Yes, I will tell the Emperor that it pleases me very much.
Then the King said to her, 'I will appoint a tournament in your honour, and I will invite all the princes in the world to it, and if any one of them pleases you, you shall marry him.
You can't be serious, your conversation is not the sort that pleases a man, flatters and amuses him.
Nothing pleases him until a vase over the mantel catches his eye.
HELMS [the idea pleases him, considers it, then gives his assent like a child playing a game].
Dear Sir, It gives me satisfaction to find that my account of the ousel migration pleases you.
It pleases me to find that white hares are so frequent on the Scottish mountains, and especially as you inform me that it is a distinct species; for the quadrupeds of Britain are so few, that every new species is a great acquisition.
We find no ambitious ornaments or epigrammatical turns in his writings, but a beautiful simplicity which pleases far above the glitter of pointed wit.
The piece pleases our critics because it talks Old English; and it pleases the galleries because it has ribaldry.
Well, while it pleases me to see you sewing, it brings strange and pleasant thoughts to my mind.
It pleasesyour highness to make a jest of what I say.
It pleases men that fate, which has given us an exceptional position, does not spare us the ordinary sorrows of humanity.
There is but one thing in it that pleases me, and that is the title-'il ne faut pas s'inquieter de l'avenir.
That man pleases me, and when I am no longer a poor musician, I shall call him to my side.
That pleases me; I am pleased when my agents have the courage to speak the truth, and dare occasionally to oppose me.
If the king will not listen to unhappiness when it calls to him for redress, but waits until it pleases him to hear, he is not a good king.
But now, since this pleases you both, I will make the attempt and coax him, and he will not say me nay.
But if the word pleases thee, surely I will follow; but thou must speak when we meet her.
And he sat down in wrath; and at once Jason roused them and uttered his own thought: "Let Argus set forth from the ship, since this pleases all; but we will now move from the river and openly fasten our hawsers to the shore.
And if it pleases thee to know about my fatherland, I will tell it out; for indeed my own heart bids me do that.
Thereupon if this deed pleases thee, slay him and raise a conflict with the Colchians, I care not.
I know not which pleases me better, That my husband is deceiued, or Sir Iohn Mist.
My gracious Soueraigne, How ere it pleases you to take it so, The ring was neuer hers Old La.
Welcome braue Earle into our Territories, Command in Aniou what your Honor pleases Suf.
The better that it pleases your good Worship to aske?
It pleases your worship to say so, but we are the poore Dukes officers, but truely for mine owne part, if I were as tedious as a King I could finde in my heart to bestow it all of your worship Leon.
It pleases time and Fortune to lye heauie Vpon a Friend of mine, who in hot blood Hath stept into the Law: which is past depth To those that (without heede) do plundge intoo't.
Ile warrant you all your Lands, And if what pleases him, shall pleasure you: Fight closer, or good faith you'le catch a Blow Clarence.
It pleases him to call you so: but he hath a Rosalind of a better leere then you Ros.
His comedy pleases by the thoughts and the language, and his tragedy, for the greater part, by incident and action.
All this might be expected from the delegates, but what pleases me still more is the respectful tone of nearly all the newspapers.
That thou shalt learn, or shalt not learn if it pleases thee to stay behind.
Holly, the fool whom it pleases me to cherish, I would bind that right hand of thine in those secret rays till the very bones within it were turned to gold.
It pleases thee to mock me," said Leo, in a vexed voice, "and that is not too brave.
I read to them in the Spanish Testament, which pleases them much, as they have never read it.
A man, though he be considered the worst, has joy, who is conscious that he pleases God.
If that government be the best which provides for the happiness of the greatest number, that art must be the best which at the least expense pleases the greatest number.
Certainly when Eugene Grandon pleases he can bring out many delightful graces.
It is something that pleases him very much, Violet decides, and a delicious interest brightens every feature.
As my path lies west up the river valley, we can, if it pleases you, go on for a while together.
You can hear the little birch leaves and the grasses whispering about you when you lie down at night, and you drive on in the glorious freshness--just when it pleases you--every morning.
The audience in these galleries are very noisy; they clap when anything pleases them, and they have been known to hiss, an indecorum which is utterly destructive of freedom of debate.
While thus indulging they are startled by the apparition of what seems an angel, but what they know to be a thing of flesh and blood--something that pleases them better--a beautiful woman.
We presume he has contracted it through long years of preaching from the coward's castle of the pulpit, where a man can exaggerate as much as he pleases without the slightest fear of contradiction.
He is not free to cast aside the Biblical term of inspiration nor free to minimise as he pleases the "moving" influence of the Holy Ghost in either the New or the Old Testament.
I think there must be some good-looking youngster who pleases you--no?
A man, I feel, should be as free to do what he pleases and to go where he likes when and if married as when single.
It is short a full half-inch on either side, so that the peering observer can see as much as he pleases of what is going on in that room when it is lighted.
You treat me, Sir Julien, as it pleases me to be treated.
Sit tight and say your prayers, if it pleases you.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pleases" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.