To relate how some English bodies have borne out cold, will (it may be) startle beliefe of some, it being so strange, yet not so strange as true.
Howbeit the poore men for all their false Beliefe had bestowed theyr Laboure vppon their owne Soyle, watred onely with the course of their proper Fountayne.
If they should breake that fast, their beliefe is, that they should not come in at heauen gates.
If the Spanish nation had bene of like beliefe to these detracters, we should litle have feared or doubted their attempts, wherewith we now are daily threatned.
But what need I speake of these defenses, when the same Boecius scantlie trusteth his owne beliefe in this tale.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beliefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.