end of hesitancy.

  62. For a wonder, he was going to dine at home that night.

  63. And I wonder if I shall dine at table with the guests; I never have.

  64. Home, and Mr. Hunt come to dine with me, but I was prevented dining till 4 o'clock by Sir H.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dine here; dine with; dined together; dined yesterday